When we saw the catches with the lions, we went back to Yue's shop.

And while Yue's men were cooking, they were talking about earlier.

"Earlier, what do you think of that?

In the guest room, Yue and I asked Yue for tea.

"Is that about that catch?

That's right and I snort.

"Hmm. All I can say is that there is some certainty between them and the lions."

Right. That's all you can say from us who don't know each other well.

"So why don't you talk to us? Are the lions in your hall?

"Oh, yeah. Yes, it is. So when you get back to the hall, we'll call you in and we'll talk."

"That's good. But not now."

When Yue turned his eyes to the door, the door was knocked.

'Excuse me. Now that you've eaten, I'm here to call you. "

"Thank you. I'm coming"

Yue said so, taking a seat.

"So shall we go? Knobs."

"Copy that. I'm looking forward to seeing what's coming out."

We headed to the dining room.

By the way, the dish that came out was Chinese.

To be precise, this world-style dish is based on China.

Whatever the ingredients, they came out with bear-shaped warcraft palms, round-roasted warcraft that looked like pigs, and round-roasted birds.

It's been a long time since I've been able to eat Chinese, and I'm happy and the chopsticks have gone on.

For the record, the Sophies who are in their seats with us seem to be losing their temper to a lot of cooking.

The next day.

When I finished eating with Yue, I went into the office and called Denebola.

If you're at work, what were the papers yesterday? I only have about the amount of paperwork, so it's not a problem.

That's how much Denebola can clean up in the meantime.

When I press the mark of approval, I go in three parts in my head: withholding, disallowing, permitting.

I'm running out of paperwork. I was wondering if it would be over by Denebola's arrival, while I was at work.

The door of the room was knocked.

"Go ahead."

I walked into my room without checking anyone out.

"Excuse me."

That said, it was Denebola who opened the door and came in.

"Hey, I'm sorry I called you early this morning"

"No, I don't mind. So why did you call me?

I didn't expect to hear you chatting. It's a straight ball.

Well, doesn't it make sense to take too long?

"... actually. Yesterday, in the South End End End End End End End End, I heard that the Lions had a little trouble. Have you heard anything?

"... No, I'm not listening"

"Right. Some of the lions who caused the disturbance also reported the appearance of Denebola?


Denebola's brow moved pickly.

"I don't know. Didn't whoever saw it see it wrong?

Hmm. I really don't think I'm going to talk to you.

Do you hear this place forcefully? No, whether or not you can tell me even then. Well, now, what's the matter?

That's what you think.


The door opened to a position where such a loud noise was likely to be heard.

Looks like someone came in. But who?

"Hey, Denebola. Did you really find Wolf?

It was someone I had seen who opened the door and came in.

Sure, you were one of the daughters of the chief of the human lion clan and your name was Leggles.

"Sister Leg. Why are you here?"

"The letter came, so I came. So, are you sure you're here?

"Yeah, I'm sure of that."

Denebola looks at me chilly. [M]

"Yes. Bye."

Leggles looks at me.

"Master Lewie. I'm very aware of your busy schedule. I'd like to ask you to bend over."


"Yes, I'd like your help in capturing a man named Wolf, our tribe's next nominee for chief."

Capture the next chief. This is not calm.

"That Wolf? What kind of person is that?

I think you're older than me, but you're not?

"Wolf is our cousin."

"Cousin? Sure, since the Leggles and their father were chiefs, should we consider them candidates for chieftaincy?

"Exactly. Moreover, he is a particularly prominent candidate among the chieftaincy candidates."

"Oh, yeah."

Does that mean that it is particularly powerful among the candidates for chieftaincy?

What bothers me is where it is.

"Why would someone like that be in this city?

"That kid. I guess I'm tired of living in the village because there's someplace free to go."

"Yes, sir."

So you jumped out of admiration for the outside world?

"I thought you were in this city."

Shoulder-flagging regulus.

"In the meantime, I hope you find someone named Wolf."

"It is. Can you please?"

"Well, I'll answer as much as I ask."

"That would help ~. Thank you, tonight, on the floor, for returning it, ah, ha, ha, ha ♥"

That's what I say, winking legulus.

You're completely obsessed. This.

"Sister, don't thank me for such a harenching thing."

"Oh, that's good. This is not the best way for men and women to get along"

"You don't have to do that. There's a way to get along."

"Huh. So, what's the way?

"Well, that's... you know, liquor, talking to you"

"If that's the case, it's not easier to talk on the floor. We don't have anything to hide from each other."

When Denebola says something, Leggles argues.

Now that I know we're close enough to interact like that, can you get down to business?

"Well, I'll give you this"

That's what Leggles said, he put out a piece of paper.

The paper had a sketch of Wolf on it.

"What's this?

"The sketches will be the easiest way to catch them"

"Right. Well, let's get a copy of this and stick it everywhere. But that's all. Well, that's not enough."

"" Not enough?

"Oh, even if you look at the sketch, I don't think you're going to report it or catch it.... we'll have to multiply the bounty here."

"Is it a bounty? Sure, that's quick."

"Sure, so, how long do you hang it?

"... maybe thirty gold coins"

"" Hang so much ⁉ ""

"Instead, if you don't hang up like that, maybe you won't get caught."

"It's the end of the story. Hey, can I get it?

Of course.

"Oh, well, I'm motivated. Then I'll go find him."

If you say so, Leggles leaving the room.

"... you were a stormy sister."

"Sorry to show you the ugliness."

Denebola bowed her head deeply.

Well, yeah, people like that are everywhere.

Do you want me to photograph this sketch later?

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