Damien and his crew, Blue Falcon and Crazy Bear, were pulled back together, so we went back to the hall.

Go back to the hall, Sister Fell.

"I'm tired, I'm going to get some sleep ~"

I said, not long after I called it off, it was fast, and I headed to the room provided.

""... you ran away ""

Dropping off that back, we murmured the same words almost simultaneously.

I was hoping you could explain how it happened.

"... I have no choice. I'll do it."


I bowed my head.

"Fine, never mind"

That's what Sister Hell says, stroking my head.

Touch my head and narrow my eyes.

In person, I know you're happy, but from what others have seen.


Oh, I saw Sister Hell's face, and the maid lost her mind.

Uh-huh. I'm not a bad person, but I don't know what I can do about this smile.

"... (Niyi)"

I know he's going to be laughing, but when he sees it from the side, his mouth is on the third moon and he shows his teeth and he's laughing, so he looks like a dragon is laughing at something bad.

From then on, I heard the situation from Sister Hell, and with later Lishmond, I tightened up the Damiens and listened.

Results. Until six years ago, Damien said he was in the position of official administrator, but escaped the territory due to fraud and bribery.

And last year, he heard rumors of the wind that the city had gotten better, and he came back to the city and was doing something like a fraud.

Those who were close to realizing that they had been deceived turned their hands on "Blue Falcon" and forced them to borrow money to work in the store run by "Blue Falcon".

He saw Damian and "Blue Falcon" make money and "Crazy Bear" came on board, too.

Upon hearing the conversation, I ordered a forced investigation and asset forfeiture into the stores run by both teams under the authority of my lord.

In addition to the confiscation of property, Damian ordered a forced eviction from the territory.

They beat you up without a word. I may starve to death or be attacked by a warcraft, but I don't know that far.

I want you to think it's just better not to put me to death.

So, working that far, I took a breather.

"Good luck"

Words of labor were hung from Lishmond.

"Oh, now the team in the North Side can pick it up with a potato ceremony."

"Yes. What about the pickers?

"... give me some time to think."


Lishmond graciously walked out of the room.

Phew. In the meantime, when I'm done with my work for today, I'm going to show my face at Puzelsay Lane.

I thought so, and I got back to work.

So, that night.

From the grand front entrance, take Tina out.

With Rooty and the others on the escort, we headed to the store.

Tina and I were having a little conversation on the way out of the hall to the store.

"Well, that happened."

"That's right. When I first heard the report, I thought Sister Fell and Sister Hell were drunk and raped."

"Oh, dear Hermione, that's not true."

I mean, Sister Fell said it could be.

Next time, let me tell you Tina has such an image of Sister Fell.

Walking as I talked, I got to the store where I wanted to go, so I went in.

So, when you came in, you picked us up.

"Is that it? It's not Liu. What's the matter with you?

It was Miriam's sisters.

Hey, why is Miriam here?

Yeah? If you look closely, some of my men are here.

Could it feel like you came to this store on your way home from hunting the Warcraft?

"Liu. What can I do for you?

"Uh, a little social studies"

I wonder if I can do it, when I say so.

"Oh. Come on. Let's have a drink together."

Sister Miriam invites her as she nicks.

Yikes! I managed to mislead you.

I will answer that invitation and go under Sister Miriam.

Go beside your sister Miriam and sit in the chair next to her.

Tina saw me sit down and sat a little further away.

"But Liu's old enough to do that, too."

Sister Miriam is pouring the drink she asked for into her throat laughing.

I was wondering what to drink.

"Master. One milk"


Did the master prepare it or put a glass of milk in it in front of me?

"Liu is only a child, so alcohol is still early ~"

Say it with a smile.

Well, you can't do it to a boulder.

I grabbed a glass and drank milk.

Drinking, listening to the guests around you.

"Hey. Did you hear that? That 'Deadly Snake' was incorporated into the Lord's army?

"Your talk is old. Besides, Deadly Snake is under the Lordship, not the incorporation."

"So what happens to the shemale of 'Deadly Snake'?

"I don't know. Do you want to be under the control of another team? Or maybe we'll have a new team."

With that said, what will happen to the West End? But will you talk to Yue tomorrow?

With that in mind, I listened to the people who were talking about Deadly Snake.

"No, there's the leader of Deadly Snake. I've been talking about losing to the Lords at a market spectacle match in the West End the other day, is that serious?

"Oh, that sounds true. Someone I know works in the Lords' Hall, and he said it was the real Lords who went to that spectacle game."

"Heh, that one. Were you the lord of this land? I've never seen it before."

"Not really, 'cause I'm not leaving the hall. Now, you're so cute you don't think you're a man."

"Was the nickname" Princess of the Deep Window "?

"Chicken." The Lion of Ethereal Silver. "

What, the nickname? The latter is good, but I don't like the former.

Or what's the origin of that nickname?

"Why is a lion so nicknamed?

"From what I've heard, he says he's enjoying the night with the daughters of the most powerful earthlings of the territory as concubines in the hall."

"Ha, you mean like the color at last?

"That's right. Because most of the lions are female. There are so many concubines, they must have given it that name."

When I heard the talk, I stuck my face at the table.

Yeah, I do have the daughters of the twelve clans and the leading tribes of "Deep" living in the hall, but it's nothing like that. I mean, why are we talking about that!

I haven't been in that relationship at all.

How should this misunderstanding be solved?

thinking, the bell attached to the door rang.

Looking back at the sound, the members of "Puzelseilane" came in.

One of the members looked at me sitting at the counter and raised his hand.

"Whoa, Will. Long time no see."

"Yes. Right."

"It's been a long time since you've been here because you've been to many places on the orders of your deputy leader, hasn't it?

I guess. When Sister Rosé arrived, she came to the store, but she didn't seem to be in that commotion.

"Liu. What about this guy?

Sister Miriam asked me.

Do it, I wonder what to say.

"Ahhh, Seriades"

That's all I could say.

"Huh. It is."

Sister Miriam sees the members.

"... Liu"

"What? Sister Miriam"

"This guy seems weak, okay?


"Whoa, what does that mean now, little lady?

Shit. I'm mad at you for putting up my blues.

I was hoping I could follow you here.

"Because. I don't care how you look at it, it just seems weak. You."

Already ~, this sister...

I'm a troublemaker going over Sister Fell.

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me because my sister has an honest personality to say what she thinks immediately."

"Am I? Is that your sister?

The member sees Sister Miriam in a giddy way.

Oh, I have a bad feeling about something.

"... my chest is barely good. That's a pretty face. If you're gonna hang out with me all night, put on Will's face, and I'll forgive you for slamming earlier."

Members laughing at it.

Oh, ahhh. This guy. He said he was forbidden. Huh.

I accidentally clapped. [M]

"Am I right? What's up? Vir."

Better concentrate on the sister in front of you than on me.

"... You just said you had a small chest, right? I told you, didn't I? Right?"

"Oh, yeah, man."

"Huh. Yes, it is.... Okay, I'll kill you."

"what? say what...... hg ufuhi zbshc shun kf ⁉"

In the midst of what the members are saying, your sister kicks up her leg.

The aim is a male steeple between the groins. I didn't aim for it, and the kick hit the steeple.

The person of the member who hit him bent his body to the letter of humor, restrained his groin with both hands, fell from his face to the floor, and shook his body pimply.

Watching a man attack a steeple, I blush my face and unwittingly suppress my groin.

That seems to be the same for the men around us, all acting the same.

A member who regains his mind as soon as possible gets up.

"Yay, you fucked up!

"How dare you join me?"

"Do it."

A member of the 'Puzelseilane' who entered the store with me comes to Sister Miriam.

"Phew, this guy always seems weak. Guys, you can do it."

"" "Eye, copy" "

The men who entered the store with Sister Miriam are attacked by the 'Puzelseilane' members who come towards her.

And instantly the inside of the store became a brawl ground.

Fortunately, or should I say it's a feat of injury, don't all pull out your weapons, because you're bare hands, the injured won't get out, not the dead. Maybe.

"Ah, how could this happen?"

Unexpectedly, I sighed.

"What's going on? Liu. Sigh?

Sister Miriam drinking while sitting at the counter.

Drinking alcohol, he looks like he enjoys the brawl and laughs.

"... whose fault do you think you're following?

"Uh-huh. Me?"

I nodded instantly.

"Ha ha, sorry, forgive me ~"

Sister Miriam cheeks with a hug on me.

I don't think you'd be happy to do that. I miss my breasts compared to the other sisters.

"Didn't you think of anything strange right now?


Damn, you're as good as ever.

Doing so, the brawl converged and all the 'Puzelseilane' members were falling to the floor.

"Look, it would have been weak. I'm not lying."

That's true, though.

And there.

The door bell rang.

And it was Gaius and Mr. Molbe who came in.

"What? What's all this noise?

"It doesn't sound like a testimonial, but could it be a fight?

The two look at what's going on in the store and tilt their necks.

You heard the two of them, Miriam. Sister turns her face to you.


Look at Mr. Molbe next to Gaius jizzily, and. Disappeared like smoke.

"Gone ⁉"

"Where did you go ⁉"

The people in the store are surprised. That's how my hands sneak from behind on Mr. Morbe's chest, who is surprised.

"Yan, Ko, Ko, stop..."

When I think I heard that voice, everyone sees Mr. Morbe.

When I saw it, I knew how I could have raised such a voice.

Sister Miriam was rubbing her chest from behind Mr. Morbe's back.

He is rubbing both breasts of Mr. Morbe as he eagles with both hands.

"Yeah. Sister. You have a surprisingly big chest. Could it be the type to lose weight?

"Well, then, how about..."

"Well, I can't believe you're as soft as this marshmallow, but you're smaller than your sisters, but this might be the bigger one."

Miriam sister rubbing her chest with a serious face.

I don't know why you do it when you're telling me to stop being a bad habit of rubbing a woman's chest.

Damn, you're a troubled sister.

I thought it was time to let go, and I tried to speak to Sister Miriam.

"Hey, no, there's... um..."

"Uh-huh? Could it be here? Is this weak?

It's like being a sexually harassing father, Miriam sister flaunting Mr. Morbe's chest.

Does Mr. Molbe feel it, cheeks up, and looks like he's cut.

Usually, we swallowed the saliva when we heard the voices without them because they were cool looking Morbe.

Is Gaius the same or is he looking at Mr. Molbe with a sloppy face?

So, looking at Mr. Molbe like that.



Someone stepped on my foot all I wanted.

Too much pain, I jumped a little with my legs.

When I saw who stepped on it, Tina was beside me.



Tina turns away and says nothing.

"Also, maybe, angry?

"... sticky ~"

Ah. You're mad at me for this.

As the same woman, I guess I don't like seeing her breasts rubbed.

I have to stop this place.

"Sister Miriam. It's time to stop."

"Yeah, just a little bit more."


I beg you to bow my head.

When she saw it and said, "Mmm, I can't help it," Sister Miriam took her hand off her chest.

His hands went away, so Mr. Morbe sat down on the ground.

"Mm-hmm. I enjoyed it, and it's time to go home."

Stretch your body and narrow your eyes, sister Miriam.

It's like a cat is stretching out.

When Sister Miriam says so, the people in her subordinates get up too.

"Bye, Liu. Come back before it's too late."

Sister Miriam waves at me.

And just before she left the store, Sister Miglia gave the master something cointos.

When the master receives it, he sees what is in his hands.

"I don't need fishing ~"

That's what I said, Sister Miriam left the store. My men followed.

When the sisters leave, I go to Mr. Morbe.

"Are you all right?

"... Yeah, yeah..."

"I'm sorry. My sister bothered you."

"Oh, yours, lady, is it?

"Yeah, I'm hungry, though."

"Yes, you are..."

If you do it, it looks so colorful.

As I was falling in love, my ear was pulled.

"I was there."

"What are you looking at?"

Tina pulls my ear.

When I turned away, Tina finally let go of her ear.


Mr. Morbe, who exhales roughly, sits in a nearby seat.

Gaius also cares for Mr. Molbe and sits in the seat next to him.

We'll sit at the counter, too. There are still shoppers in the store, so the meeting doesn't seem to take place.

In the meantime, I decided to drink milk and kill my time.

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