
The men are swept away with a hanging voice.

Oh, you're strong. That sanzajwemoron.

How to take the time. Foot carry. More fist power.

I don't care which one you take, I'm not complaining.

I want this for my men.

Looking at it like that, the fight was over.

"Haha, is this it? Well, it's a thousand years early to take me down."

Sanzajwemoron laughs heavily with his hands on his hips.

Seeing that, the people in the audience are cheering.

The women also have yellow voices.

This sounds pretty popular.

Hmm. I saw it as a very useful person.

I'd love one of your men. Now, think about how you solicit your men.

I finally found it.

"Dear Denebola, This way. I was here."

Some lion people are pointing at Sanzajwemoron and shouting something out loud.

And besieged Sanzajwemoron.

"Yabe, I made too much noise"

"Finally found it."

"Come on, let's go."

The people of the Lions are about to forgive themselves as they speak to Sanzajwemoron.

"So you're telling me I'm not going home. Ugh. Yes, Dene, tell your sister."

"Even so, we are here with the life of the chief."

"Please, welcome home. Please."

"Yes, it is."

Sanzajwemoron wastes time like a child.

"Yeah, I can't help it. Young lady, forgive me."

The people of the Lions of Man set out to seize Sanzajwemoron.

"I'm not weak enough for you to catch me."

That's what Sanzajwemoron started beating up with the people of the lions.

"Oh, please be quiet. Bu."

"We don't want to do this. Tickle it down, bugle it up."

"Please, please, just this time get caught by adults. How dare you?"



Someone trying to contain themselves. Sanzajwemoron not leaning on the lion people beating or kicking them.

But even though the numbers are higher among the people lions, they don't suppress you well.

He said he was so impressed.

"Don't be silly. Wolff ⁉"

I heard such a loud voice, so when I turned my face to you, there were people from the Lions, whether it was Denebola and his men.

"Oh, Sister Dene."

Wolf? Is that your real name?

"I know how surprised I was to hear you left the village. ⁉"

"Hey, hey, I wanted something bigger than being in a village like that, so..."

"Then say it properly. If you left on your own, you'd think something might have happened, wouldn't you?

"But my uncle says, 'You're the most prominent candidate for chief of the lion clan, so I won't let you leave the village,' so I can't help it."

"Still, you can't leave on your own. Look, I'm going back to the village as soon as I can. Yikes. 'Cause your sister's gonna apologize with you."

"Yes, I don't like it"

With that said, the man known as Wolfe shook off the people lions and fled.

"Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait."

Denebola ran after him with a loud voice. The lions rush after them, too.

You've come across something amazing again.

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