One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-button Upgrade Chapter 100

Jiang Hao is in touch with the mood of the hand, looks at other skills, and the remaining one hundred skill points!

Sinking, then decided, the remaining one hundred attribute points are alternate!

Perhaps in special circumstances, you still need other skills to break!

Looking at the property panel that has happened, Jiang Haoxin will open it!

Subsequently, in the underground warehouse, Jiang Hao began to adapt the strength of the skyrocket!

However, he found that his defense is, it is very distinguished, and it will wrest it!

At this time, Jiang Hao suddenly remembered his father to send him!

He quickly took out the practice of the father from the system space.

"System, is there a way to let me learn this boxing?"

Jiang Hao looked at all in his hand, and his face of the questioning system.

Let him learn a fist, it is impossible!

Well, learning is impossible to learn, this life is impossible, practicing the box is so tired, I will follow the system, when a small salted fish will shout 666 is good!

"Hey, I found an unknown boxing method, whether to learn!"

The system's prompt tone remembers, Jiang Hao is happy.


As the system prompts, Jiang Hao's boxing disappeared!

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 225 Blacksmith's news, the hope of exclusive weapons

", Get skills: no name, skill point +3, experience point +3!"

Unknown boxing level 1 (01): Soft road tricks, self-contained!

The system's suggestion sounds, Jiang Hao is happy.

"Grandpa is worthy of cultural talents! The boxes he drilled will actually get the system affirmation!"

At this moment, Jiang Ha is sincerely admires the father!

"System, upgrade the boxing method to three!"

"Yes, host!"

"Hey, unknown boxing is successful!"

Unknown Boxing Level 3 (0100): Soft road tricks, self-contained!

As the fist method is upgraded. Jiang Hao's body appeared again, swim in the whisper, and finally gathered in Dan Tian, ​​assimilation!

Get a boxing method, Jiang Hao played a punch in the warehouse, and adapt to the strength you just skyrocket!

For a long time, Jiang Hao is coming out of the warehouse and drives home!

Going home, four have been doing meals, and a family is waiting for him!

After dinner, Jiang Hao and his father went out.

"Grandpa, have you ever play the blacksmith in the village?"

Xiao Li Fei has been upgraded to three levels by him, but now he still doesn't have his exclusive weapon!

The nine fine iron in his space has been placed in the space, which is fast!

Mainly, now technology development is fast, and the artificial ironing technology has been abolished!

So Jiang Hao is fortunate, I want to see if there is anyone in the country to inherit this craft!

At this time, the old man heard the words, stopped, and looked at Jiang Hao face.

"Do you want to build a weapon?"

The lord inquiry is sure in the tone.

Jiang Hao has not hidden!

"Well, my master taught me a flying knife, and the soldiers sold in the market are compressed, too garbage!"

"So, I am thinking about looking for a few!"

The old man listened, and it was also silent, for a long time, he opened.

"Haohao, although you are very tall, now is a legal society, but, martial arts is higher, can't stop bullets!"

"You can make someone else, do something illegal and chaotic!"

The hearts of the hearts of the hearts of the heart.

Jiang Hao wondered, naturally understood the worry of his father.

People don't commit me, I don't commit crimes!

This is Jiang Hao 's Number Criteria.

He naturally doesn't have a bad thing.

However, in order to disregard the worry of the old man, Jiang Hao is busy explaining.

"Grandpa, you can rest assured, I have grown up, I know what to do, what should I do!"

I can't dare to do it! "

"I just lack the flying knife of practice, and my master sent me nine special iron blocks. I thought of creating a few flying knives!"

Jiang Hao's words still play!

The old man is slightly sinking, then opening.

"Our village has really had a blacksmith, and his craft is very good, and people around you are looking for a farmer.

Just, later he conflict with people, being jumped to break the handbar! I am afraid I can't help you! "

Jiang Hao listened, it seemed to hear it.

"Grandpa, are you talking about Deep?"

Jiang Hao remembered that he used to say it before.

Deep Uncle's full name Jiang Dejun has been forty years old, but it is still a bachelor.

Because of his hand, it is trembled, and it is unstable!

I didn't expect him to have such a brilliant past.

The old man nodded, Jiang Hao Don is happy.

"Grandpa, nothing, you forgot, I will do medical skills!"

"The handbar is broken for others, but I am coming to me, the small dish will be!"

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 226 Jiang Dragon is coming to find a revenge, I am too powerful.

"Yes! How do I forgot!"

The old man think of Jiang Hao's amazing medical skills, and suddenly it is happy.

"De Bi's little child is very good, he has suffered for a lot of people, encounter you, is a bitterness!"

"Walk, I will take you to find the little child!"

The father said, I am going to go now.

Jiang Hao quickly pulled his father.

"Grandpa, you look late, tomorrow morning, I will take things tomorrow morning, let's go!"

Master has only done!

None night!

In the morning, Jiang Hao got up, the father has already got up early, go to the old wood practice, a boxing method is coming back!

At this moment, Jiang Jingyi suddenly rushed in.

"Hao Hao, my mother, my mother said, Jiang Xiaolong opened his dad, and she brought a lot of people in the middle of the night, she made you hide!"

Jiang Jingyi gasped, two small face eggs rush!

Jiang Hao heard, one.

This only remembered that the Jiang Dalong daughter-in-law said that he would say it, but these days did not move, he thought Jiang Delong's wife is afraid!

I didn't expect Jiang Delong, which is going to pull people?

Just, will he be afraid Jiang Dragon?

He has never been afraid of two dragons, and then said, his strength has just skyrocked yesterday, and it will not be afraid of a ginger dragon!

Jiang Hao smiled and touched the head of Ginger Jingyi, and then took some snacks from the table.

"Jing Yi! Thank you for notifying me, there is, I thank you for my second, I said that I went to see her for two days!"

"You go back!"

Jiang Jingyi heard the words, Lao Zi Jiang Hao, but the face is full of urgency.

"Hao Hao, you will go! Otherwise, Jiang Xiaolong is coming!"

Jiang Hao heard the words, some touched, gently pinched the little face of Jiang Jingyi.

"Thank you Jingyi, I am not afraid Jiang Dragon!"

At this time, the old man heard the movement and left.

He looked at Jiang Hao.

"Hao Hao, is there a grasp? Nothing to take a son!"

Jiang Hao heard, smiled and looked at the old man.

"Grandpa, do you think my martial arts?"

The old master has not yet touched, Jiang Hao is immediately open.

"In fact, I don't know how powerful now!"

Jiang Hao said, whispered a powerful momentum.

The old man flashed in the eyes, and no more words!


Soon, a van came to Jiang Haojiamen!

Eight people were connected to the car.

They have a handball stick or a knife.

The first one is dark, there is a scar on the forehead, it looks fierce!

This person is Jiang Dragon!

"Long Ge, is this?"

"I have to see, what is the person dare to hinder in the head of the Dragon!"



At this time, one of them saw that when the roadside Jiang Hao's car, he suddenly revealed the smile.

"Long Ge, since it is caused by this car, or if I take this car, give Dragon brother?"

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