I could walk two feet from high enough, and then three years later.

I don't know what to say, but I can speak now.

Maybe this is Eldiaz, the world I died in.

I don't know where I am right now. So I decided to leave the room to gather information and walk out and find out what was in this place.

I looked at the clothes that the maid who looked after me and checked to see if there was anything strange before leaving the room.

It was about time Sister Miriaria came to the room, but I decided not to care.

It's more important to know what this place looks like now.

When I left the room, I thought about going either right or left. [M]

"... All right, let's go this way"

I decided to go right because I have a right arm. [M]

I went straight down the road.

Along the way, I met the maids and the people of the demon clan who seemed to be servants.

Everyone sees my face and immediately finds out who I am, they meet up and walk straight away.

I returned the meeting, too, and walked straight.

(Uh-huh, where is it in the library?)

A group of knights in armor walked this way from before as they roared.

I slipped aside to give way. [M]

The person in the lead was talking to the person behind him, but he turned his eyes to me when he noticed me.


The man looked at me and tilted his neck.

Apparently, you don't know who I am because you see me for the first time.

I saw the man too. [M]

I have black hair with three white eyes, but the area with black eyes is red. There were two small but red horns growing on my forehead.

He was a man with a stern face, muscular and wild flavors.

My clothes are made of good fabric.

Uh-huh, that's it. Like the protagonist in the end-of-the-century championship legend, with a little effort, do clothes start to fly?


"Who? You."

The man looked at me and shrugged.

Excuse me. I'd like to ask that.

"Your Highness, this one..."

Earlier, someone who was talking to a man whispered in a man's ear.

Or you just said "Your Highness" or something. That means...

"Ah, ah, you're my newborn brother."

The man was big and nasty, and he grabbed my head.

And I stroked my head so much that my hair was disturbed.

"Ha ha ha, yeah. Are you Lewie? I've never seen it before, but I didn't know it was so tiny."

This way, you haven't been able to stroke a man's head since his father.

Well, I wouldn't stroke you so hard.

"I'm Ardramelek. I wonder how many times you were..."

"Second, Your Highness."

"Oh, yeah. He's my second brother because he's second from the top. You can call me whatever you want."

My brother, who named himself Ardramelek, laughed out loud.

Uh-huh. I feel like this guy looks best called Aniki.

"Yeah. Brother"

When I say that, Ardramelek, it's a long time, so Brother Adora is fine. The brother Adora was circling his eyes.

"You, can we talk now? This guy's surprised. Okay, I've made up my mind."

That's what Brother Adora said, and when he grabbed me as a leopard, he put me on his shoulder.

Yeah? What are you going to do?

"I was going to go exorcise the demons today, but you go out with me, too"


"Damn, it wouldn't be bad for you or a man to see where you fight."

No, no, it'll be too early for boulders.

I'm not telling you not to take him, but at least take him after he's a little older.

"Your Highness, my brother, it is dangerous to take you to the demonic exorcism. Please, don't..."

Yeah. Right. Someone nearby whose name I don't even know. Tell him more.

"Don't worry about it. This guy's drawing his father's blood, too. I don't have anything soft to crush my liver with like an exorcism."

"Yes, sir."

"All right, you guys. Let's go."

When Brother Adora screamed like that, he just moved on.

And then someone nearby said, "Your Highness, we're not done talking yet. Wait ~ ~ ~" and run after him. You're struggling.

Well, I don't know. For some reason, the demon arrived.

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