On the Seven Towers

Chapter 892 Chains of Love

Selinda was dragged by Lumiere, who erupted with white air currents all over his body and sprinted towards the top of the mountain at extreme speed. Behind them were scorching air waves and hot magma.

The formation laid out by Count Carlos in advance was not very lethal in itself, but it penetrated the fragile surface here. The fire element magic text in it then led to the heat flow underground, and finally triggered a volcanic eruption. . People who have never seen a volcanic eruption with their own eyes can never imagine how terrifying the power of nature is. Powerful warriors or priests are only to humans. Before the heat waves, gravel, poisonous gas and magma are erupted, they are not much different from small bugs. At best, they are just slightly more powerful bugs.

After the transmission failed, Priest Felix had to release a shield, and then wanted to fly away, but Master Banderas on the opposite side did not let him go after triggering the volcano. Although an energy impact did not break Felix's The shield knocked him out of the air. After falling into the airflow erupting from the crater, Felix was never able to fly up again.

His shield was strong, but all it did was allow him to hold on for a few more minutes after being trapped in the lava. Others were left alone to die in the crater after being melted by the magma.

When Selinda and her party finally crossed the ridge and ran onto another high ground, Selinda suddenly realized that she had neither had time to take a last look at her father nor saw the enemy's destruction.

But she had somewhat understood her father's mood and thoughts at this time. As the descendant of the Berserker, the inherent madness of the Arias family was fully demonstrated today.

Lumiere collapsed on the ground. He had just activated his strength to the extreme and was able to escape from the swallowing of the lava. He fell on the ground and looked at the magma spurting in front of him in waves, and his heart was filled with fear. . Among the other warriors, one was hit by flying stones, another slipped and fell, and neither of them was able to escape. The remaining two people were so tired that they lay on the ground like dead dogs.

He saw Selinda staring blankly at the volcano opposite and said, "Miss! The lava may flood here at any time, so we'd better leave as soon as possible."

"Lumière. Do you think he values ​​Arias' honor more than me?" Selinda asked without turning around, "I am always the last to know any truth related to him. of."

"No, miss. The count just doesn't want to put too much pressure on you and wants to protect you. That's why he hides many things from you. This is not to disrespect you. Now... now he has died heroically with the enemy. , please don’t dwell on this issue anymore.” Lumiere stood up and stood behind Selinda and said, “Perhaps, when you return to Arriac, you may have a chance to meet Viscount Ruiz. There are many things he should be able to tell you now about your father."

Selinda said: "I always hated him before... My father is a person who doesn't care about the family honor. But now, when he really uses his life to protect the family honor, I feel a little unspeakable. What if He is really that idle playboy, and now we may still be living a boring and peaceful life in the capital."

"Miss Selinda..." Lumiere didn't know how to comfort her.

"I saw his last look, and he really knew I was coming. In that look, he was calm and relieved. Now I believe what you said is true. He had already planned to stay and be with those soldiers. We live and die together. This self-righteous man was still so self-righteous until he died." Selinda said slowly.

She turned around, and Lumiere saw the tears on her cheeks, but Selinda wiped her face with her hand, then took a deep breath and said, "Let's go. We can't stay here anymore. This movement must be It will attract other teams from the Natural Temple.”

"Yes. Miss Selinda. We must pay attention to concealment. If we encounter a team like before, we will definitely not be our opponent." Lumiere said.

"We must rush back to Lagos City as quickly as possible. Li Jia and the others should have encountered the enemy two hours ago, and he was already injured. I don't know if they have defended the city, but it is left to We don't have much time left. I don't want to experience the scene here again.

The volcanic eruption has aggravated the space interference just now, and we must get out of this space interference area immediately. Then, I will activate the bracelet to go to Li Jia, and you will find a way to come back. "She said and looked at a light red bracelet on her hand. This was a gift from Master Banderas when he and Li Jia got married. She and Li Jia each had one, named "Love Bracelet". chain".

The Chain of Love is a treasure that is close to a sacred weapon. It was originally milky white. When the pair of bracelets are worn on two people, they can sense the owner's status and notify the other party. If one of the owners is in crisis and is physically injured, the owner of the other bracelet will be able to sense this through the change in color of the bracelet.

If the owner of the other party is very tired or has some minor illness, the bracelet will turn yellow; if the owner is slightly injured, it will turn pink. With the severity of the injury, the color of the bracelet will become darker and darker. ; If the injury is life-threatening, it will turn purple, and if the other person is dead, the bracelet will turn black.

Selinda had already noticed the change in the color of the bracelet on her hand a few hours ago. At first it turned yellow, then slowly turned red, and in the past one or two hours, this red color has continued to deepen. This means that Li Jia's injuries are getting worse and worse.

Although Serinda was worried, she could not stop looking for her father halfway, so she had to pray constantly, hoping that Li Jia could survive the crisis safely. But now, she wanted to appear beside Li Jia immediately.

Serinda walked out with several other people. They cast invisibility on themselves again. They encountered many enemies of the Temple of Nature along the way, but almost all of them were attracted by the volcanic eruption, and almost no one caused them any trouble. After walking for about twenty minutes, Serinda finally could not feel the influence of space interference.

She took off the bracelet and held it in her hand to prepare to start, and suddenly found that the color of the bracelet was sliding towards the deepest black.

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