On the Seven Towers

Chapter 778 Two options

After Xiao Chen took over as chairman of the acting committee, the transition was unexpectedly calm. He found little opposition either within or outside the committee. When the attack was notified to various major cities and strongholds, most places expressed anger and condemnation of the attack, and also expressed recognition and congratulations to Xiao Chen's agency.

This made his initial anxiety slowly dissipate. Xiao Chen did not change the format in which committee members were elected by various departments, nor was he eager to supplement the committee's formal staff. Instead, he separately discussed with those departments that had suffered casualties in the attack. Later, some alternate members were added to temporarily replace those who were injured or killed.

Basically two days after the attack, the commission's operations were basically back to normal. But at this time, Xiao Chen received an emergency notification from Suero.

On the other side of the communication array were Wang Jiyuan and Luo Ling. The news they brought to Xiao Chen surprised him.

"You said that the Imperial people formed a team of patients suffering from black water disease and carried out raids on various towns under our rule?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Yes. Originally, we were planning to take advantage of his illness to kill him, and were already preparing to start the battle to recapture Heimuguan. But we didn't expect that the enemy would be so frantic that they released all the patients. Some of these teams were large, and some were small. The scale was huge. The larger ones often have fighting spirit warriors, bloodline warriors or mages, which are not easy to deal with. The smaller ones have little combat power, but even a few unarmed patients rushing into our town can cause a catastrophic blow to us. The scout team intercepted and eliminated several such teams, but more of them have slipped through our defenses and moved towards the interior of our territory." Wang Jiyuan's voice sounded surprisingly serious, which showed the seriousness of the situation, "The enemy has made it clear. It depends on how we deal with it, not only the lives of civilians in our villages and towns, but also the lives of their own soldiers."

"Do you have any plans?" Xiao Chen asked.

The other side of the communication circle suddenly became quiet, and it took a few seconds for Luo Ling's voice to be heard: "From Suero's point of view, we actually want to choose from two options. The first option is naturally that we also integrate We send troops to pursue these people, especially our cavalry troops, high-level mages and great magicians, who are definitely faster than them infiltrators. We have the advantage in the number of mages and can use the Mage Eyes to search in a wide range. Traces of the enemy's march, and then catch up and destroy each one. And as far as we know, the enemy's largest operational unit is the imperial detachment, with more than a hundred people. Generally, small villages and towns cannot resist such a team, but a cavalry company. A high-level special operations team or a great magician can defeat such an enemy army, but those small groups of enemies that started out in pieces or were defeated were a bigger problem. It will take too much time for our team to pick out and eliminate these enemies one by one. By the time we eliminate the enemies inside, the best opportunity to attack Heimuguan will have passed. "

After hearing this, Xiao Chen did not give a direct evaluation, but asked: "What about the second method?"

This time it was Wang Jiyuan who continued: "The second method is the plan proposed by someone in our military. To put it simply, you fight yours and I fight mine. Our main force in Suero, regardless of these infiltrations, Instead of using the sick soldiers to concentrate their efforts on attacking Heimuguan, according to the battle plan, it will take at least one week to ten days from setting off from Suero to attacking Heimuguan, clearing out the enemies inside, and stabilizing the defense of Heimuguan. There are many enemies in Heimuguan, and apart from the defensive forces, we should not have any extra strength to deal with the infiltrating enemies. "

"Then what arrangements are we going to make for our town in this plan?" Xiao Chen asked.

Wang Jiyuan said: "Since there are no additional troops sent for defense, the villages and towns under our jurisdiction should immediately organize a retreat and march to large towns with defense capabilities. In view of the characteristics of blackwater disease, we expect that most of these soldiers will become ill within a week, and then Without mobility and combat effectiveness, this tactic will collapse as long as they are not given a chance to spread.”

After listening to Wang Jiyuan's narration, Xiao Chen asked: "But, have you considered that not all residents have time to evacuate? Even if they evacuate, they must be dragging their families with them, and their movement speed is very limited. Such a team will be Will the soldiers catch up easily? How many sacrifices will be made in the process?"

"This is difficult to estimate in advance, but it is an unavoidable sacrifice in war." Wang Jiyuan said.

"So...how many of the family members of our Guards soldiers will bear such sacrifices?" Xiao Chen asked sharply, "On the other hand, even if they fled to the towns, where are the farmlands? Where are the mines? Where are the factories? They Neither our family property nor our property can be taken away. The enemy can burn them all, smash them all, and rob them all, and they can bankrupt them all. If we go back, we will only see a ruined village. "In the central and even southern parts of the Territory, all that has been built will be destroyed and we will be plunged into a prolonged economic recession."

Wang Jiyuan on the other side of the communication array fell into silence.

Xiao Chen chased after him: "If we do this in the end, what will these residents think of us? We said very well that the Guards are soldiers who can protect their families and country, and can protect their lives and interests. But things are coming. , but the guards are busy fighting, asking them to escape on their own. If this battle is fought well, Heimuguan will be won, but the people's hearts will be lost. "

Luo Ling said: "In fact, this plan was not proposed by Commander Wang, but by several staff officers. Commander Wang did not agree."

Xiao Chen said: "I understand, but the people who made this plan must have forgotten that the purpose of the Guards is to protect our people. As long as the people are in danger, this is always the first priority to be solved. Otherwise, one day, it will gradually degenerate to the level of its enemies."

Luo Ling said: "But the problem of Heimuguan is indeed difficult to solve. According to the plan proposed by our civil affairs system, by the time we attack Heimuguan, I am afraid that Emperor Alfred will have completely solved the black water disease, and those patients should have recovered."

Xiao Chen said: "The solutions are all thought out. Both of you have your own advantages and difficulties. It's just that our strength is not enough and it seems stretched. Speaking of more manpower, I have an idea."

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