Adora, my brother kidnapped you? I rode the demon that was riding my brother.

When I asked my brother the name of this demon, he said it was a subdragon called 'Tyrant Giganto Drago'.

It's a Tyrannosaur the size of a large trailer.

I have a saddle attached to my back that matches my body, and I think I can sit for about three people.

My brother put me in front and crossed himself into a saddle.

My men crossed the dragon about a turn smaller than the demon my brother was riding.

"Brother, what's that?

I was here, and I just didn't have to make out. [M] So I decided to ask my brother what I didn't know.

So I asked him what the demons his men were riding.

I feel like Triceratops when I see it.

But the corners are slightly two meters lighter, and the frills are slightly smaller than the objects you see in the drawings.

"Well, that's a subdragon called Twin Horn Saurus."

"It's a dragon."

"Oh, it's an omnivore. I'll eat anything. I don't have half the horsepower for that."

It's not a herbivore.

Boulders are different worlds. Something similar is different.

"By the way, this guy I'm riding, he's grass-fed against his big looks. Wouldn't that be funny?

Does this demon like Tyrannosaurus eat things like grass and carrots that cows eat? That's pretty surreal.

"Well, you've all ridden"

Having confirmed that all his men had ridden the demons, his brother took the reins and proceeded to the thick gate.

"Open the door." Now we're going to exorcise the demons that appeared on the plains. "

"I'll open the door. Good luck!

A soldier who was in front of the gate pulled out and opened the gate for me.

When my brother raised his hand to the soldier, the soldier gave us a courtesy to drop us off.

Going around the gate, there was a city there.

Turning around, he saw the gate that came out, and further behind it was a splendid castle.

Come to think of it, I am the son of the Demon King, so is it natural to live in a castle?

Going down the path of the castle, the inhabitants of the city stand beside the road and watch them cheer.

Inside it's like, "Oh, that one. Is it the Knights of the Imperial Dragons of His Highness Ardramelek" or "But isn't it the subdragons that His Highness is on?," he said.

The Knights of the Dragons? In previous life, then, I haven't heard that the Demons have such a force.

If that's the case, you'd better assume it's been quite a while since I died.

I don't know how long it's been. There is only one thing I can say. It is.

"Can't you see everyone anymore..."

"Yeah? Did I say something?

"Yeah, yeah. The Knights of the Dragon. This unit."

"Respond, yes. However, this demonic exorcism was brought around recruits. We made it this subdragon so we could work together."

Cheng Cheng. Most of the Knights of the Imperial Dragon are recruits this time taking them to demon exorcism.

I mean, riding a dragon = recruit?

Can I assume that when I'm a veteran, I get a decent dragon?

"So, Konka no Takeshi, for Lenpei?

"Whoa, I get it. Exactly. Awesome. Lewie."

My brother strokes my head. [M]

Nevertheless, this demonic exorcism focuses on recruits. Moreover, it is not the winged dragon type, but the subdragon type that runs through the land with even more thrusting power. Does this mean that the demon that hunts has no wings and is still a hard demon?


"Whoa, what?

"What is this thing called?

"Oh, I wouldn't know if I told you, but it's 'Brown Bear'"

Brown Bear.

A bear demon? Surely, for a bear demon, you have the rare habit of making a herd.

"The demon is about to show up. We're going to get rid of it. Well, from the count, he's got about five hundred heads, but this one's twice a thousand horsemen. If we storm, we'll win."

Uh-huh. I'm worried about something.

Well, should we look at the scene and think about an operation to match the terrain?

Talk to me. Okay, but this guy. There's something forceful about it, but there seems to be a measure of listening to people.

If you have a metric, you can do whatever you want later.

With that in mind, I was swayed by the dragon and wondered what the destination was.

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