We ordered drinks at the counter while the guests in the store peeled off.

In the meantime, we kept drinking milk.

Even if I asked my master for ale, it was milk that came out.

Says it's because your sister told you, 'Whatever you ask for a drink, just milk it'.

Miriam, I'm sorry.

With that in mind, we kept drinking milk.

But I didn't know you were drinking milk in a liquor store, but nobody would get involved.

Is that all I am so pervasive that I think it's natural to drink milk in this tavern?

Thinking about it, I feel bad about it.

Eventually. The guests leave the store, and when their last guest leaves, Gaius sees the master.

The master just nodded that he understood, closing the bill hung on the store door from the opening.

After completing the work, the master went into the store, looked at Gaius and told him, "There's no one outside," and hung up on the closing.

With such a master on his ass, Gaius spoke out.

"All right, are we all here? I haven't had a meeting in a long time."

Everyone nods instead of responding.

"First of all, it's a matter of reporting. Some of you will know. Recently" Deadly Snake "was incorporated into the Lords"

"Does that mean they were disbanded and formed as soldiers?

"I don't know that far either. But the leader of Deadly Snake is certain that the Lords and Tyman lost and went under the umbrella."

"What kind of game was the one where the leader and lord of that 'Deadly Snake' got Tyman?

"From what I've heard, they lost a competitive match based on competition from different worlds."

"You don't know more."

"There will be a market in the West End, so I tried to get him to go, but there was an examination at the entrance, and I couldn't get in, so I don't know what game it was or how I fought it."

"Then you don't even know the lord's face."


"Surely the leader of 'Deadly Snake' was a dragon tribe, wasn't he? How strong are you to defeat him?

"Rumor has it that he strangled the lion's warcraft by himself."

Such rumors, it's my first time.

Unexpectedly, I almost screamed that I wasn't, but I endured to say it with my mouth blocked my hands.

"Next, the provisional members, call each and every one of them, so come to the back room."

"? What do you do?

"Just listen to the progress of the orders you gave the provisional members."

Or so. In advance, I talked to Yue and arranged it.

When they asked me about the alliance, I said it would take a little longer and I decided to buy some time until it was critical.

"First, Will"


Gaius told me to go to the back room with Morbe. [M]

Tina tried to follow me, but I stopped her with my eyes.

If it's just a report, I'll do it. [M]

So, we went into the back room.

When you enter the room.

"Yes, yes"

That's what Mr. Morbe says, sticking my cheek up.

"You've already been embarrassed because of Wyle's sister."

Excuse me.

Because of what my sister did, I decided to apologize honestly.

"Be my toy for a while."

Mr. Morbe looks like he's having fun, poking me in the cheek.

Are you sure you want me to do this? With the thought, though, I see Gaius.

Gaius shook his head sideways.

You want me to put up with this?

That's not much.

I had no choice but to let Morbe like me until he got tired of me.

I felt like a toy given to a child.

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