On the Seven Towers

Chapter 893: Maze Monster

Xiao Chen blasted a gap in the strange stone wall, revealing two tunnels behind the wall.

"It is indeed a maze." Lin Lichuan said.

"Everyone, let's go. If my guess is right, maybe we will meet those warriors from the Temple of Nature inside, so everyone is ready to fight." Xiao Chen said to Luo Ling again, "Let Molliet come out. Fighting in such a small place, quality is more important than quantity.”

So Mollett and Ackley were in front, Kalanda and Chen Hansheng were in the back, and in the middle were the four mages Xiao Chen, Luo Ling, Lin Lichuan and Nina. Together they walked into the huge maze projected by Li Jia.

After everyone walked for a while, they discovered that Li Jia's maze, apart from its huge size and complicated route, was very monotonous and had no offensive power. There are no mechanisms or monsters in it, just endless walls.

Luo Ling thought about her meditation world that encompassed the four seasons and now has a vibrant town, and couldn't help but said: "I never thought that Li Jia's meditation world would be so complicated and monotonous."

"Li Jia... He is actually a person with many thoughts, but an empty and lonely heart. It is said that the world of meditation is also the evolution of the spiritual world of magicians to a certain extent. Li Jia has many suppressed thoughts in his heart that have never been expressed. , so it’s not so strange that his meditation world is an endless tunnel, like a complex maze.”

"But if we walk in like this, can we really find him?" Lin Lichuan asked, "I think we have walked the same path many times."

Xiao Chen said: "Follow the magic wave. I always have a feeling that the closer to Li Jia, the more active this maze will be."

The crowd walked for a while, and Molliet, who was at the front, suddenly raised his arm and said, "There seems to be movement ahead."

Everyone slowed down and continued to move in the direction of the sound. As they got closer, they heard it was a human shout and some kind of strange cry. It was like the roar of some kind of animal, but completely different. Unlike any other animal they knew.

Mollett quietly turned sideways, poked his head half out of a corner, and saw two people dressed as temple knights fighting three monsters that were half as tall as each person.

The monster looked like Mollie had never seen before. It had a jointed body that moved its position by twisting its lower body. It had two sickle-like front claws and a huge insect-like head.

This battle had obviously lasted for some time, and there were many wounds on both the warriors and the monsters. And just on the ground near the battlefield, there are the corpses of a temple priest, a temple knight, and two monsters. The temple knight died from a disembowelment attack, and the priest's death was even worse. He seemed to have been hit by some acid, and half of his body was melted away.

The strength of the remaining Temple Knights is obviously comparable to this monster, but the monsters have the advantage in quantity and height and weight. When more are beating fewer, the Temple Knights seem to be very struggling.

Just as a knight raised his sword to block the claws of a monster, a monster next to him suddenly opened his mouth and spit out green acid. The knight was a little unprepared and was actually showered with acid. He let out a cry He screamed sharply, then fell to his knees with his face in his hands. As the acid dissolved, he soon lost half of his head and became a fresh corpse.

When his companion realized that he was the only one left, he became obviously panicked. He turned around and wanted to escape, but was hit by the acid spitted out by the three monsters at the same time. He quickly collapsed and melted into an unidentified body. object.

After several monsters eliminated the intruders in the maze, they stopped. They began to look at the corpses on the ground, but they did not attack or eat them as Mollett imagined.

Not only Molliet, but everyone who followed also saw this battle. Molliet did not recognize this kind of monster, but Lin Lichuan recognized its origin at a glance.

"This...is actually a hydralisk?" Lin Lichuan whispered.

"Hydralisk? What is that?" Luo Ling didn't recognize this scary monster either. The other people had no idea what Lin Lichuan was talking about.

"This is a fighting creature belonging to the Zerg tribe in the game series "StarCraft" in that world." Xiao Chen explained: "In the original world, Li Jia sometimes played "StarCraft 2", which must have been his role in When the maze is projected, the monsters guarding the maze are projected together.”

"I really don't know if I will step on a disgusting carpet if I walk over, and then see a brood with teeth and claws." Lin Lichuan said, "Why doesn't he project Kerrigan or Nova?"

He was not nervous, and the abilities displayed by these hydralisks did not threaten them.

Rowling didn't care about the origin of this monster, but she felt very strange about its behavior. She said: "But how is this possible? It is said that the mage students of the Tower of Dreams created things with souls. That is something that can only be achieved by reaching the realm of a saint.

Li Jia has not even truly established himself as a master, so how could he create something that has certain intelligence and can fight the enemy on its own. "

"I think it's because of Li Jia's own soul." Xiao Chen said with a sigh.

Luo Ling immediately understood what he meant, "Are you saying that the souls of these monsters actually come from Li Jia himself? Just like how we use distraction to create clones?"

"No, judging from the performance of these monsters, they are not like conscious distractions, but more like Li Jia's soul has been split into pieces and injected into these monsters. They only have some basic instincts and simple logic." Xiao Chen said as he walked around the corner, "We'll know after we try it."

He slowly walked towards the big bugs, and just after taking two steps, the hydralisks found him.

They raised their heads and stared at Xiao Chen for a while, twisting their bodies to come around him, but these hydralisks had no intention of attacking. They just circled around Xiao Chen, a bit like a puppy meeting an acquaintance.

Xiao Chen said: "Take me to where Li Jia's soul is."

The hydralisks had no reaction and continued to circle around him. Xiao Chen said four or five sentences, and they all had the same reaction.

"Those bugs recognized him, but they couldn't understand him." Lin Lichuan said, "Sure enough, they only had some instincts, but not much of Li Jia's real consciousness."

Xiao Chen stretched out a hand and grabbed in the air. The three hydralisks suddenly froze, and then small spots of light were pulled out from their heads by Xiao Chen. Three soul fragments of different sizes were rotating in Xiao Chen's palm. Xiao Chen's five fingers slightly closed in the middle, and the fragments were pinched together and turned into a larger light spot.

Xiao Chen gently lifted the light ball into the air and said, "Go, go find your other kind."

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