When I finished giving instructions to everyone, I fell asleep.

Look at the finishing touches.

I meditated on my eyes, looking forward to seeing how it would turn out.

The next day.

I'm taking Tina, Amartya and Shallu to my shop.

You're in a good mood.

Tina calls out as she sings her nose, heading to the store.

"Well, if you look at the store, you'll know what happened to harassment."

"Uh-huh. Is that harassment?

Tina tilts her neck.

"The boulder is Master Lewie. It is truly a great thing to come up with and do things that no ordinary person can do."

Amartya praises me with a sparkling face.

"Well, you wouldn't actually do that in a normal person."

I only agree with you, Shalu.

Something, you two, you don't know if you're complimenting me or scared of me. That's the way to say it.

That's what I said, and I saw the store.

"Ooh, this is"

"Which one is this?

"I don't know."

"Me, too."

We look up at the store.

Then, for some reason, the store wall was graffitied.

It was black paint and there was something written in it.

Yeah, how many times do you say "harassment"?

I smiled when I saw it. This is a sign that the harassment I thought was a success.

"Wow, who is it? I did this to you."

"Thank you."

"Who the hell did this to you?"

Tina and Amartya have an undeniable sense of bar reading.

Eh, I should have brought someone better at abdominal arts.

"Who the hell would do this?"

In the case of Shalu, it sounds like it's on purpose. I can see the whole thing acting.

"Not at all. Who did this to you?"

"Hey, Riuu. This is, uh, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Wow, wow, bar reading. Besides, I'm telling you, I saw a campe hanging on the palm of my hand.

Next time you play a play like this, will you bring someone else?

With that in mind, I'll move on. [M]

"This, then, stops people from coming to the store. Hurry up and clean me up."

"Yes. Okay."

"Oh, let it be."

"Oh, my God, oh my God. If we don't hurry, we won't be ready to open in time."

Yeah. These three, next time I play a play like this, I thought I'd stop bringing them in.

Hours later.

Tina and the others cleaned the store walls.

When I reached for it, I asked him to make it a paint that would fall as soon as I wiped it with water, so it fell immediately.

Then I got ready to open the store.

Anyway, a lot of people come to the store today.

I managed to finish preparing to open the store at critical opening times, and when I opened it, the merchants poured into the store.

I took the order, I took the money and kept getting the goods.

So, I told the merchant while I wrapped the product because I had some room to talk to the customer.

"We have more today at any time, and we are surprised that our customers are here. What happened?

"Yeah? Oh, yeah. Is it natural that the clerk of this store doesn't know? Was it yesterday's unknown? There was a massive bug in the Chamber of Commerce, and the groceries were eaten all over the house."

"Oh, really?"

That must have also come out of the basement with tons of ants (...) and eaten the groceries that were in the store's warehouse. "Besides, the bug's mass outbreak seems to be man-made. There are no more bugs from the store, so when you enter the store, there will be no more money in the store safe, but there will be no more product lists. Besides, they lost all the merchandise in the store's warehouse."

"That's tough."

I guess the people who took them put them in a container or magic with the magic of 'storage' hanging on it.

"Plus. The location where the warehouse outside the store was located was further rehabilitated. No, to be exact, there were signs of a warehouse."

"Well, did the warehouse disappear?"

I'm sure someone airlifted the warehouse.

"That's why I can no longer purchase products from the" Fans to the Chamber of Commerce ", so now I'm in a hurry to buy products from your store."

"Really? Well, as for us, the product sells and it's very helpful"

I planned this to happen, so I made a lot of products.

Well, all we have to do is wait for the hunting squad to come home with their prey. Looking forward to it.

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