One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-button Upgrade Chapter 110

And in Jiang Hao dug in the wild mountain cucumber, there has been an interesting thing.

That is the original sleepy brown beaker, it will turn back from time.

Snoving the wild mountain ginseng and full of perseverance.

However, very fast, it is self-deceived with his own bears, and sleeps!

Jiang Haoxing took the wild mountain, and looked at the bear with paws and smiled.

Subsequently, he took a bowl of water again with a bowl, and took out the half bottle life essence, and poured one more in the water!

After the brown bear saw, immediately got up, excited, surrounded by Jiang Hao!

From time to time, I will look at the bowl of Jiang Hao from time to time, and continue to stick out the tongue and lick your lips.

Jiang Hao took the bowl in the past, and it immediately licked.

Soon, a bowl of water is gone, it still has some intentions, then look up to Jiang Hao!

See this, Jiang Hao opens, parallel the remaining life essence!

"You will go with me, I will give you this!"

Subsequently, no matter whether it can hear, don't understand, pack up things, turn around!

This brown bear looks at Jiang Hao, full.

After Jiang Hao went out of tens of meters, the brown bears had not kept up, and he thought that this stupid bench didn't understand.

But he is already gone, can you still go back?

Doesn't Jiang Mou do not face?

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 248 Your Bear Brother has been on the line, decomposes chameleons

Under the way, I decided to give up!

As at this time, he suddenly heard the movement behind him, and then showed a smile on his face.

It seems that this is not stupid this.

As for Jiang Hao, why did the brown bears are not sneak attack, but to follow him?

This is naturally his level 4 dangerous sense!

The brown bear has no hostility, so it does not trigger dangerous knowledge.

Sure enough, the next moment, the bear is coming up, and I am smashed in Jiang Hao, and then I will kneel!

And told Jiang Hao.

It seems to be letting Jiang Hara on him!

Jiang Hao was amazed, hesitated, ride it!

The brown bear got up, and he fell in Jiang Hao, move forward in the direction of Jiang Hao!


Another one who is not commensuated, the tacit wandering in this original jungle, there is a strange and. Harmony!

In this way, Jiang Hao has encountered many animals that are rare outside of us.

There are wild boars, wolves, tigers, foxes, etc.!

And these animals give him feelings seem to be smart than the similar animals he have seen outside!

Perhaps it is his illusion!

Jiang Hao travels all the way, there is a lot of gains!

After that, he met two hundred years of wild ginseng, and there is a very rare huge century of Ganoderma lucidum!

This makes him call this too much!

Of course, there is a lot of dangers in this road!

Beast attack is only one of them, as well as various poisonous insects in the jungle.

However, Jiang Hao is a poisonous non-invasion of skills and plucking, so the poisonous insects are not dangerous.

And the beast attack is often happening!

Although there is a small huge brown bear, there is still some wild beasts who don't know the dead!

Xiaozheng is his name for his brown bear, because he thinks this brown bear is too embarrassing, so you will be named small!

For example, a group of wolves he just encountered soon!

Nearly more than 20 wolves!

If Jiang Hao broke out on the spot, directly slammed the wolf king hit it half of death and scared the wolves.

He is really difficult to retreat with Xiao!

This also made him understand the danger of this original forest!


Jiang Hao is sitting in a small body and is curious about it. Here, it is a primitive forest.

A variety of precious trees in a rare view outside, it is even everything.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a branch, a changing dragon laid on it.

Jiang Haoteun came to interested, and took a small and shot, and stopped.

He jumped from a little, and grouped toward the changing dragon!

With the close of Jiang Hao, it may be that this chameleon discovers someone to spy.

The color on it has changed in an instant, which is exactly the same as the surrounding branches.

At this point, if Jiang Hao is in advance, it is really not necessarily to find it!

Jiang Haotan has some advice of this little guy!

Jiang Hao will grab it, caught carefully in his hand.

Just then, the system's prompt sound suddenly remembered.

"Hey, find a chameleon, is it broken down?"

Jiang Hao heard, suddenly opened.

"break down!"

Jiang Hao is secretly praying in his heart, hoping to get a useful skill!

Next moment, the system prompts again, and the chameleons in his hands disappear.

"Hey, congratulations to the master to successfully decompose the chameleon, get the talent skills: deformation, get the skill point 1.1, experience point 1.1!"

Talent Skills: Deformation Level 1 (01): This is not just a powerful jungle survival talent.

"Decomposition is completed, is it fused?"

Jiang Hao heard the skills that got talent, but he just envied the skills, suddenly, he was happy.

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 249, Powerful Deformation Talent, Sudden people

"Is this a return of life?"

Jiang Hao is proud.

As for the inexplicable annotation of the system, Jiang Hao is not careless.

There is no hesitation.

"Extraction integration!"

Jiang Hao, instant, a strange change in his body into his body.

At the same time, a memory flood is incorporated into his mind.

Subsequently, he was ecstatic. At this time, he found that he didn't say the system's annotations.

This is not just a powerful jungle survival talent.

Because of memory, this deformation talent is a bit similar to a movie he has seen, a variety of variants called the magic woman!

However, only level 1 is it, the deformation talent of the magic woman is far away.

But when different, Jiang Hao can upgrade this talent through the skill point!

In this way, the realm of the deformation of the deformation of the deformation is the crush of the iron plate, and even, he may go beyond the deformation witch!

Jiang Hao wants to come here, and immediately tell the system.

"System, upgrade the talent skills to three!"

"Yes, host!"

"Hey, successful upgrade talent: deformation to three!"

Talent: Deformation level 3 (0100): This is not just a powerful jungle survival talent.

After upgrading the third level, Jiang Hao has a hunch, he has been able to change his own extermation!

The mind is small, Jiang Hao's skin has changed!

His skin tone changed and the surrounding trees were a bit similar.

It's a little bit better than changing dragons!

However, his clothes could not be discolored and became his biggest flaw!

Perhaps, he has learned a magic woman, has been naked, and it is used to use body skin.

Jiang Hao wanted to think, suddenly a bad cold.

Subsequently, Jiang Hao temporarily put this problem, wait until there is something to solve this problem!

At this time, Jiang Hao has rides a small scute, and it is ready to continue.

Suddenly he heard that there was moving quiet, he quickly took a small cut.

Small, stopped!

Jiang Hao jumped from the little , talent: the wind and ear started, listened carefully.

Suddenly, I heard a few people's conversation.

"Boss, this map given in the organization is true if it is true?"

"There is really a big tomb here."

"We are all here for four days, and Mao did not find one, and the old five fell to the life!"

A man complained.

And at this time, he was scrambled by another person.

"The old four, when I came, I said, less talking, do more!"

"Others, pay attention to the warning, according to the map, let's get it!"

Then, it is a silence, not a while, the boss will open again.

However, this time, his voice seems to be a little low.

"As for the old five, wait until the task is completed, I will send him to his mother's hand!"

"You all pay attention, I don't want to have some people to sacrifice!"

"Okay, let's temporarily in this moment, you check the bullets, keep alert at any time!"

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