You can search for "Apocalypse Super System Modifier One Key Invincible Jiutao Novel (.)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

All he can think about is war, and wanting to destroy another country.

How many people did he kill?

The gods have spoken.

Within two days, he must be killed.

Sensing everyone's gaze, the king's body trembled, and he staggered back two steps.

His face was pale.

How should I become an enemy of Lin Fei?


These people are crazy.

The king turned and ran without thinking.


A group of people chased after this man mightily.

No matter what, we must catch him.

Can't let him escape.

Because, it is said that the king built many escape routes in this city.

Once he runs away, no one can find him.

And on the other side.

The system has no place to hide.

All the mechs and robots were smashed.

A group of people came to the room where the black box was, armed with hammers, shovels and hoes.



The system can't speak well.

It's not human and shouldn't have mood swings.

But this moment.

It was still frightened, and fear enveloped it, making it feel fear, and despair.

"Without further ado."

"Smash me!"

inside the room.

Suddenly there was the sound of something being disassembled.

From the moment the system was dismantled, he never imagined that he would end up like this.

One wrong step.

It's completely screwed.

If he had agreed to Lin Fei back then, it would not have fallen to where it is today.

Ambition that did not match its strength killed it.

inside the room.

Parts fell all over the place.

Until everything that can be removed is removed, and everything that can be shortened is shortened.

A group of people sat powerlessly on the ground.

at this moment.

They know that they can continue to survive.

But then came the problem.

How should they survive?

In the past, the city was managed systematically, so everything was in order.

And now.

They took down the system with their own hands.

What they will face is how to survive in a world out of management.

The system is not there.

All rules have lost their effect.

What they will face is a broken world without rules.

Lin Fei appeared in this room.

Glancing at the parts on the ground, he nodded slightly and said, "You guys did a good job."

The people in the room did not show joyful expressions.

Because of the next question.

It's more serious.

"What are you worried about?" Lin Fei asked softly.

"How to survive?"

Someone looked up and said, "Without the system, all the rules will disappear."

"What we're dealing with is chaos."

Lin Fei smiled.

Then he said: "Then establish a new rule."

"The system, and the robot, wasn't there from the start."

"Nothing can be recreated."

"As long as you don't start another war, I won't care about you."

Said here.

He took out a bag the size of several fists from his pocket.


He threw the bag into the arms of these men.

"What's this?"

A group of people said in surprise.


Lin Fei said slowly, "Maybe it's from a vegetable, or it might be from some fruit trees."

"All in all, just some seeds."

"We are not short of food." Someone was very puzzled.

"Take it if you don't need it."

Lin Fei said: "Things are gone, they can be remade."

"If war breaks out, you will surely die, and then everything will be over."

"I hope you keep this way and don't forget what happened today."

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