On the Seven Towers

Chapter 788 Extraordinary Measures

The magic that Luo Ling cast had no name. Instead, she had used positive energy magic many times in Green Forest City, and had gained a lot of experience with positive energy. Then, she combined the magic principles of the Source Tower and figured out the magic by herself. However, as a great magician, she had a deeper and deeper understanding of the nature of magic. It was not too difficult to create new magic. In addition, she had a solid foundation in mathematics, so the efficiency and power of this magic were not inferior to those long-standing magic.

Although it looked like an exploding ball of light, the internal structure was carefully designed by Luo Ling. It not only contained positive energy magic, but also combined spiritual magic and dispelling magic. In the patch of light, before the positive energy attack, there was the effect of soul shock, which temporarily made the enemy lose all reaction ability, and then there was the effect of shield penetration, which could tear the shield and body protection fighting spirit on the body of the attacked. Then the positive energy was shaped into a sharp cone of light, piercing the person covered by white light from all directions.

Although a small amount of positive energy magic is beneficial to the human body. However, any magic power exceeding a certain limit will produce enough destructive power, especially when the bodies of these imperial warriors are eroded by the negative energy produced by the demonized bacteria, which are extremely sensitive to positive energy. It's like a piece of rock frozen by low temperature, and suddenly melted by high temperature. The impact of the two contrasting energies caused greater destructive power than before.

When Luo Ling cast the spell, Morlet had already prepared for protection with his fighting spirit, but he was seriously ill and in poor condition, and he still couldn't resist the shock effect of Luo Ling's magic.

He stood in a state of chaos for an unknown period of time. When he came to his senses, he found that the protective fighting spirit on his body had reached an extremely weak point. The positive energy all around him, like an all-permeable dagger, pierced into his body along the weakest part of the fighting spirit.

He had been ill for a long time, and many parts of his body had turned into black water. The invading positive energy and the black water collided, offset, and exploded inside his body, causing his weak body to be repeatedly ravaged.

Morlet felt like he was being tortured by thousands of knives cutting his body. The flow of his fighting spirit was repeatedly interrupted by this extreme pain, and he could not restore his protective fighting spirit to its previous state.

After a moment, he could hardly stand upright, so he had to kneel on one knee and support his body with a long sword to prevent himself from falling.

However, the soldiers around him were in a worse situation than him. The white light obscured his vision, and the pain made him unable to concentrate, but in a trance, he heard the sound of hundreds of air guns shooting at the same time. Those crackling sounds came from outside the white light, and then the whistling of bullets sounded around him. How could the imperial people who were hit by Luo Ling's magic and unable to move resist bullets?

Morlet felt that there was another tingling sensation in his body. He knew that it was the bullets hitting his body, but the fighting spirit was not enough to resist them.

There must be many people who died under this despicable tactic. Morlet seemed to hear countless souls screaming around him.

The damned woman was so cruel that she turned against him without any warning. Morlett wanted to fight back, but he found that he gradually lost control of his body and couldn't even leave his current position.

The white light gradually dissipated, and Luo Ling's magic came to an end. Morlett couldn't tell how much time had passed, maybe only a few seconds, but he felt that he had been fighting against the power in the white light for a long time.

The figures of the Chinese appeared after the white light. Some of them held swords and shields, and some held air guns, advancing towards this side. Less than half of Morlett's imperial warriors had not fallen, and the remaining people were now facing a one-sided massacre.

The previous invasion of positive energy made them unable to even raise their arms. Those Chinese approached them quickly, and then pierced their hearts cleanly with swords.

Morlett saw the young officer who had just spoken to him rushing towards him with a long sword in his hand. After all, he was a master, and he tried his best to raise a fighting spirit, and when the enemy ran three or four meters in front of him, he suddenly burst out. The fighting spirit was shaped into a long cone by him, and it pierced through the young officer's chest.

"Be buried with me, damn boy!" Morlet roared in a low voice.

However, he did not see any fear, unwillingness or pain on the young officer's face, only a little surprise at most. Then something incredible happened to him. The young officer whose chest was pierced turned into nothingness and disappeared completely in front of him.

"This is! What's going on!" Morlet could not understand everything in front of him at all. As a master, he naturally had a very strong perception. When the two sides talked just now, he could clearly feel that these soldiers were just ordinary people, but now the appearance of this officer made him know that he was completely wrong. He didn't even understand what kind of enemy he was fighting against.

No one answered his question, only more people rushed towards him with weapons in hand.

Morlet was like a man who had exhausted his strength and fell into the turbulent waves. He fought hard, like a drowning man struggling in the ocean. He used the advantage of his realm to kill three people who were close to him, but without exception, these people turned into nothingness and disappeared before his eyes.

At this time, a feeling of despair rose in Morlet's heart. He felt as if he was fighting against an illusion. He tried his best, even at the cost of his foundation, and the power he mobilized seemed to be all hit in the illusion, and it was worthless!

However, the damage caused to him by those who rushed over was real.

Morlet fought for several rounds, and suddenly a white light fell from the sky and hit him. The same mental shock plus the surging positive energy magic, this time the power of the single attack was several points greater than the large-scale explosion of the light ball. The positive energy completely broke through his body's defense and raged in his body domineeringly.

Morlet was really unable to move this time. He couldn't even wake up. In the chaos, it seemed that two warriors rushed up and stabbed his long sword into his body again and again like crazy. This kind of damage made Morlet no longer able to maintain enough strength. He fell to the sky, and his vitality was about to be lost.

Before he died, he seemed to see Luo Ling falling from the sky and landing beside him...

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