The next day.

When I woke up in the morning, I was forced to change into dressing for a pageant without breakfast.

"This is for Lynn."

"I think I'm better off here."

"Don't think this one's better than that one."

Sister Rosetita, Sister Fell and Sister Miglia were rubbing about the costumes I would wear.

My sister is dressed with no gaps anywhere.

Sister Fell had an embroidered Demon Nation crest on her back on her dabbled sleeve like a kimono.

Sister Miriam's had a spiny shoulder pat on the leather jean with embroidered markings on her back.

Clothes surprisingly show people's taste and taste.

Or is it a joke about your sister Miriam's clothes?

Why do we have to wear clothes like Mohicans that come out at the end of the century in a pageant?

"It's Miriam. I don't know about those clothes."

"Right. It's a little too flashy."

A little? Isn't this a pretty mistake, not a little?

"Really? But Sister Rose's outfit is too firm. It's too serious to be funny."

"Right. You don't have to play."

Well, I guess I agree there.

"I don't know what to say, Miriam's clothes are better than mine, Fell's clothes are nothing I've ever seen in my hometown."

"In the Principality, there's a dress called this, so it's an array of clothes."

"Uh-huh. Funny but don't think you should play more ~"

The three of them looked at the clothes they had chosen and showed the reaction of the three of them.

Well, if I were to look at the clothes of the three of us and choose them, I would choose the clothes of my sister Rosé, who is no difficulty.

Because the reason is no difficulty.

I think the rest of the clothes are too playful. Rejected.

I'm not gonna smash up a pageant. [M] So it is good to choose clothes that are not difficult.

"In the meantime, I'm going to make a pageant in your sister's clothes."

"Mm-hmm. The boulder is Lynn."

"Yeah, I think this is the best thing for you."

"I think I'm the best fit. Liu."

"Ha ha, because I don't look good in the clothes that we both chose, so I put them here."

Give it back without difficulty.

Weird thing to say, you two might be stubborn.

After that, they complained but listened to Boo Boo.

When I finished dressing for the clothes my sister had chosen, I left the room.

While heading to the matchmaking room, I asked what I was concerned about earlier.

"With that said, what about Sister Hell and her sister?

"Hermione leads an army as guardian of the king's capital and hits the guard. Isadora is."

When Sister Rosé tried to keep her words going, she came all the way to the front of the room.

In front of that room, as a guard soldier, he wore the military uniform of the "Demonic Crustacean Corps".

"Did you go check the faces of my matchmaker?

"Correct answer."

What are you doing?

When I waved to the people I was guarding, the people I was guarding gave me the courtesy to let my body out of the door.

I knocked on the door. [M]

"Go ahead."

Don't ask me who it is. I was told I could come in.

I couldn't help but stay in front of the room, so I decided to go into the room for now.

When we walked into the room, we were staring at a woman with a sister.

When I saw the woman, I was horrified, too.

He only had a pink mesh in his right forehead in his wavy, chestnut hair that stretched up to his waist.

There was a black horn growing at his forehead.

He was dressed like a black leotard with a spiny shoulder pat.

A crisp eye area. Colored eyes. I have a face with a product, but I have a purple eyeshadow, so I have a scary impression because it is a makeup that emphasizes the violet.

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