One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-button Upgrade Chapter 101

Jiang Dilong looked at it, did not speak, it was default!

Suddenly, the yellow magic of the tip to take the car out of a glorious smile, and the stick walked from Jiang Hao.

Noisy outside, neighbors of neighbors!

They have opened the door.

As a result, when they saw that Jiang Dalong, suddenly understood, Jiang Delong was coming to the revenge!

At this time, they also heard the words of Huang Mao to take a car, suddenly surprised, full of face!

"This car is more than 1,400!"

"Jiang Delong is mixed, is you not alarm?"

"Haohao is also, why didn't you go!"

"Do you want to stop? Hao Hao is so good to us!"


I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 227 In my eyes, you can't even

The neighborhood of the neighborhood thought Jiang Hao, and at this time, some people saw that Jiang Hao was unfavorable, some people can't see it!

Just when Huang Haimen raised the iron rod in your hand, it was going to take it.


A neighbor can not see, shout, open the door, hold the shovel, come out!

At the same time, Jiang Haojia's door suddenly opened, and a shoe is like a sword.

In the moment that everyone has not reacted, they directly squatted on the back of yellow hair.


A sound, Huang Mao fell directly to the ground, did not move!

This change was a glimpse of everyone, and then a shock.

"Guan ..."

Just then, as the open door of the old wooden door came, everyone turned around and looked at the direction of the sound.

The door opened, Jiang Hao is calm, and it goes out from the door.

After the body, the four uncle four ginger, the old man and grandmother, Jiang Jingyi, etc., followed by.

Surrounded by ginger out, others also took the shovel, hoe, and vigilant to ginger Dragon.

At this time, Jiang Dilong saw this situation and was also shocked.

He looked around for a week, looked at the villager who bullied by him in the past, and stared at him with a full face angry, holding a farmer.

This situation is also scared to him and his hand.

The seven people who were originally magnificent gathered at this time, and they saw dodges from the opponent's eyes.

Jiang Dilong looked back at the front of the ginger, Huang Haoyou, and a slippers not far from Huang Mao.

A slipper is dizzy?

He was shocked in his heart and exposed his face.

"Jiang Hao, your little child can be resistant!"

"Mao is not long, I am coming, I am coming!"

"Now, in order to jointly deal with me?"

Jiang Dragon pointed to Jiang Hao and the surrounding folks.

"You are waiting for Laozi, I hope there is nothing in you!"

"Bring the old six, let's go!"

If you are squatting, Jiang Dalong turned to take a person!

Can you take this to leave?


Jiang Hao step forward, a cold drink!

Jiang Dilong stepped down, turned to see this Jiang Hao.

"How? Want to bully people?"

Jiang Hao did not pay attention to it, but surrounded by coming, I saw the uncle will help him, and I was touched.

"Uncle everyone, thank you for in this case, willing to help me!"

"However, this is between me and Jiang Dilong. Today, I will deal with it!"

Subsequently, he smashed Jiang Delong himself under his hand and despised.

"Moreover, these small butter fish, there is also a help!"

Jiang Hao's words, suddenly let Jiang Dalong and Jiang Dalong's hand are angry.

At the same time, the neighbors around them are surprised.

"Haohao, don't you be able to!"

"Just, they are so many people!"


At this time, Jiang Hao raised his hand from persuasion.

"Jiang Dilong, someone outside, there is a day outside, you are here, Wang said, in my eyes, you can't even be alone!"

"Come on! Let me teach you people today!"


After Jiang Hao, everyone else is in a hurry, and they have seen the father!

"Lao Master, you will advise Haohao!"

"Just, how can Hao Hao may be their opponent!"

"Yeah! Jade ginger!"


However, everyone is in a hot, and the father is calm.

"Let Hao Hao handle it!"

When everyone listened, I suddenly felt that the old man was crazy!

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 228, I will pick you a group

"Hey! This ..."

Everyone is in a hurry, but Jiang Hao and the old man do not let, they can only do anxious.

At this time, Jiang Zizhen looked at the urgency of the color.

"Uncle, don't be afraid, my brother is very powerful!"

However, do not wait for everyone to refute. On the other hand, Jiang Dilong looked at Jiang Hao's stupid goods, and even asked them.

Moreover, or one person picks them a group, suddenly, after each other, they directly hold the weapon in their hands, suddenly rushing to Jiang Hao!

One of them rushed the fastest. He came to Jiang Jing near, and the iron rod in his hand was the head of Jiang Haotou.

Seeing that the iron rod must be implemented, the smile on his face is exposed.

However, at this time, Jiang Hao has revealed a contemptable smile!

Subsequently, his eyes were very fast, between his hand, clung to the hands of the people, and knead!

"Ah ~!"

The man screamed, and the pain was released, and the iron rod dropped.

Jiang Hao didn't look at it, the other hand reached out, directly grab the dropped iron rod!

Then, on this person's leg, it comes to a stick!

At this time, everyone is here.

Others have raised weapons in their hands, and they attacked Jiang Hao's body!

Jiang Hao saw this, and one of the people in his hand went out!

Suddenly, three people were suddenly false, and the man pushed out by Jiang Hao hit!

Huge impact, let them feel like being hit by the train.

Four people fly together.

It's almost at the same time, almost at the same time, Jiang Hao squatted, a mix!

First, knock on the legs of the two people, and sweep the two directly!

Although Jiang Dragon has escaped Jiang Hao's sweep.

However, I haven't waited for him anyway, Jiang Hao is already in his neck, and he will lift him directly!

Jiang Delong turned over white eyes, and his face was boomed, and it couldn't breathe.

His hands grabbed Jiang Hao's hand and walked down.

I want Jiang Hao to let him down!

Jiang Hao grabbed Jiang Dragon, like grabbed a broken doll, and fell it to the ground!

"Ah ~!"

Jiang Dulong screamed, then rolled back, one hand touched the back!

The scene of Ginger Dragon and his people brought the seven vertical lying on the ground, constantly, , only Jiang Hao stands in place.

In the past few seconds, this time, this is over, it is over!

At this time, the surrounding people stared at Jiang Hao one by one full face!

Long time no words!

The surrounded is dead!

This is still not finished, Jiang Hao took the iron rod, in the eyes of the group of people, a stick, a stick, knocking their legs or arms.

At a time, the scene was screaming.


Everyone took a breath!

At this moment, everyone around him looked at Jiang Hao's eyes, more fear.

At this point, Jiang Hao came coldly, looked at Jiang Dragon, whispered.

"Jiang Dilong, I am waiting for your retaliation!"

"However, next time, it is not just a arm as simple!"

"go away!"

When I heard Jiang Hao, I lay down a few people on the ground, and I was busy helping Jiang Dragon, and a few people helped each other. Hurry up with a van!

Jiang Dalong and others left.

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