On the Seven Towers

Chapter 795 Another battlefield

Meidiantian was still preparing for the Star Storm. However, the mage's distracted state actually made her very clear about the surrounding situation. Whether it was Wu Zibin and his team's nervous fear and counterattack, or Osa and his team's amazing courage and disregard for sacrifice, she saw it all. But she couldn't do anything now. The magic of Star Storm actually didn't take a long time to prepare. But this time was too long to accept in a close-quarter attack.

Meidiantian watched the militiamen die one after another, but apart from forcing herself to calm down and keep the spellcasting stable, she could only pray that they would hold on.

She had to release this magic completely, otherwise all the sacrifices would be in vain.

But she was also a little confused. Where did Ji Yijun go? Where did Captain Pompa go? At least five minutes had passed since the attack began, but no one else appeared on the city wall. What was going on?

At this time, she noticed the sound of air guns coming from the other side of the village.


Ji Yijun jumped down from the city wall, and with gravity on his sword, he split a low-level warrior in front of him into two halves. Black liquid sprayed out, but was blocked by the shield that isolated toxins on his body.

He raised his sword again to block the sword chopped by another low-level warrior on the side.

There were only four enemy warriors left in the front, and Ji Yijun moved flexibly between them, making them entangled under the city and not giving them the opportunity to climb over the city wall.

Under the command of Pompa, the militia soldiers on the city wall kept shooting and suppressing the hundreds of imperial soldiers rushing over. The wizard Logan released a large range of ice magic. It not only slowed down the enemy's speed, but also killed a large number of enemies.

The imperial attack came very suddenly, and Ji Yijun did not expect such a large group of people to appear. Fortunately, the militia here had just finished cutting trees and were about to prepare for training, so they had both manpower and weapons ready. When someone saw a large number of people with weapons approaching, Pompa immediately sent people to close the gate and let the soldiers with guns run up the city wall for defense.

Equipped with weapons such as air guns, it is still a great advantage to deal with cold weapon enemies that are four times their own from a high position.

Although the imperials have realized that they need to disperse and charge in the face of weapons such as air guns, the distance between them is still not large because the village walls are relatively narrow. When the militiamen fired in volleys, they did not need very good marksmanship to defeat the enemy. Several guards brought by Ji Yijun also joined the battle. Their marksmanship was much better than that of the militiamen. Once someone in the imperial charge team seemed to be more powerful, they would be given special attention. They often worked in groups of two, focusing on the opponent's powerful warriors, and a few shots could kill one.

When the imperial warriors rushed to a closer place, the militia above, led by the guards, began to throw crystal grenades down. Most of the imperial warriors were ordinary people, and fell down in groups under the attack of bullets and grenades.

At the bottom of the city wall, Ji Yijun took out a crystal grenade while the enemy was not prepared, and threw it directly at the face of one of the enemies who was besieging him. The grenade exploded, not only directly blowing off the opponent's skull, but also causing an enemy in front of him to stagger. Ji Yijun was well prepared, and his long sword was waiting for him on the way forward. The man couldn't stop his steps and sent his throat to the tip of Ji Yijun's sword.

The remaining person was also disturbed by the explosion, and he didn't notice that Ji Yijun took out another crystal grenade and threw it at his feet. The explosion threw him up, and Ji Yijun rolled up and drilled under him, raised his sword and swept past him, disemboweling him. When his belly was full of black and red blood, Ji Yijun had already swept past his body, turned around and raised his sword to point at the last Douqi warrior from a distance.

The soldier watched Ji Yijun kill four people in a short time, and he was so discouraged that he was about to turn around and run away. He didn't notice that an ice spear shot from the wall behind him and knocked him to the ground. Ji Yijun quickly stepped forward and killed him with a sword, and gave Logan on the wall a thumbs up.

"There is another guy, he looks pretty powerful." Logan said on top.

Ji Yijun knew who he was talking about. It was a guy who stayed at the back of the charging team. He looked like the commander of this army. But when Ji Yijun looked at him, he caught a trace of panic on his face.

This guy had been frightened by the attack of the militia. A frightened enemy, no matter how powerful his martial arts, is not a concern.

Ji Yijun found that his speed of rushing forward was getting slower and slower, and he gradually distanced himself from the large group in front. He was trying to run away.

Ji Yijun chose a direction where there were not many people on the road, and quickly approached the opponent. When the ordinary soldiers suffered heavy losses and were about to collapse, Ji Yijun accelerated, burst out with fighting spirit, and rushed towards the man.

The officer saw the aggressive Ji Yijun, and for a moment he didn't know whether to fight or run away. This stunned Ji Yijun and him were much closer.

Maybe the bad situation on the field and Ji Yijun's ferocious appearance really scared him. The officer finally chose to turn around and run away, and then the speed he just started was no match for Ji Yijun's sprint.

The imperial officer ran a few steps and felt a heavy blow on his back. He turned around and touched his back and found that it was a thrown long sword that stabbed into his back.

He ran forward a few more steps with difficulty, and heard Ji Yijun's whistling voice.

"Hey, this big fish belongs to me." Ji Yijun hit him hard on the back of the neck with his fist, and the officer fell down without any resistance.

Ji Yijun had no intention of letting him go. He held the sword stuck in his back, poured his fighting spirit into it, and twisted it hard. The officer screamed and died. Ji Yijun looked behind him and saw that the imperial army that attacked the town had been defeated. He couldn't help but wonder what made them dare to attack a village with a wall like this. When he returned to the door, the few remaining enemies had fled back into the surrounding woods. Several guards had already ridden their horses, ready to chase these fleeing enemies separately.

"Ji Yijun, we seem to have seen someone behind the village send out a magic distress signal." Logan reported on the top of the city.

"What? Is it a trick to divert attention? It's Mei Tiantian! Are they also attacked?"

"Captain, let's go to the back of the village first?" said the guard.

"You go! Leave this to me and Logan." Ji Yijun used his luck and Logan performed the flying technique and rushed towards the back wall of the village.

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