If there is someone stronger than himself in this world, how could he not know?

"I came from afar."

Lin Fei said: "The purpose is to protect these human beings."


The emperor said coldly: "You hurt me, and now I want to break your things."

He raised his hand.

"I want to curse the humans of this world."

"I want them to live in pain forever."

A bloody light appeared on his hand.

Lin Fei sighed lightly.

Raising his hand to catch it, the long sword from the ground broke through the ground and fell directly into his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Fei threw the long sword out.


The emperor didn't even have a chance to react.

The heart was directly pierced by this sword.

One hit kill, activate.


The emperor couldn't help screaming.

He clearly felt that his vitality was rapidly disappearing.


When he came to this conclusion, the emperor couldn't help but tremble.

But sure.

He is really going to die.

This sword ended his vitality.

Even if he is the Great Emperor, the strongest existence in this world, he will die at this time.

"I will pay the price with my life."

"Curse the humans here, and live in endless pain from now on!"

he shouted.

next moment.


He exploded with a bang.

Golden blood splattered everywhere, like rain, falling overwhelmingly.

The dim sky also became pitch black at this time.

I can't see my fingers.

I can't see anything clearly.

Followed by red lightning.



in the dark.

The King of Pain screamed terribly.

The emperor is dead.

The King of Pain could not continue to survive.

While howling, its body disappeared bit by bit, as if countless ants were nibbling away at its body.

Hoo hoo -

The wind is blowing.

In the curse of the Great Emperor at the cost of his life.

Darkness enveloped the world.

From now on, there will be no more light here.

Moreover, the blood of the Great Emperor will also change the world and create various powerful monsters.

The purpose is to destroy the human beings in this world.

People couldn't help but despair in their hearts.

How to do this?

I can't see anything clearly.

Eternal night falls.

How can I survive?

But at this moment.

A round of the sun suddenly appeared in the darkness.

The light tore through the darkness here, and the blood-turned monster screamed.

In the blink of an eye, it was wiped out in the light.

Lin Fei supported the sun with his left hand, and snapped his fingers again with his right hand.


A light blue ripple slowly spread out towards the surroundings.

Wherever it went, darkness dissipated and monsters shattered.

The original pitch-black world.

It returned to normal at this time.

The blocked sun reappeared, and the light frantically sprinkled on the ground.

Lin Fei withdrew the light in his hand.

Calmly looking at the world below.

The curse that the emperor gave at the cost of his life quickly collapsed under the power of purification.

In the end nothing was left.

"Why bother."

Lin Fei sighed.

He gave the Great Emperor a chance to live more than once.

But unfortunately, the emperor didn't cherish it.

Even at the end, those who want to curse the world.

It's just that the emperor didn't think of it.

The curse that cost his life was easily broken by Lin Fei.

If the emperor is still alive.

Seeing this scene, I will definitely vomit blood again from anger.

People on earth saw the sun again.

First I was in a daze.

Then I couldn't help but cheered.

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