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He is going to die.

The devil is clearly aware of this result.

The world has not been notified yet.

Not to mention pressing the beautiful girl in front of him on the bed.

I'm going to die like this!

The demon lord was unwilling, but even more frightened. Who is this man in front of him?

Why can't the antidote be used up forever in his hands?

Why, he could kill himself so easily?

Can't figure it out.

He opened his mouth wide, unable to make a scream.

It can only dissipate slowly.

In the end, the ashes were wiped out, and even the soul was destroyed together.


Lin Fei gently took the girl's little hand.

The Demon Lord is dead.

"We can go back now," Lin Fei said.


Ye Yuxue nodded slightly.

"But before you leave, detoxify the people here," she reminded.

"I won't forget."

Lin Fei flew up with her, held her with one hand, and shared the flying function with her.

"I can fly?"

When Ye Yuxue found out that she could fly, her surprised eyes lit up.

Although Chenfeng has been flying with her.

But she still couldn't help being happy when she could fly herself.

"It turns out that flying is such a feeling."

Same as standing on the ground.

She could feel her feet stepping on something hard.

This kept her from falling.

She also understood what it was like to fly.

"Great." She said happily.

"be safe."

Lin Fei said, "Don't get too far away from me."

"I know." Ye Yuxue smiled happily.

"Come here and help me sprinkle the antidote." Lin Fei said again.

Immediately afterwards, he took out four or five packs of antidote and handed them all to Ye Yuxue.

According to the memory of the devil.

One pack of this antidote is enough.

But Lin Fei didn't worry enough, maybe he didn't spread far enough.

Still sprinkle a little more.

It has to be sprinkled everywhere, so that the rain and dew are evenly covered.


Ye Yuxue found the antidote and started to help.

There is only one pack of antidote.

But Ye Feng suddenly took out several bags, and she was no longer surprised by it.

Because she found out.

No matter what it is, as long as it enters Lin Fei's pocket.

It is inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

She sprinkled the antidote seriously.

After spreading a bag, change the place to sprinkle.

Repeatedly, all the hands are scattered.

Lin Fei sprinkled another dozen packets by himself.

"Just in case, let's keep some."

Causality is an interesting thing.

No one knows what will happen next.

Maybe, there are some places where there is still no detoxification after dozens or dozens of packs of antidote?

He wants to leave a lot of antidote in this world.

And leave a note.

Give them a way to detoxify.

Lin Fei put the things in a safe place, thought for a while, and changed the note into a stone tablet.

If there is really no detoxification somewhere.

Maybe, after a long time, they will find a place where the antidote is hidden.

Rescue those who are still suffering.

Everything is ready.

Ye Feng patted the dust off his hands.

Then he said to Ye Yuxue, "Okay, let's go back."

"En." Ye Yuxue nodded slightly.

Lin Fei took out the remote control of the transmitter and started it.

After a burst of light.

He brought Ye Yuxue back to the front of the Ice Lodge.

Go in and have a look.

Yun Ruoyan was still sleeping on the bed.

She was really tired and hadn't been able to take a good rest.

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