You can search for "Apocalypse Super System Modifier One Key Invincible Jiutao Novel (.)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!


He gathered all the troops in the city.

Just taking advantage of Lin Fei's death and before the enemy country reacted, they planned to attack on a large scale.

but now.

Lin Fei actually appeared.

He, the devil, did not die.

This also means that his plan to launch a war is doomed to fail.

"If you want to live."

Standing in mid-air, Lin Fei said slowly, "Just kill this person."

"Two days later, if he is still alive and well, you will be the ones who will die."

Say it.

He was far away, pointing his finger at the re-established building in the center of the city.


An earth-shattering loud noise fell into everyone's ears.

Immediately afterwards came the flames, instantly stretching their shadows very long.

They feel that the world in front of them has become dark.

look back.

The flame that rushed to the sky was burning fiercely.

It seems that the wood that has been rotten for thousands of years has finally touched the spark of a prairie fire.

The flames lit up the sky with a radius of hundreds of miles.

"Before the flame goes out, I want to see your answer." Lin Fei said.


His figure gradually disappeared from everyone's eyes.

All fighters are well-trained.

They have walked side by side with death and wandered before hell, and they have never been afraid.

But this moment.

Looking at the flames dancing like a group of demons in front of him, and the scorching heat rushing towards his face.

Their pupils were trembling violently.

Feet are also weak.

Being able to stand is all supported by the results of their hard training over the years.


Crazy swept their hearts and bodies.

every cell in their body.

Bend a little.

Just make the building useless.

What kind of power is this?

They couldn't understand that even if the strongest subjugated mechs came, they couldn't do it.

Mechas might be able to destroy a building with one shot.

Destroyed half the city with one shot.

But it can't do it, destroying a building with a few miles away.

One that can destroy a building with just a few clicks.

Can one palm destroy a country?

They dare not continue to think about it.

This is beyond their cognition.

How could someone be so outrageously powerful?


This moment.

They remembered the forgotten, the joked, the myths handed down from time immemorial.

In the story, people have the power to shake the world.

Zhang Gong can shoot down the sun, make a somersault for thousands of miles, move mountains, fill seas, and repair the damaged sky.

They can too.

Relying on the most powerful can, they can easily do these things.

So, they just take these things as a joke.


Now they saw the existence that seemed to come from mythology.

That man, without relying on any technology, destroyed a building with just a little bit of his fingers.

And the one who came back alive from the battlefield.

Never forget that man caught lightning.

"We offended the gods."

Suddenly, a person shouted in despair: "Because of the war, we offended the gods, and now they have awakened."

"They are coming to destroy us!"

It's loud.

Everyone around heard it.

Fear and despair spread rapidly.

"If you want to survive, you must stop the war!"

"The person who wants to start a war must die, and use his head to appease the gods."


a split second.

All eyes fell on the king.

This is the person.

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