On the Seven Towers

Chapter 738 Black Disaster

Emperor Alfred squatted next to the two fallen soldiers and reached out to look at their chins. He instinctively did not touch the two men with his fingers. His blood gave him an intuition that the blood in this man was The black spots are very dangerous things, and if touched forcibly, it is likely to cause harm to the emperor himself. So his nails slowly grew longer and turned into a protruding claw tip. He used his nails to repeatedly move the heads of the two warriors to see the black spots clearly.

The surrounding soldiers knelt on the ground, and even many officers and stewards who were not in this position came over one after another. They were also curious as to why His Majesty the Emperor suddenly appeared here and observed two ordinary soldiers lying on the ground.

The subsequent guards and ministers finally arrived one by one. The guards quickly formed a circle and drove out the kneeling soldiers around them.

"Your Majesty, let us check. Your behavior... may cause others to speculate." Master Gandas said.

Alfred said: "What's the matter? It's normal for me to care about my soldiers. In fact, the problem now may be more serious than we thought. I can almost confirm that this black spot is a very serious disease, Mollett and the two soldiers had contracted it.

This disease can make my holy bloodline feel an instinctive danger, which means that if it is not handled carefully enough, it can cause us huge losses. "

"Your Majesty! Is it so serious?" Several ministers asked at the same time. They all knew that the Emerald Dragon bloodline is a very sensitive bloodline. If His Majesty the Emperor has such a premonition, it is likely that this is the case! "

Master Gandas carefully observed and compared the black spots on the soldier's face. These black spots were already the size of coins and slowly connected into one. He asked: "Could it be said that Mollet is still in the early stage of the disease?" , and the situation of these two soldiers has become more serious."

"It's very possible." Alfred said, "Now put these two soldiers into two rooms alone and send a healing mage to check them. Others go to notify all the troops in Heimuguan to see Does anyone else have such symptoms of black spots? Anyone who has such symptoms should be sent together to collect them. ”

"Your Majesty, what about me?" Mollett pointed to himself.

"You just go pick a big house and turn it into a place for patients. You are responsible for the order in the room. Master Edel is responsible for the outside." Alfred ordered.


The search arranged by the emperor soon yielded results. To their surprise, more than fifty people with black spots starting to appear on their bodies had been found in Heimuguan.

But what happened next quickly shocked them even more. In a black guard barracks, they found two people whose bodies were covered with black patches.

And they were Erestor and Figueras who had just lost the battle the day before yesterday and escaped back to Blackwood Pass.

The two people were lying in bed unable to get up. According to them, they felt that their physical condition was not right after they came back yesterday. Today, their bodies suddenly turned black and soft, and they were no longer able to support any movement.

If it weren't for the searchers who couldn't knock the door open and smelled a strange smell coming from inside. They may die in their bed without knowing it.

Seeing the state of these two people, Alfred knew that the power of this disease was more powerful than he imagined. In more than two days, it could completely render a mid-level mage and a low-level warrior incapacitated and turn them into corpses. Two puddles of soft mud, which is simply unheard of.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid this is a disease that can be transmitted from one person to another. If these two people contracted this disease when they met Chinese people, then today is only the third time that they have contracted the disease. God. So many people have begun to get sick now, and the situation tomorrow and the day after tomorrow... is really unpredictable!" Gandas said.

"The Chinese... do you think it is possible that the Chinese deliberately infected them with this disease?" Alfred asked.

Gandas nodded slowly and said: "It is very possible. If my army is much smaller than the enemy in number, I will definitely try every means to reduce the enemy's number. Plague is undoubtedly a simple and effective method."

"These people are ruthless enough to be our formidable enemies. I even admire the people who came up with this idea."

"His Majesty's mind is truly admirable."

Emperor Alfred waved his hand and ordered: "Let everyone return to their barracks. Now under the supervision of my personal guards, a blockade will be implemented. Anyone who has no reason to run around will be killed without mercy."

He suddenly thought of something, grabbed the finance minister, Duke Harnix, and asked: "How many of the teams transporting supplies left here yesterday and today?"

Hanix was stunned and said nervously: "There are about three to four caravans every day, but the specific number needs to be checked by my deputy."

"Go and investigate immediately. After the investigation is completed, tell the Black Guards and ask them to send people to chase them. All teams must return to Heimuguan and accept our investigation. Any villages and towns they pass through... let everyone in the villages and towns also go to Heimuguan. Come."

Duke Hannix nodded solemnly and said: "Your Majesty, I understand. I will bring everyone here without leaving a trace, and deal with all those who don't come on the spot. I will let our people burn all the corpses, and I will definitely kill them all." Don’t let this plague spread into the empire.”

"Very good. I believe you can do it. As long as it is discovered early and handled well, I don't believe that just one disease can cause us much damage."


However, the news that came the next day surprised Alfred.

"What do you two mean to say that a healing mage can't treat this disease?"

"Yes." Gandas and Edel nodded together. Next to them, there was a middle-aged man, Rodman, the high-level mage with the highest level of treatment in Heimuguan. "We used many kinds of Methods, healing magic, alchemy potions, and even the doctor's herbal medicine, except that magic can slightly delay the progression of the disease, have no effect at all, but even with magic treatment, the patient's condition has not improved. If you are a magician or a warrior, you can last longer, but it is difficult for ordinary people to endure it. The condition of several people who fell ill yesterday has exceeded that of Erestor and Figueras, and two of them are already very difficult. It’s over tonight.”

"How many sick patients are there now?" the emperor asked.

Gandas and Edel looked at each other and spit out a number: "460 people!"

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