On the Seven Towers

Chapter 786 The General's Thoughts

Luo Ling had noticed this general in the air. The team he led was of average strength, but he was still able to stabilize the team under such a disadvantage, which showed that he was an extraordinary imperial general.

Luo Ling also saw that this man had some strange thoughts. Whether it was a breakout to the mountain or a trial across the river, he seemed very undecided. If the imperial warriors on the periphery still died from the unprepared surprise attack at the beginning, then more often died from the general's indulgence. If If he commanded them like he controlled those around him, this army shouldn't have been crushed so quickly.

Luo Ling felt that he didn't care about the troops under his command at all. He was just observing, just like she was observing the leader of the imperial army, who was also observing what kind of enemy attacked them.

Peripheral shooting has been difficult to kill the Imperials hiding behind various bunkers.

Song Hongyang asked some soldiers to hold swords and shields to protect the soldiers equipped with air guns as they walked out of the forest and slowly narrowed the encirclement. As long as the Imperial people dare to show their heads, they will be attacked by gunfire.

Luo Ling also slowly flew over and stared at the enemy general.

Sure enough, when Song Hongyang and his men advanced to the point where a hand-to-hand battle was about to break out, the other general stood up and spoke.

Several soldiers shot at him, but the bullets hit his fighting spirit without causing a ripple.

Ignoring the bullets fired from behind, he stared at Luo Ling in the sky and said, "I am Molliet, the commander of the Black Guards of the Empire. I am one of the only masters of the Black Guards. If I guessed correctly, your Excellency should be Luo Ling." Archmage? I want to talk to you."

Luo Ling asked her men to stop shooting and said in the air: "Yes, I am Luo Ling. It turns out to be Mr. Mollett. No wonder you are so calm here. No matter how many people die under your command, you can't shake your will." "

Mollett chuckled twice, "Your Excellency Luo Ling is not only very powerful, but also so sharp in her words. Can you come down so that we can communicate in a quiet place?"

Luo Ling said: "Is it necessary? If you want to talk, you can say it here. If you don't want to talk, then we will continue this battle."

Mollett said: "But is what the two of us want to talk about really suitable for such an occasion? His eyes swept over Luo Ling's soldiers."

Luo Ling said: "Of course, I have nothing to hide from these soldiers. If you have anything to say, tell it as soon as possible."

Mollett did not want to fall into such a passive situation in the conversation. He said: "Your Excellency Luo Ling, although you seem to have gained an advantage in the previous battle, please don't think that we have no ability to fight back. The reason why I want to talk to Let's talk about it. I hope to get a result that is good for both sides. If we can avoid unnecessary sacrifices, why fight to the end?"

Molliet felt annoyed when he saw Luo Ling looking at him coldly. He reached out and grabbed a cowering soldier beside him on the ground, and threw it in the direction of Song Hongyang. The soldier beside Song Hongyang hurriedly stepped back. I want this person to fall to the ground. Unexpectedly, Molliet injected a burst of fighting spirit into him. While the man was still in the air, it suddenly exploded. Black and red blood covered Song Hongyang and several soldiers around him. .

"Look, this is the trap the emperor has set for you. Every warrior who is about to get sick has this seal planted on his body. With just a little bit of fighting spirit, he can detonate his body. Anyone who is drenched in this black blood will No one in the world can be spared from this evil disease." Mollett turned to Luo Ling, "I see that your soldiers don't have any protection. I'm afraid you haven't told them how terrible this disease is."

"Young man." He looked at Song Hongyang again, "Look at my face, look at these terrible black colors, look at the large black spots on the soldiers around me. In a day or two, you will all look like this .

You are already too close to us. As long as these men of mine explode into such bloody water, you will not be able to escape. Even as we speak, you are all likely to contract such a disease, your body will slowly rot, your strength will slowly disappear, and how long can your soul stay in a body that is about to collapse? "

Mollett said something, expecting how these soldiers would react. But he was surprised to find that all the soldiers around him looked at him like an idiot, and some even had sneer expressions on their faces.

"Don't you understand? This disease will kill you!" Molliet shouted.

"If this is what you want to say, and you want to scare us with this kind of explosion, then I'm afraid you will be disappointed." Song Hongyang said, without even wiping the black water off his face. He dipped a little from his face with his hand nonchalantly and twisted it between his fingers. "This symptom is still early. The black water I have seen is much more powerful than this. If you want to explode, hurry up and do it." Let's blow it up, it will not only save our energy, but also our ammunition."

His sarcastic tone did not offend Mollett, but he asked: "It seems that you are really not afraid of this at all? You have seen it before, right?"

Song Hongyang frowned, feeling something was wrong, as if he had let something slip.

"Your expression has already told me the answer." Mollett's face was no longer angry, and he said calmly, "It seems that the information I collected is true. The plague you encountered in Green Forest City before is the same as our disease, right? But our intelligence personnel found that you have eliminated this disease in Green Forest City. The Tower of China really has the means to prevent this black water disease and also has a way to cure this black water disease, right?"

"So those performances just now were just a test?" Luo Ling said.

"It's just a trick. Fortunately, this young officer is a straightforward person and gave me the correct answer at once." Mollett said.

Song Hongyang said: "What you just did can be regarded as an attack on us!"

"If you are afraid of this disease, it is an attack, and I will just detonate more people to fight back against you. If you are not afraid... it is just a joke."

Song Hongyang looked at the imperial soldiers who turned into pieces on the ground, and squeezed out a voice from his teeth and said: "Joke?"

Molett ignored him and said to Luo Ling: "Now I have confirmed another point. This disease must have been brought to Heimuguan by you. You caught two idiots on the road, secretly let them get sick, and then let them run to Heimuguan.

Of course, the reason for the matter now is meaningless to me. The key is to find someone who can cure this disease. Since you already have a way to treat this disease, we have a basis for cooperation."

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