It's mind reading!

The devil's face turned black. The man in front of him must have used mind reading skills.

So know how to use the medicine.

Looking at the antidote close at hand.

The demon lord's eyes lit up suddenly, and then he stretched out his hands, grabbing the antidote.

Get the antidote.

He immediately took it apart and poured it into his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yuxue immediately stopped her.

But when she froze the demon lord's hand, more than half of the package of antidote had already entered the demon lord's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the devil swallowed hard.

All the antidote was eaten by him.


At this moment, the Demon Lord laughed wantonly.

The only antidote was destroyed by him!

Ye Yuxue quickly grabbed the remaining powder, and saw that there was only a little powder left.

She realized it too.

It's not enough to save others.

"What should I do?" Ye Yuxue subconsciously looked at Lin Fei.

"What else can you do?"

The only antidote is gone.

No one can save these poisoned people anymore.


The Demon Lord laughed loudly.

All the grievances in my heart just now have disappeared.

You two, what can you do if you have great power?

Didn't the result lose the antidote?

"You can't protect anything."

The demon lord laughed at Lin Fei and said, "You shouldn't have put the antidote in front of me."

"Now that the antidote is destroyed, it's all your fault."

Killing people.

The devil said to Lin Fei: "Everyone will die."

"And the murderer is you!"

"Don't worry." Lin Fei said to Ye Yuxue.

Hearing Lin Fei's words, Ye Yuxue felt a little relieved.

Since Lin Fei said not to worry.

Then he must have a solution.

"do not worry?"

The devil said proudly: "Now, what else can you do?"

"Even if you want to use mind reading to get the method of making the antidote."

"You can't make it either."

"Because there is a medicinal material that has been completely destroyed by me."

"Hahaha, what else can you do?"

He is confident in his heart.

Even if Lin Fei had all-powerful means, he couldn't make an antidote.

"Then guess what it is?"

Lin Fei smiled, and took out another pack of antidote from his pocket.

The devil who was still laughing just now.

Suddenly froze.

What's this?


This look is exactly the same as the one he destroyed just now.

He immediately stretched out his hand and snatched it away.

Take it apart and have a look.

The familiar powder is indeed the antidote.

"If you're hungry, I'll give you that bag too. If it's not enough, I'll have some more here."

In front of the devil.

Lin Fei took out another bag from his pocket.


The demon lord looked at the two packs of antidote in front of him in awe.

Something is wrong.

Didn't he just make a pack of antidote back then?

Why now, there have been three guarantees?


The devil yelled a little crazy.

He laughed so much just now that he felt that he had ruined the only antidote.

But now, the antidote appeared again.

"Who the hell are you?"

The Demon Lord looked at Lin Fei in horror.

Originally, there was only one copy of the item, but in Lin Fei's hands, it became inexhaustible?

"Who I am is no longer important to you."

Lin Fei said: "A dead person doesn't need to know who I am."

When Lin Fei's words fell.

The devil suddenly felt pain all over his body.

It seemed that his body was melting and collapsing.

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