On the Seven Towers

Chapter 777 Handover Moment

At dawn, Xiao Chen came to the inpatient department of Hewan New District Hospital, where the wounded of the attack were placed. Mei did not come with him, but went to inspect the city defense.

He fought for half a day and was busy all night. If it were not for his mental and physical strength far exceeding that of ordinary people, he would definitely not have been able to hold on until now. The cool breeze in the early morning blew from the gap between the two buildings of the discharge department and the outpatient department, making him feel very comfortable, with a feeling of exhaustion blowing away with the wind.

In this city, there are still many people who don’t know what happened yesterday. For them, this is the beginning of another ordinary day, but for others, their world has been turned upside down.

Xiao Chen feels that life is always like this. At any time, you may be picked up and thrown onto a distant train, heading in a completely different direction. The so-called strong are just some people who have learned to rob and jump trains. But what about him? It seems that he was forced to get on a whistling train without knowing it.

Guo Qian's ward was on the third floor. When Xiao Chen knocked on the door and entered, he was sitting on the bed, staring blankly at the glow outside the window. Guo Qian was not seriously injured. He was protected by several special agents of the Intelligence Department during the attack. The shield cast by the magician and the defensive props he carried helped him resist several attacks. In the end, he only broke his thigh bone and had a burn on his waist. He was a very lucky one among the committee members. But the blow he received from this incident made him feel much more depressed.

Guo Qian noticed that Xiao Chen entered the room, but he didn't turn his head and still looked out the window, "Xiao Chen, do you think I am not suitable to lead everyone forward in this world?"

Xiao Chen took a few steps forward and walked to Guo Qian's bedside. He looked out along his line of sight. There were red clouds on one side of the outpatient building, and above the red clouds was a blue sky. The scene was beautiful, but it was hard to tell whether it was morning glow or evening glow.

"Chairman Guo, what are you talking about? If it weren't for you leading us, we wouldn't be here today." Xiao Chen said.

Guo Qian shook his head, "No, I don't think so. I haven't fallen asleep since I came here yesterday. I seemed to have returned to the very beginning. I began to recall many things that happened here. In fact, I could have done better.

I have actually lived a simple life. I studied hard when I was a child. I went abroad to study when I had the opportunity in college. When the country had policies, I returned to teach. Finally, I was placed in this position of vice president. This is not necessarily an expectation of my ability, but it just happens that I am such a person with the right qualifications. In school, things are not that difficult. I am in charge of The job was not too stressful. Some emergencies could be solved through the connections of old classmates and old friends, so I have been living smoothly over the years.

But here... it is really too difficult to lead a group of people to build a territory or even a country from scratch. I used to have this feeling, and I would just keep it to myself and try to work hard. But I know very well that my ability is limited, and I have been forced to do this. Today's incident, the people who died today..." Guo Qian's eyes turned red when he said this, and tears could not stop flowing down his wrinkled face.

Xiao Chen suddenly realized that Guo Qian had aged a lot compared to when he came here two years ago. He comforted him, "Chairman Guo, what happened today is not your fault."

"Excuse me." Guo Qian wiped his tears and said, "How can it not matter? Think about it, is the reason for this incident the imperialists? No! Flies don't bite seamless eggs. If we can handle the internal relationship well and unite everyone, this situation will not happen."

"Principal Guo, you can't ask yourself this. Cliques and factions may appear anywhere in the world. It is not surprising that people like Chang Lin, Jiang Yitian, and Zhang Hong appear here. Introducing external forces to break the internal balance has always happened. As long as there are interests, there will be such conflicts of interest everywhere?" Xiao Chen said.

Guo Qian said: "But they do this because their interests are inconsistent with ours. We have developed during this period of time, but we don't have enough common interests with these people, so these things happen, right?"

"It's desire, not interest." Xiao Chen argued, "Interests can be distributed and coordinated, but desires... desires are hard to satisfy. For such people, can you really satisfy them by giving up more interests?"

Guo Qian's eyes met Xiao Chen's, "I'm sorry, I have been thinking about these things from yesterday to this morning. Maybe I'm a little too stubborn. But I must admit that I am not good at dealing with these things. I can be a scholar, and I can lead a team steadily. But I am really not suitable to be a pioneering leader. This time something like this happened again, so I have a decision..."

"Principal Guo, you are..." Xiao Chen had a premonition of what the other party was going to say.

"It's time for me to step down. After something like this happened, I should have resigned as the chairman of the committee. The senior members of the committee are either dead, injured, or no longer in Hewan New City. But we can't be without someone to take charge of affairs here. I would like to ask you to take charge of the affairs of the committee temporarily and serve as the acting chairman of the committee."

"Me? Chairman Guo, now is the time to stabilize people's hearts, please don't do this. It may cause unrest in the entire territory." Xiao Chen said seriously.

"I know. So for now, I will declare to the public that I am just recuperating from injury. My work in the committee will be temporarily replaced by you. I will stand behind you." Guo Qian looked very calm, and it was obvious that he had not made this plan. It's not impulsive, "but people in this city have to get used to a new face leading everyone forward. You should also know that apart from you, there is no more suitable candidate in terms of qualifications, strength, and character." . I hope you won’t shirk and take up your responsibilities.”

Xiao Chen suddenly remembered what Metatron said to him before. Is this the opportunity for change she said at that time? She would be happy to see someone take on such a position herself. Not only her, but many other ethnic groups related to him in the territory would be happy to see this.

"I realize that my role is to lay a solid foundation for those of you who are coming after me. Now it seems it's time to pass the baton." Guo Qian took his hand and patted it.

"I understand, I will try my best to do a good job." Xiao Chen nodded solemnly.

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