Lin Fei lowered his head and glanced at the ground.

Because of the coming of the Great Emperor, this place was devastated and turned into a barren land.

Get rid of the people in the city in the shield.

I can no longer see any life.

This emperor is too powerful.

Lin Fei quickly used his abilities to transform the barren terrain, and then planted trees.

Under the blessing of his abilities.

The originally desolate place was soon covered with towering trees.

It is hard to see the desolate land again.

He nodded contentedly.

Then he became curious.

The strongest existence in this world should be the Great Emperor.

Now the emperor is killed.

The greatest threat lifted.

Human beings are busy recovering, and large areas need to be tidied up.

So surely there will be no war.

So his mission is completed, right?

He can't wait to go back now.

Because Li Yishuang didn't die.

His childhood sweetheart!

He wanted to go back now and see Li Yishuang.

And at this moment.

In front of him, a hanging door slowly appeared.

This is the door to go back.

Lin Fei has completed his mission and can return to the original world.

Without hesitation, he walked in directly.

And as he left.

The shield is broken.

The people on the ground watched Lin Fei leave.

"He solved the crisis and returned to his own world." Someone murmured.

Lin Fei said it before.

He came from far away.

Now, he must have returned to his own world.

"Smash the statue of the devil!" Someone said loudly.

Only then did people react.

They actually made a statue for the devil before!

A group of people rushed up with tools and smashed the statue directly.

"Give him a statue."

"He saved us."

There is no war, a brand new world.

They no longer have to live like robots.

Can do what you want to do.

There is a dazzling light in front of my eyes.

But soon.

The light faded away.

Lin Fei walked out from the door and found himself back in the hall.

"Come out so soon?"

The Almighty looked at Lin Fei in surprise.

Lin Fei glanced at the Lord, and then swept across the hall.

No one else was seen.

What about Ye Yuxue, Yun Ruoyan, and Miss Mask?

"Why are you here?" Lin Fei asked immediately.

"They're helping you."

The divine master smiled lightly and said, "You will know when you turn around."

Lin Fei turned his head immediately.

Then he discovered that beside the portal he walked out of, there were two new portals.

In the portal on the left, you can see Ye Yuxue.

The one on the right can see Yun Ruoyan.

"What's going on?" Lin Fei asked with a frown.

"They're helping you share the burden."

The divine master said indifferently: "The reason why you can come out so quickly and so easily."

"It's because I have reduced the difficulty by 60%."

"They're half of each other."

"What you are facing is just a powerful enemy that has been weakened by 60%."

Lin Fei immediately figured it out.

It was Ye Yuxue and Yun Ruoyan who shared the difficulty for themselves.

But there is one more problem.

Where's Miss Mask?

"Is there another person?" Lin Fei asked the Almighty.

"Something happened down there, and she ran down." The Almighty said calmly.

Now the world is changing.

It's out of his control.

Some powerful monsters began to appear below, and Miss Mask went to suppress them.

All three girls dispersed.

Lin Fei originally wanted to go look for Miss Mask immediately.

But in the vast crowd, how to find it?

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