The tall knight, without any hesitation, directly raised the big knife in his hand and slashed at it, as if to open up the world.

Lin Fei watched the slash come, and instead of dodging, he raised his left hand and clamped the blade with two fingers.

Use your hands again.


The long knife was cut off in response, and the front section was collapsed and flew out.

And the knight was staggered back by the huge force, and he was able to stop after four or five steps.

But before the knight could react, Lin Fei had already arrived in front of it.


A punch to the heavy shield.

The open space behind the knight suddenly exploded, as if a gust of wind had passed through the knight's body, lifting the ground behind it and blowing hundreds of monsters into the sky.

A large open space was exposed.

And the knight's shield was instantly covered with cracks, and then fell inch by inch.

Its body, like this shield, collapsed inch by inch, and finally turned into pieces on the ground.

Lin Fei never felt how powerful this knight was.

After all, no matter what was in front of him, nothing could stop his move.

After eliminating the knights, Lin Fei didn't even look at the corpse fragments, and then his eyes fell on the rest of the monsters.

These things are obviously different from zombies, because the power of zombies is also obtained by mutation.

But these monsters in front of them possess the same power.

And they have the same behind-the-scenes, the big bug who calls himself the will of a thousand.

What their purpose is, Lin Fei does not know, but it is definitely not a good thing to absorb the ability of the ability user.

And maybe those snakes with eyes all over the mountains and plains in the past are also related to these monsters.

So can't stay.

But before he could make a move, the monsters in front of him suddenly wailed.


A large amount of black gas suddenly emerged from their bodies, followed by a black flame, which burned them to ashes in the blink of an eye.

"What's going on?" Lin Fei felt a little strange.

Could it be because he killed the tall knight that these monsters also died?

"It's also possible that he didn't die, but was teleported away." Lin Fei suddenly remembered the bug.

I don't understand, I don't understand.

The people on the city wall didn't know what happened, they just saw Lin Fei face more than 100,000 monsters alone, and successfully defeated them!

They all thought that the disappearance of these monsters was caused by Lin Fei!


In an instant, there were cheers, and the people on the city wall were completely boiling.

"Have you solved it?" The girl's voice suddenly sounded behind her.

Lin Fei turned around and saw the girl as expected. He smiled and nodded, "Yes."

"Aren't you hurt?" the girl asked with concern.

"No." Lin Fei smiled and said, "Who can hurt me?"

"Don't be complacent." The girl smiled and said, "Although you are very strong, you still have to be careful, but this time, forget it."

"Make your favorite egg fried rice tonight."

Lin Fei squeezed the girl's cheek with a smile, and said, "I love you."

The girl patted his hand away, her cheeks pink: "Nonsense."


At this moment, all the people on the city wall rushed down and ran towards Lin Fei.

They want to get close to the god who saved them!


Seeing this scene, Lin Fei picked up the girl and ran away. He was caught by this group of people. He was afraid that he would not be able to go back when it was dark.

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