On the Seven Towers

Chapter 787 Her Plan

"Do you want us to treat you?" Luo Ling asked.

Molliet said: "Yes, we people have actually been abandoned by the empire and His Majesty the Emperor. I have received various treatments and drank strange potions, but this disease has not been cured. The only way , is to transform the bloodline, but if I really accept those bloodlines, my fighting spirit will be useless, and the remaining strength will depend on luck.

What's the point of surviving in that way? The best result is to become a vassal of the Golden Dragon or Bright Lion family, right? This is something I don't want to accept anyway.

So I offered to lead this team deep into your territory for the empire in exchange for a more stable position for our family. Of course His Majesty the Emperor agreed. They all believe that with me here, I will accomplish greater losses for you.

Then I came here to try my luck. Now it seems that the God of Nature is favoring me. It is my luck to meet you, Mr. Luo Ling. "

Luo Ling did not deny that she had mastered the treatment method. She asked: "Then what are the conditions you provided? Why should I cure a master of the empire and add trouble to ourselves?"

Mollett smiled and seemed very sincere, "Because he will become your master! We will join you in a new disguise and work for you quietly. As long as the safety of our family is guaranteed, there is nothing wrong with confronting the empire head-on.

The Empire has abandoned us people, so it's up to us to find a way to survive.

The emperor relies on his blood to be immune to the plague. He thinks that by saying a few slogans about dedicating oneself to the empire and avenging oneself, we can die without complaint. But who would be willing to die if we can live?

If you cure a master, you will get a master. If you cure a high-level person, you will get a high-level person. This is a fair trade, isn't it? "

Luo Ling said: "This is not a good business. The empire will lose you people. If we treat you, not only will we have to invest a lot of energy, but we will not be able to fight for us in a short time."

Mollett was not in a hurry. He knew that Luo Ling was bargaining. As long as there was something to discuss, he said, "In addition to our combat power, you can also get more things, such as intelligence. I am one of the leaders of the Black Guards. Regardless of the I know a lot of secrets about the empire or the kingdom. These are things accumulated over decades or even thousands of years. Your spies are still a little new, so they may never be able to find out about these things.

Also, you know that many of our troops have spread out and infiltrated into your territory, right? As long as I and these subordinates are cured, I can let them go to your villages and towns. If they encounter the Imperial people who come to fight, they can just stop there and say surrender and their diseases will be cured. Then why should they fight? I'm afraid except for a few stubborn idiots, everyone else will surrender obediently, right?

Don’t you think these values ​​are irreplaceable? "

Luo Ling looked at Molliet with raised eyebrows, as if she was calculating his conditions. Molliet was not impatient and gently stroked his short beard with her hand, waiting for the other party's response. He knew his own value well. From the empire to the kingdom, any force would be interested in what he provided. After a moment, Luo Ling said: "Your Excellency Mollett, I have to say that you have very keen observation skills. Before My guess is quite reasonable. Regardless of whether the black water disease in Greenwood City is related to your disease, I do have a way to get rid of this plague."

She pointed at Song Hongyang and the others who still had black water on their faces and bodies, "Most of the soldiers around you have suffered from that disease. Now after my 'treatment', they have completely gotten rid of the black water disease." .

But do you really want to make this deal with me? This is something from which there is no turning back. "

Mollett chuckled and said: "Of course, as long as we join you, we will completely sever ties with the empire.

This time, we had no choice but to make a choice. Speaking of which, if the emperor hadn't given up on us, how could we have made such a choice so easily? As long as you, China Tower, live up to me, I will be a sharp sword that belongs to China Tower. Don't worry, His Majesty Emperor Alfred is not tolerant. He cannot tolerate a traitor like me. "

Luo Ling looked at him deeply and said: "Okay, I promise you. That method is not difficult and can be implemented now. It starts with you, Mr. Mollett."

Mollet asked curiously: "Wait a minute, right here? Don't you need us to follow you to other places? Don't you need help from others?"

Luo Ling said: "That's right, my method is not only simple to operate and has quick results, but it can also be implemented on many people at the same time."

Mollett said: "Wait a minute, I'll give you a candidate, Fuller, come here."

A sturdy young warrior came out from behind him. About one-third of the warrior's face was covered in black. He walked nervously in front of Molliet, glanced at Luo Ling in the air, and lowered his head nervously. .

"Fuller's strength is at a low level and he is only halfway through his illness. This is a typical situation here. Your Excellency, Luo Ling, please start treating him."

Luo Ling looked at Fuller, holding the five fingers of her right hand up in the air. The halo of magic began to gather in her hands. Mollett had no obvious feeling at first, but it didn't take long for him to discover that there was a sound coming from above. The magic power fluctuations are getting stronger and stronger, so strong that it doesn't look like a healing magic. But with his ability to discern magic, he couldn't tell what kind of magic it was. He couldn't help but feel a little nervous, "Your Excellency Luo Ling, what kind of magic is this?"

Luo Ling did not answer, but the ball of light gathered in her hand became brighter and brighter, and the light even surpassed the sun in the sky.

Molliet could feel that this was the positive energy that restrained the black water disease. The empire's mages also used magic with similar properties when treating him. But does it require such a big movement to treat a person?

"Lord Luo Ling, what are you going to do?" Molliet held the hilt of the sword beside him, and the fighting spirit in his body began to burn. When his subordinates saw his appearance, they also raised their weapons.

The shining light of the accumulated positive energy light ball almost covered Luo Ling's figure. Behind this dazzling white, her voice came: "Of course it is treatment. I still stick to my point of view and treat it together." Better.”

After Luo Ling said this, she smashed the ball of light onto Mollett's head, and a brilliant white light burst out, covering the entire river bank...

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