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Those lights are the guiding lighthouses in the dark.

Can be seen from far away.

He pulled Ye Yuxue and flew straight up, first choosing a direction at random.

Going to leave here.

But at this moment.


In the lake in the distance, there was suddenly the sound of the lake boiling.

Lin Fei and Ye Yuxue stopped immediately and looked towards the lake.

next moment.

A huge tentacle shot out from the lake.

"There are monsters in the river." Ye Yuxue said in surprise.

When the people in the village saw the huge black tentacles, their faces were instantly pale with fright.

"It's the water god!"

"The water god is angry!"

Someone yelled in horror.

There have always been legends circulating in the village.

It is said that there is a powerful god hidden in the lake.

That is the water god with four hands and feet.

Now seeing a huge tentacle, they immediately thought of the water god.

It must be because of the light of this pillar that the water god was startled.

"I beg the water god to forgive me."

A group of people knelt on the ground, begging to the tentacle.

Lin Fei squinted his eyes in mid-air.

This thing looks strong.

So, does it know where the Demon King is?

Lin Fei fell to the ground, put Ye Yuxue in a safe place, and said at the same time, "I'll go back as soon as I go."

next moment.

Everyone in the village.

He saw a figure flashing across the air, quickly approaching the tentacles protruding from the lake.

When they saw the figure, their expressions changed again.

"what is that?"

Only old people, women and children.

I recognized that figure.

It was Lin Fei.

The tentacle was hundreds of meters long, and it slammed down towards the village.

Although I still can't hook the village.

But the speed is fast and the power is even stronger.

Enough to crack the ground with ease.

At that time, the entire village will be divided into two.

Lin Fei knew it in his heart.

It was the blazing light that awakened the monster.

Eliminating the light is its task.

Perhaps the disappearance of the last civilization was related to such a powerful monster.

Because it can be seen.

In this bright light, there is nothing wrong with the huge tentacles.

Light has no effect on it.

The last civilization also relied on light to dispel darkness.

But it attracted more powerful monsters.

This kind of existence that is not afraid of light has completely destroyed that civilization.

Now the strong light wakes them up.

First thing on wake up.

It is to destroy this existence.

Destroy that stone pillar!

How could Lin Fei tolerate this kind of thing, when the tentacle fell down, he rushed up to block it.


A muffled sound came.

The huge tentacle stopped in mid-air.

Then a hurricane hit.

It made everyone in the village almost unable to open their eyes.

"what happened?"

"Who was that person just now?"

Their minds are all blank now.

What is happening today is completely beyond their understanding of the world.

If you read correctly.

The person who rushed up just now was definitely alone.

Does a person have the ability to fight monsters?


That's not a monster.

That is God.

Humans have the ability to fight against gods?

Their brains are shaking.

Can't figure out what happened.

And this side.

Lin Fei didn't know what these villagers were thinking.

He just grabbed the octopus' tentacles and pulled hard.


The water level of the lake dropped suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, the lake exploded, and a huge object was thrown out of the water by Lin Fei.

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