On the Seven Towers

Chapter 776 Three Things

Metatron, who had been silent, said: "As a war angel, I feel really strange when I hear you talking about God like this. Only outsiders like you dare to talk about God's character like this and regard him as a human being."

Xiao Chen said: "In your eyes, is the God of Nature a God or a powerful person?

"God is God. No matter how you compare him, his power is there. Just like Mei Tiantian said, he can mobilize nearly half of the magic power in this world. What a terrible thing. If a person can do this, we can't regard him as a human being. Under such power, things that were originally weaknesses are no longer weaknesses. "

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "I thought you no longer looked up to the gods since the fall of the God of War. "

Metatron's face was not smiling: "I have long stopped worshipping God, but even for the God of Nature, I will maintain appropriate awe. This will always make me aware of what kind of power I will face. Then have the awareness of sacrifice at the critical moment. "

Xiao Chen sighed and said, "I know that Mei Tiantian exaggerated the role of weakness, and also guessed the value of my spatial ability from the most optimistic perspective. But if not, how can we give us enough fighting spirit?

We are not short of people who regard the God of Nature as an insurmountable peak, so the attitude of looking at him as a person should also have its value, right? "

Xiao Chen called Mei Tiantian's mother, selected some of the content that could be said, and roughly explained to her what happened today. He did not hide the fact that the soul fragments of Mei Tiantian in another world merged with her, and thought that her mother would be very worried about Mei Tiantian's condition.

Unexpectedly, her mother said: "I have understood that Tiantian will not be an ordinary person in this life. I have been in this world for a while, and I also understand that it is a luxury to be an ordinary person here. Only by constantly improving strength can a person's greatest guarantee. She will definitely go very high and far in the future, and I can't hold her back.

The other Tiantian is also my daughter, and I believe she will help Tiantian fight for a better destiny. "

Xiao Chen was very impressed and asked her to send Mei Tiantian back quickly. He also arranged for a staff member to help her take Mei Tiantian away, but the mother refused help and picked up Mei Tiantian herself and walked out of the room.

"I still remember the way her mother dug her out of the rubble and sent her to the hospital. What impressed me most was the pair of bloody hands, which were full of wounds and bruises. That was the result of turning over so many stones and cements. With such a mother, it's no wonder that Mei Tiantian can become a demigod. "Xiao Chen looked at her struggling back and said, "In fact, she didn't have to refuse help. "

Metatron said: "Maybe she just knows that such opportunities are getting fewer and fewer. ”


Xiao Chen and Mei went to the prison to check on the interrogation of Jiang Yitian and Cole. The two had gone through several rounds of surprise interrogation, including the use of magic to detect their consciousness to determine that they had no more accomplices in Hewan New City.

Guo Chengde, who was temporarily in charge of the interrogation on behalf of the intelligence officer, said: "That Cole was quite cooperative. We basically found out that they had no backup assassins and no further actions. But Jiang Yitian refused to explain what he did in this attack. He already knew about Chang Lin's death, and he put a lot of things on Chang Lin, putting himself in a position of being deceived. "

Xiao Chen said: "What about the magic detection? Have you checked his consciousness?"

Guo Chengde handed him a stack of interrogation records and said: "After all, Jiang Yitian is a high-level mage. The mage responsible for invading his consciousness is as powerful as him. It is difficult to break through his mental defense and get any useful information. Most of the things found now are fragmentary and can't explain anything. "

Xiao Chen quickly flipped through the records, then handed them back to Guo Chengde and said, "Let me go meet him."

Mei asked, "Are you going to explore his consciousness yourself?"

Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "This method has limited effect on high-level mages. I have another idea."

The two were taken to Jiang Yitian's cell by Guo Chengde. This was just an ordinary prison, so a magic seal was drawn on Jiang Yitian's head and neck. After a long time, the two people in and out of the prison exchanged positions. Even Xiao Chen felt that it was a bit of fate.

The swelling on Jiang Yitian's face has not subsided. After his consciousness was explored, his expression seemed a little dazed, but he still didn't seem to give up hope. Although he had learned about Chang Lin's death during the interrogation, there were several committee members who were allies with him besides Chang Lin. As long as they could intervene, he might not have no chance of getting away with it.

"Are you here to act like a winner?" Jiang Yitian saw Xiao Chen coming in and said bluntly, "I tell you, I won't say anything. You are really good at dealing with your own people now. You can use magic to detect thoughts at will, but what can you find out? Nothing! Nothing! "

Xiao Chen said with a smile: "Our own people? You must have forgotten. Half a day ago, you and Cole came to kill me? Do you think I am really your own person?"

"I am just a guide. Chang Lin asked me to lead the way. I don't know what they will do." After saying this, Jiang Yitian lowered his head and acted unwilling to cooperate.

Mei asked: "Are you really not going to use magic?"

Xiao Chen waved his hand, walked to the bars of the cell, squatted down and approached Jiang Yitian who was sitting on the ground, "I have three things to tell you. First, you may not know the people who died in the conference center. I will tell you a few names."

Next, Xiao Chen called out a few names, and Jiang Yitian suddenly raised his head, his face pale and frightening. These are important allies of Chang Lin and Jiang Yitian. Every time Xiao Chen called out a name, his hope was reduced.

After Xiao Chen finished calling out the names, Jiang Yitian murmured: "Impossible, how could this be?"

"You think it's strange, right?" Xiao Chen smiled, "I have a second thing to tell you now. After Chang Lin died, I performed soul interpretation magic and knew where some of his files were stored. I haven't had time to see it yet, but after I go there tomorrow, I will surely find a lot of things related to you, right?"

Jiang Yitian gritted his teeth and didn't speak, but Xiao Chen could clearly see that his hands and feet were shaking.

"The last thing is that I am already a great magician. Just because they couldn't find something just now doesn't mean I can't find it. However, I have always been a bit rough when casting spells, and Chu Ying couldn't make it last time. Now I want to give you one last chance, so that you can reconsider whether to confess obediently." Xiao Chen raised one hand to cast a spell, passed through the railing, and slowly approached Jiang Yitian's head.

Jiang Yitian gritted his teeth and watched the hand getting closer and closer, and seemed to want to hold on. But just when Xiao Chen's hand was about to touch his forehead, he suddenly jumped up from the ground, turned over and stepped back several steps.

Jiang Yitian said in panic: "I'm telling you, I'm telling you, don't do it, I'm telling you."

Xiao Chen stood up, patted his clothes and said: "How can you talk like I'm going to beat you up."

He turned around and left the room with Mei, because looking at Jiang Yitian's look, he knew that he was broken.

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