"Oh, that's the first story I've ever heard."

Mr. Seksharnato gave the face that it was the first time he had heard of it.

It was the first time your grandfather had heard of it, too, and he was patting his eyes.

"Can you explain what this is all about?

"No explanation, nothing, this country will be our country and our allies. I made Lewie the fiancée of Her Majesty's daughters for that friendship. I don't know if it's gonna be one or three eventually."

Listening to my sister's explanation, Mr. Seksharnat and the others looked at each other.

"Really? With the princess of this country."

Mr. Seksharnat shows a bare gesture to think a little.

And I just glanced at him for coming up with something good.

"Then my granddaughter won't have a problem being my fiancée."

"Eh. That's a little"

"What are you talking about? Lewie, it's normal for nobles to have a large number of fiancées. It's up to each person to choose who in it, or to marry them all."

Well, because polygamy is normal in this world, is that what happens?

"That's troublesome."

But Sister Izadra showed difficulty.

Do you think it's a problem to have a large number of fiancées in the boulder?

"Lewie is sweet, so she could marry all her fiancées, so too much could cut the time for me and Lewie to deal with her"

"No, because it's not there."

Do you have an image of me as a woman in your sister?

Next time, we should discuss that place.

"Oh, that's good. Not that I prefer hero colors."

"Things have limits."

My sister bit into Mr. Seksharnato's opinion.

I don't think we can talk about this.

"Hmm. Then you should actually let me see him"

Her mother calmly pinched her mouth.

"Mother, what do you mean, let me see you?

"Foolish. You don't seem to understand this fucking bitch yet. This damned bitch is bad enough to say she has an extremely bad personality, but she's pretty out of her mind. It has the computational height to assume and act on every situation."

Listening to her mother's remarks, her grandfather also nodded all the time with consent.

But, Mother. You can curse him well in front of you.

"Perhaps, assuming this situation, you and your granddaughter are also bringing you here? What do you say? Fucking bitch."

When his mother asked him that, Mr. Seksharnat grinned at all the affirmations.

"Oh, you've been a lot smarter in a while. Habaki."

"Is that a compliment?

"Of course. It was worth everything I taught you. I thought you were a good bully and a smart kid, but your journey made your head spin better."

Didn't you just say bully or something?

"I'll never forget how I treated you then."

"Ho ho, yeah"

"You know what? That the greatest reward for a teacher is to cross that teacher?

"Oh, does that mean Habaki's going to cross me? Well, look forward to that."

Mr. Seksharnato was laughing with a cool face at his mother, who showed as much anger as the volcano was about to erupt.

Seeing that, I thought you were a good mentor for hating me so much.

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