After that, the merchants still buy the merchandise.

I had prepared a large quantity of products in anticipation of this, so there is no problem at the moment.

Come on, what time's the hunting squad coming?

With that in mind, working, one of the hunting squads and Baia ran over to the store.

"Lewie, it's time for the hunting squad to enter the city."

"Right. Thank you. Then you can go back to the inn and rest because Baia has nothing more to do."

"Oh, okay.... Hey, can I ask you something?

When you look at the place where you make sure there are no customers in the store, you probably want to ask about this.


"Why did you decide to take such a troublesome revenge? Nothing. Would it be easier to have Digoku and the others hang a testimonial on the store?

'Cause these things are more profitable, and I can't get a leg on them.'

"I know it's profitable, but isn't it a pain in the ass?

"I used to read a book that says," Plenty wins, less loses. "

"What do you mean?

"Simply put, if you don't spare any effort, you win, but if you spare it, you lose."

If I were to tell Via plainly, it would be like this.

"Ha, is that it at last? You're trying to tell me you made a profit because you didn't waste any time this time?

"Sounds like it."

"Copy that. Then I'll let you rest at the inn."

That's what Baia said and left the store.

Hours later.

The front of the store became noisy.

Looks like this is here.

With that in mind, Angle Bozza from this hunting squad came into the store.

"Lewie, could you take a look at this?"

"Oh, okay"

Angle Bozza told me to leave the store.

When I left the store, many people surrounded me around the carriage.

"This guy is amazing. All of these are tools for first-class weapons."

"You want to work with something like this."

"Oh, I can tell you."

That's what they say when they see the people surrounding the carriage on the carriage, so I get up and see what's on the carriage, too.

"Oh, this is a brilliant delicacy. Where did you get this?

"As I was hunting, when I met a bunch of people wearing black masks and hung up thinking they were suspicious, they suddenly attacked me. Once repelled, that group set aside the carriage and escaped. So when I checked the contents of the carriage, these were on the carriage"

"It is."

Hmm. Surprisingly, Angleboza saw him as good at abdominal arts.

While I put my emotions on instead of reading the bars, I was making people around me wonder how I got these things.

I thought it was exactly the same race because my father is like that, but that was rude.

"Right. Now get me to the warehouse."

"Got it. Hey, let's go in."

"Yes, yes, treasure, treasure."

"Now we are among the billionaires."

If the same hunting squad pretends and Geri takes the goods on the carriage with a careful and careful hand and tries to carry them to the warehouse.

"Get out of the way, you guys."

I heard voices pushing people around the carriage.

Who do you think you are, of the meeting of the "To Fans Chamber of Commerce"... j, so what?

As I try to recall my name, the head of the meeting takes the product on the carriage and appraises it.

"Definitely. It's a product that was in our warehouse. Hey, where'd you guys get this?

"Wherever they say, when those hunting for the materials used in my store's merchandise encountered a suspicious group of people wearing masks and called out suspiciously, they attacked me, so I repelled, and that group left the carriage and fled, so I brought the carriage."

"Um, well. These items were stolen from our store yesterday. So I'd like you to return it."

"Oh, my God, did you? ⁉ This surprised me. Really? Ok. If it was on a carriage used by a bunch of suspicious people wearing masks, these are probably stolen goods, right? Really? Ok. So why don't you show me some (...) proof (...) that the (...) product (...) in your (...) store?

"Hey, what?

"So let me show you proof that it's a product from your store. Then I'll give it to you."

"Noon says these items are products from our store."

"But I don't think that's the only proof that's possible."

"I can't believe what Jaydan said at this meeting of the Chamber of Commerce."

Was it Jydan? Yes. So, my son is Jaijen. I finally remembered.

"And even if they say so, merchants are those who work by mouth. I don't know if you'd say you believe only words?

"Hey, what the hell?"

"If you can, show me proof that these items are from your store."


"Yes. If you're dealing with it in your store, you should have a list. Against that list, I will give you the merchandise from your store, and to apologize for being rude, I will also give you the merchandise that is not on the list. So let me see your list."

I ask, smiling nicely. [M]

Then, Gydan was blue-faced.

Well, that's natural, too. I asked Ambia to send a large quantity of ants into Gydan's shop and let Digoku and the others break into the store and collect all the items handled in the store except the vault gold, the merchandise list and the food.

This means that there is no product list.

Kuku, there is no evidence that the products handled at the store belong to my store even though they are in front of me.

This is the harassment of my family!

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