Seems to be bringing me to this country, so I was to make a quick pageant with Mr. Seksharnat's granddaughter.

Well, you brought me around the corner, so it'll be good enough to see you.

That's what I agreed to meet.

"Hehe, then, tomorrow. I'll bring you to this room."

So Mr. Seksharnato walked out of the room.

Your grandfather sees me when Mr. Seksharnat leaves.

"Is that good? You could have said no this way, couldn't you?

"From what I just heard, I think it was a pretty good deal. If you refuse, your grandfather's house and Seksharnat's house will be in trouble."

"Hmm. I don't have a particular problem with his house where he got unfriendly"

"I think so too"

My mother nodded all the time agreeing too.

Do you hate me that much?

"But, Father. It's about that fucking bitch. I'm going to get Lewie and her granddaughter engaged with those hands."

"Sure. I think I'll do it."

Your grandfather also affirmed his mother's words with a bitter face.

"I can honestly distract you from bothering your grandson about our family."

Your grandfather meditated on his eyes.

"I don't mind."

"... are you sure it's good?


"Right. Tomorrow, then."

One moment, please.

My sister pinched her mouth in the middle of what my grandfather was saying.

"What's going on? Sister."

When I looked at my sister, she had wrinkles between her eyebrows.

"I've never done anything wrong. Why is Lewie meeting you without our consent?"

"Yeah, it's nothing good. It's a situation in this house."

"Even though Lewie is a member of the Rasatsuki family, Lewie is my lovely brother, one of the royalty of the demonic kingdom, and the son of a previous demon king. In this case, it would be muscle to say a word to this family and then make a match."

Am I the only one who thinks that the older brother of my sister seems to be the older sister than the son of the earlier demon king or a member of the royal family of the demon kingdom?

"It won't be a problem. My mother, if I may."

"But. Master Habaki."

"It'll be nothing better than matchmaking. That doesn't necessarily mean we're engaged. I've spoken to my father a few times, but every time I've spoken to him."

"Didn't I make a mistake talking to you?

Your grandfather said he was bossy, but let's pretend he can't hear us here.

"I don't mean it as much as I do, but it's about that fucking bitch. This time, even if you refuse to make a pageant, you should try to make one with your own hands. I can't help it here, so make a pageant and smash it up."

"I think that's terrible."

I can't believe they're breaking it when they say they're getting ready for that too.

Don't be heartbroken by the boulders.

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