When the flames and gun smoke dissipated, Lin Fei's figure was finally revealed in front of all beings.

That figure, handsome and extraordinary, unparalleled in elegance, spotless...

That's what the gods look like in their hearts!

Lin Fei looked back at the broken city wall, and saw many people staring at him dumbfounded.

Many of them were seriously injured.

They were bleeding profusely, some had just been bandaged, others had forgotten to cry.

"It's all right."

Lin Fei said slowly: "Why do you want to ask?"

"Because, here I am."

He turned around and faced more than 100,000 monsters alone, and then resolutely took a step towards the tide-like monster.

After a brief daze, these monsters finally came back to their senses.

Seeing the man in front of them approaching, they also moved and rushed towards Lin Fei like crazy.


Lin Fei just punched the monster at the front.

With a muffled sound, the monster's body instantly turned into dust, and together with the piece behind it, all dissipated into the air.

It's just a punch, and it clears an empty space directly!

When the people on the city wall saw this scene, they forgot to breathe for a while, and the entire city wall was extremely silent.

These people stood on it, like statues, they didn't move at all.


I don't know who was crying suddenly.

Then there was crying.

These monsters appeared three days ago, and then they fought tirelessly for three days without eating or drinking, and they couldn't hold on anymore.

This punch made them see hope!

At last they couldn't hold it any longer and burst into tears.

Those monsters were not afraid of death, and they rushed up like a tide. Lin Fei just kicked it out and cleared an open space.

Since these monsters are not afraid of death, Lin Fei is not afraid of trouble.

not afraid?

Then kill them until they are afraid!

He just stood there, waiting for those monsters to rush up, but everyone who rushes up is punched and kicked, and these monsters die piece by piece.

After more than ten seconds, these monsters finally dared not take a step closer to Lin Fei.

He even took the initiative to avoid Lin Fei and retreated to more than 100 meters away.


At this moment, the tall knight walked towards Lin Fei. It was the same as before. Every step he took, the grass and trees under his feet would wither quickly.

It is like death, wherever it goes, there is no life!

Seeing this knight again, everyone's hearts were raised in their throats.

Because they just saw a person who has been absorbed the ability, this knight is too dangerous!

Lin Fei also noticed.

This knight, actually took one step and died!

Too harsh.

So he also took a step towards the knight, and this time, every time he took a step, the wasteland under his feet quickly grew green grass and blossomed!

This is the method he used to plant trees before, and he never thought that there would be such a use.

One step out, the grass immediately grew out of the soil, and then a bright and moving flower.

What the dark knight brought was death, and what Lin Fei brought was life and vigor.

"I wipe!"

The people on the city wall were completely stunned. They never dreamed that there is such a means in this world!

What is this ability?

Control life and death?

At this moment, Lin Fei walked up to the Dark Knight.

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