On the Seven Towers

Chapter 794: Fierce Fighting Outside the Village

Meidiantian saw clearly that the faces of the enemies who rushed over had large patches of black spots. These people were already very sick. It is said that black water disease can reduce people's combat effectiveness. Maybe Osa still has a chance.

"Wu Zibin, Luisa, Linero, don't stand there, hurry up." Mei Tiantian shouted to the others. Wu Zibin and others had just hidden behind the bunker, and finally reacted at this time and began to cast spells.

"Luisa cast a shield for Osa, Linero is responsible for acceleration, and Wu Zibin uses small magic to interfere with the advance of those imperial people. Give me some time, I want to prepare an attack magic." Mei Tiantian finally recovered some of her previous momentum. She assigned the tasks and began to prepare her own magic.

This magic came from the memory of another world. In that world, the inheritance of the Star Tower was the mainstream of the development of Chinese magic. Many ancient magics from the Star Tower were later improved by Chinese saints and demigods. The name of this magic is Star Storm, which is a classic attack and defense magic. It is most suitable for one-on-many scenarios, which is the scenario that Mei Tiantian in another world often faces during his escape. Star Storm is a magic with a high upper limit but a low lower limit. In the hands of the demigod Mei Tiantian, it can be used to destroy the world, but after being simplified, it can be performed by Mei Tiantian here.

Among the various magics taught to her by the demigod Mei Tiantian, this is the strongest attack she can release now. However, due to the problem of realm, it takes a considerable time for her to perform this magic.

Osa rushed forward more than ten steps and was hit by seven or eight arrows, but Mei Tiantian's wind shield was quite effective. Even if the deflected arrows hit him, they were blocked by the stone skin attached to his body. Then Luisa's toxin isolation shield and Linero's acceleration magic fell on Osa's head. He was now shining with several different halo effects at the same time, like a moving torch.

The imperials were surprised to find that there were several mages hiding behind the stones and tree roots, and they were blessing the same warrior. Seeing Osa with magic glowing all over his body, they dared not neglect it and rushed over with swords.

The giant strength and agility left on Osa when he cut trees have not been eliminated yet. Although he does not have many combat skills, he has learned basic fighting skills in militia training. Seeing the enemy rushing towards him, he could only swing his axe and block the opponent's attack according to the posture he usually trained.

The long sword wrapped in fighting spirit and the axe blade intersected, and Osa only felt his arms shake, but there was no expected power gap. These enemies who looked fully armed and very scary gave him a feeling of equal strength. Isn't it said that fighting spirit warriors are powerful, and ordinary people can only fight against them by forming a battle formation? He took the initiative to chop an axe, and the opponent was forced back a step by him, and the magic halo on his arm also flickered. He realized that the reason why the gap between the two sides was not as big as he imagined was because of the enhancement magic on his body.

However, Osa's resistance attracted more sieges from the Empire soldiers. Under the command of the captain, three people came forward to attack him. After all, Osa's martial arts skills were very limited. When the other two people pressed forward, he began to have difficulty dealing with it. After three or four moves, he was stabbed on his calf and upper arm. If it weren't for the protective magic on his body, these two hits would make him lose his combat effectiveness.

The captain of the Empire team saw that this person's power came purely from the blessing of magic, and it had no value at all, so he led the others to bypass him and rushed to Mei Tiantian and others behind.

The rockets and magic missiles released by Wu Zibin attacked these people one after another, but for high-level warriors, such spells were not a big problem even if they used fighting spirit to resist. Wu Zibin's attack only delayed them a little, but still failed to stop them.

The captain of the empire had already discovered that the most threatening person here was the magician who looked like a little girl. From her previous casting movements, it can be seen that her level is the highest and the strongest. Therefore, he did not care about the interference of others and led his men to rush directly to the direction of Umeda.

"Oh no, they rushed to the direction of Umeda." Wu Zibin tried to release magic, but it was difficult to stop the actions of those people.

"Umeda is still casting spells and can't move." Luisa screamed.

"I, I..." Wu Zibin stood up, hesitating whether to rush over to divert attention.

At this time, the militia around him yelled: "Damn it! Brothers, what are you waiting for? Are you still waiting for those imperial people to kill children? Where will you put your face when you go back?"

After that, he rushed out with an axe. Seeing this person's actions, the militia around Luisa and Linero also rushed out. Those ordinary militiamen actually launched a charge against the three fighting warriors. The five of them took axes and rushed towards the mid-level warriors.

"Hurry up and cast a protective spell on them." Wu Zibin shouted.

But it takes time for Luisa and Linero to cast spells. In the end, they were still a step late. Before the spells were ready, the militia had already met the imperials. Although they still had the blessing of giant strength and agility, they were completely inadequate in front of the high-level imperial captain.

The imperial captain slashed with his sword horizontally. The long sword first cut off the ax handle in the hands of the militiaman. Then the sword blade passed through his chest, leaving a large gash in his chest. Blood spurted out from the wound and spread all over the place. A look on the soldier's face. Then the militiaman tried his best to smash the ax handle into the captain's face. His blood covered part of the captain's sight, and the piece of hardwood hit the opponent's face solidly.

The Imperial Captain's movements were delayed for a moment, and the four militiamen rushed up from behind. One of them hugged his legs, one hugged his arms, and the other two met the two lower-level men on the side, and entangled them with a jump and a hug.

The people of the Empire did not expect that these ordinary people would be so unafraid of death. The high-level soldier's sword-holding hand was held by a militiaman, and he hurriedly smashed the militiaman's back with his left fist. His fist was wrapped in fighting spirit and was no less than a sword. He hit the militiaman with a heavy hammer several times, causing blood to spurt from his mouth, but could not make him let go. He had no choice but to pull out a dagger from his calf and stab the militiaman several times with his backhand, but the militiaman remained the same. There was no sign of letting go, even though he was bleeding like a river, his hand was always tightly wrapped around the other's arm.

At this time, the boosting magic of Wu Zibin and others finally fell on the heads of the militiamen, but it was already a little late.

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