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It is the owner of the tentacles.

A giant octopus.

This octopus is completely black.

It seems to be made of darkness incarnate.

But the blazing light of the pillar fell on it, but it was of no use to it.

Sure enough, powerful.

This time.

The octopuses were also stunned.

It has lived for thousands of years.

Witnessed the demise of the last civilization of mankind.

Know what a fragile creature human beings are.

They have no power.

Even if you fight with a wild dog, you must use tools to have a chance of winning.

So it has always looked down on humans.

Just after being woken up by these people, it wanted to destroy the village casually.

but now.

It was caught by a human.

Even threw it out.

This octopus reacts very quickly.

Return fire in mid-air.

One tentacle is caught, but there are still seven that can move.

Directly and violently drew towards Lin Fei.

Every speed is very fast, and there is a sound of piercing through the air, if it is drawn on a person.

Enough to blow people up directly.

Not to mention that this octopus is hundreds of meters long.

Pull this one down.

Even a mountain can collapse in an instant.

But Lin Fei looked calm.

When all the tentacles were extremely close, the air around him suddenly twisted.

next moment.

Black blood splattered.

The eight tentacles all broke off.

The huge octopus instantly turned into a ball and fell heavily into a forest.


The bright light finally had some effect.

It just shines on the wound of the octopus, constantly corroding the octopus.

Lin Fei stepped up to the octopus and asked it, "Where is your master?"

This dark world is related to the Demon King.

Then the master of these monsters must be the Demon King.

Lin Fei used mind reading skills to see it.

Unfortunately nothing.

This is an octopus that only knows how to destroy and kill.

Once dominated underwater, but was trapped in this lake and fell into a deep sleep.

"Know nothing."

Lin Fei didn't hesitate anymore, he directly raised his hand, and a wind blade cut the huge octopus in half.

Under the effect of spike.

No matter how strong the vitality is, it is a joke.

directly destroyed.


The next moment, the huge body of the octopus turned into a black breath and disappeared.

It all happened so fast.

Everyone in the village stared blankly at the scene in front of them.

Can't react at all.

What's happening here.

Where is the water god?

What about such a big water god?

Why did it suddenly disappear?

Several older people rolled their eyes and passed out.

It is difficult to accept this result.

A human being actually slaughtered the terrifying water god.

The old man who let Lin Fei stay for one night.

Even more dumbfounded.

"I took in a god?"

Only God can defeat God.

Killed the water god.

Lin Fei is definitely not human.

In the whole village, there was a dead silence.

They will never forget this scene in their life.

A being with the appearance of a human killed the invincible water god.

Lin Fei noticed everyone's gaze.

Body flashed.

Disappear directly.

When he reappeared, he returned to Ye Yuxue's side.

"How about it?"

Ye Yuxue asked.

She was concerned about whether Lin Fei got the news.

Lin Fei just shook his head and said, "No."

"That octopus has no brains."

If memory serves me right, octopuses are pretty smart.

Perhaps this octopus is transformed by darkness.

So no memory.

"We can only follow the original plan."

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