On the Seven Towers

Chapter 737 Black spots gradually appear

Emperor Alfred stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back. Looking out of the window, he could see soldiers and coolies who were busy carrying supplies. Watching this kind of scene has been his favorite pastime since coming to Heimuguan. Whenever he wants to rest his tired mind, he will watch these people coming and going like ants.

Ants work hard to build their own nests, while these busy people build their empire. His ancestors commanded these "ants" one after another, expanding the empire's territory to its current location. Now it was his turn to do so. But after he actually started doing it, he found that conquering was more difficult than he thought. Although they captured Heimuguan, this time they relied on trickery rather than an upright victory. In the subsequent face-to-face battles, although his troops had a great advantage, he did not achieve many victories in frontal battles with the Chinese. This made the young emperor somewhat frustrated.

He made many surprising discoveries about the Chinese, their tactics, their tools, and their organization, all of which made him feel very strange and incomprehensible. These guns and cannons that shoot out metal particles, vehicles loaded with many people but driven by spar, and a dozen mages working together to cast spells. None of this has anything similar anywhere on the continent, nor does it appear in any records or history books.

He felt that he had repeatedly failed in the face of these forces, but this made him believe that as long as he could defeat the Chinese at a huge cost and occupy their Hewan New City, he could obtain these powerful forces. By that time, there may not be any force on the mainland that can compete with him.

At this time, his bodyguards brought in a group of people. Alfred turned around and saw that they were his finance minister, Duke Hanix of Redwater City, military minister, Duke Weber of Brownstone Bay, the great magician Master Edel, and Master Gandas. , and the leader of the Black Guards, Mollet.

"Your Majesty. We are here at your summons." Duke Hanix asked after saluting.

"Has Master Edel finally finished his practice? Has his physical sensation recovered?" Alfred asked.

"Your Majesty, I feel a lot better. The damage caused after the clone's self-destruction last time has basically been recovered." Edel replied.

Emperor Alfred patted Edel on the shoulder and said kindly: "That's great. I have been thinking about the master's injury these days. The Chinese won several victories with us when the master was away. , you are an indispensable help for us to defeat the Chinese. "

"I am willing to serve your Majesty." Master Edel saluted.

"Having such a loyal minister like you is the blessing of the God of Nature." Alfred waved, and an attendant came over with a tray with a storage ring inside. "Here are some The trophies collected from the Chinese who died in the battle include various magic crystals, scrolls and some magic props. Although there is nothing special, the quality is very good. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Edel took it respectfully.

"Very good!" Alfred nodded with satisfaction, "Based on the preparations made these days, the situation around Heimuguan has been consolidated. Our reserve army has arrived at Heimuguan and took over the defense work. I am ready to go out. The date is set for the day after tomorrow, do you think there is any problem?”

Finance Minister Duke Harnix said: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that we have not stopped preparing all kinds of supplies. Personnel, food, and weapons are all in place and you can call on them at any time."

Duke Weber, Minister of Military Affairs, said: "The reorganization of the Black Guard, Beast Breed Legion and Ordinary Legion has been completed. According to the previous plan, we can invest an army of about 40,000 people and attack the Hebend New City. Due to the redeployment of the Black Guard, Guards and beasts, this army is stronger than when we attacked Heimuguan."

Alfred glanced at the leader of the Black Guards, Mollett, who slapped his chest and promised: "Your Majesty, our Black Guards will become a sharp knife for you to break into the Hebend New City! We..."

Mollett's voice slowly dropped in mid-sentence, because he was horrified to see Emperor Alfred's green eyes staring at his neck, his brows knitted together, as if he had seen something very strange. .

"Your Majesty?" Mollett asked softly.

"Morlett, why are there small black spots on your neck...?" Alfred asked.

"Little Spot?" Molliet quickly touched his neck with his hand, but did not feel any protrusions or abnormalities. He looked at Master Edel for help. The latter touched his hand in the air, and a smooth mirror appeared in the air.

Mollett leaned over and looked left and right, and found that tiny black spots appeared on his throat and cheeks. "What's going on? Why didn't I know I had this thing?"

"Does anyone know what this is?" Alfred asked the others.

Everyone shook their heads.

"It looks like some kind of illness, right?" Master Gandas said uncertainly.

"Mollett, do you feel there is something wrong with you?" Emperor Alfred asked.

Mollett was just about to pat his chest to ensure that he was as strong as an ox, when he suddenly felt a little dizzy. He said: "Your Majesty, I seem to be a little weak in energy and feel a little tired. This is the feeling I only felt after getting up today. Although I am busy making various preparations, I don’t feel this way.”

"Please ask a mage who is good at healing to check it out. We will start the action the day after tomorrow, and you must not have any problems at this time." Emperor Alfred said.

"Yes! Your Majesty." Morlet replied.

At this moment, there was a sound of metal falling to the ground outside the window, followed by several exclamations. Alfred looked outside and saw that two soldiers who were carrying supplies on the main road fell to the ground, and the weapons and armor they were carrying were scattered on the ground.

The blood of the emerald dragon gave the royal family members extraordinary vision. Alfred narrowed his eyes slightly and looked over there, his expression more serious than before.

"Black spots? These two soldiers seem to have black spots on their bodies, which are more serious than Morlet." Alfred said, "It seems that this is not an isolated incident. We must go over and take a look."

The emperor jumped directly from the second floor through the window, and then lightly jumped in the direction where the soldiers fell. The ministers around him did not dare to neglect it, including Morlet who was still "looking in the mirror", and jumped out of the window one after another and chased in the direction of the emperor.

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