One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-click Upgrade Chapter 111


Jiang Hao heard here, suddenly shocked.

He didn't think of the original forest, there is still a group of tomb thieves!

Moreover, this is still a group of organized tomb thieves, even, there are also guns in their hands!

In Hua Guo, the supervision of firearms is extremely strict, but it is not a general person to have!

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 25, the end of the jungle, I am king.

At the same time, Jiang Hao's doubtful thing, which Zhou Tianzi said in the mouth is what Zhou Tianzi?

Zhou Wenwang? Zhou Wuwang? Or Is Zhou King?

Or is it still other days?

Since so far, Hua Guo has never excavated the tomb of any Zhou Tianzi!

Also, what organizes in their mouths?

However, all this is a mystery!

At this time, Jiang Hao was attacked, and he decided to explore it!

Jiang Hao took the small and screamed, indicating that he will wait!

And he himself, through talent: deformed, quickly changed the color of the body, and went to the voice of the voice!

However, a small meeting, Jiang Hao saw a group of people in the distance!

This group of people is six!

Plus, he heard it, that is, this team is seven!

Jiang Hao looked at this group of people's equipment, and suddenly, this group of people did not be like a tomb thief.

Because they wear a variety of costumes, while carrying a variety of weapons and equipment, like a mercenaries on TV.

It's not good for a look!

Moreover, it is so good to see these people, the division of labor is clear, the two people of the alert, and the keen eyes, it is not promising.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao believes that this should be a team of mercenaries.

"Just, what is the employment of these mercenaries?"

At a time, Jiang Hao was caught in meditation.

For a long time, thinking about three, Jiang Hao decided to take these people and ask a clear!

Although there are six people in the other party, and one is elite, it is only for others.

As for Jiang Hao, this kind of singular skills, you can't even act at all!

What's more, he is the king! He is the king!

Immediately, Jiang Hao launched a three-stage abduct surgery, instant, a special fluctuation exuded out from Jiang Hao!

Soon, countless poisonous insects within a hundred meters, come together from all directions!

These poisonous insects live in this primitive forest, and the toxicity is strong, but it is not the general insect energy than the outside.

Perhaps, any one of them may have a life!

What's more, Jiang Hao's three-level paint surgery has been summoned!

At this time, a buns were sound.

One of the six people was like heard, he looked around, but there was no discovery.

"Three brothers, have you heard a bun Saissan?"

This person is still not relieved, asking for a person next to him.

The man heard the words, suddenly alert, and then listened to the side.

At this time, just a breeze blowing through, instantly pilot the leaves around the leaves.

He thought that it was the voice of the leaves, and immediately relaxed, and didn't care.

"Old seven, don't be too nervous, but a sound of wind blowing leaves!"

The old seven heard, although he had hesitized, but he did feel a breeze!

Just when you are too nervous, you will no longer care.

And Jiang Hao heard two people dialogue, suddenly smiled.

"It seems that even God is helping me!"

Immediately, he asked him to drive the tens of thousand povuits and launched an attack!

Suddenly, on the ground where the six people is located, some poisonous worms have quietly climbed their bodies.

Drilling into their clothes, walking around them!

The same, their head, another poisonous insects have dropped from the branches.

In the air, a small part will also hit it!

Subsequently, a scream came!

"Ah ~!"

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 251 is insects, do you want them to live?

A scream of scream broke the quiet original forest.

"Ah! Bug, bug!"

"Run! Here is a poisonous insect!"


A sound scream came!

"It ran in my clothes!"

The middle-aged man headed!

"Fast, fast!"

When he said, he took the lead and ran out!

However, it is already useless, numerous poisonous dentarians have drilled their clothes!

Those poisons have not bite, they have already panicked!

At this moment, the dewormy drugs in the characters belt are now useless!

When they ran out a distance, they were safe.

I will discard the gun on one side, and I don't want to scatter the doctor.

However, there is no ovulation, and these bugs seem to be not afraid of insecticides, like crazy.

"Mom, exfolication is useless!"

"Don't sprinkle, get rid of your clothes!"


They quickly release clothes, clean them into the bugs of them!

Jiang Hao saw this scene, and suddenly rushed slightly!

Now, he ordered him, commanded some of the poisonous attacks!

"Ah ~!"

With a miserable call, one of these six teams directly fall, and the mouth is poor, the body is constantly convulsion!

His clothes took over and didn't come out.

Soon, his chest countless bug climbed and captured his body.

And the most deadly, his neck, the colorful spider, which has been injected into the body.

At this time, the person headed is still tapping the body, constantly shaking, and expulsion to the bug on him!

Suddenly, he heard a scream, when he looked up, he saw the old three down, his face changed, shouting.


However, it is still not waiting for him, and some other people have fallen!

They all have faces, red and swollen, fluttering over white, twitching, look extremely fierce.

One of them struggled to look at the boss that still standed, and it was full of prayers.

"Big Brother, save me!"

Another person felt nothing, tough to reveal a few words.

"Big brother, fast, go!"

However, they just finished, the next moment, their heads were full of black-pressed bugs!

"Old second, old four, old six, old seven!"

I saw this, and I roared.

At this moment, I followed him to die, and the brothers of the rivers and lakes have fallen in front of him, but he can't force!

He suddenly became a bad, anger, hate himself!

"Ah ~!"

He looked at the scream, then took out the pistol of the waist, and opened the gun in the sky until the bullet was exhausted!

At this moment, he born to the dead, fell to the ground!

Not far away, Jiang Hao is somewhat moved by their brothers.

Originally, Jiang Hao intends to kill five, leaving only the one of the heads, see if something can be asked.

It can be seen here, Jiang Haofei decided to temporarily not kill, see if they can take them!

If you can't, you are doing a decision is not too late. Anyway, they have already pinch in their own hands.

"I want you to die, you will die; I want you to be born, you can live!"

Jiang Hao has this confidence!

Thinking of this, Jiang Hao arrived in the deformed, and came out from the side, looked at the boss and opening the mouth.

"Do you want them to live?"

Jiang Hao's voice, I woketed the lead!

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 252 Jiang Hao appeared, I can save them

"who are you?"

The boss was awakened, staring at this abrupt young boy!

The heart is extremely shocked, and there will be other outsiders in addition to them.

However, very fast, he seems to think about what, suddenly angry with gun, pointing at Jiang Hao, let it go, roaring.

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