One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-click Upgrade Chapter 168

To be said, Xue Zhengxiao and that Wu Shi left in the crowd!

At this moment, the time is almost the same, Xue Zhengying took Jiang Hao to the front stage!


Soon, time is here, everyone is in place!

With the host, it is open.

"Below, please ask two kitchen road masters to go to the stage, first report home, to show respect!"

As the host opened, after the scenes on the end, I walked out of the left and right side!

It is Jiang Hao and the spiritual white beard old man Wu Shi!

Among them, Jiang Hao hands are empty!

That Wu Shi did make a baby holding a black leather clip!

Wu came to the side of the wheat, looked at the people, and began to be the door.

"Laoimi Wu Yong, sixty years old this year, kitchen, kitchen, Wang Wenbo, Mr. Wang!"

"The old five-year-old cuisine, twenty, 30% of the cooking master.

In the fifteen years, I have won the eight famous kitchen, win the eight kitchen knives, and forty-five years ago. "

Said, Wu Shishi waved his hand, and there were two people behind him to come to Wu Shi!

Wu Shi opened the kitchen cabinet, hung in the kitchen cabinet, and the eight very style of the kitchen knife, but at the end, it also reserved a position!

This is, Wu Master is proud to open.

"This is the eight kitchen knife I got in the eight kitchen, I got the eight kitchen knives!"

Subsequently, he said that the position of the last reserved in the kitchen cabinet.

"I have a wish, that is, the year of birth, winning nine knives, and this location, it is for today!"

"Today, God has a good year, and the old is finally a nine knife!"

Wu Shi said, I can't say confidence!

The kitchen is not starting, it seems that you will win!

Wu Shi's self-introduction, even those who don't understand the rules of the kitchen, there are unknown feelings!

And the people in the kitchen road are even more dignified!

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Chapter 378, Kitchen, 18-year-old

Next, Jiang Hao introduced himself.

When everyone saw Jiang Hao, suddenly shocked, even somewhat curable!

"Is he a kitchen?"

"Is this too young?"


At the end, a noisy argument was taken.

Jiang Hao scared his venue and saw an acquaintance of the acquaintances in addition to his family, Xue Ziyu, Jia Renjie, Song Wan Zhong!

However, let Jiang Hao are strange, next to Song Wan Zhong, the style of the storm and red are still there!

There is no much thinking, Jiang Hao is a light self-introduction.

"I am Jiang Hao, 18 years old, no kitchen, if you don't say, that is the kitchen!"

"I have been in contact with the kitchen road for less than a year?"

"Now it is a kitchen road master!"

"Others have nothing!"

Jiang Hao simply two sentences, in an instant, there was a shockstorm!


Everyone can't take a breath!

"Lying lying. Slot, 18 years old, no teacher, less than a year, the kitchen road master?"

"Is this not a kitchen?"


Countless people amazed!

At this moment, even the Song Wan Zhong and others are also a shock.

Although they know that Jiang Hao is a cooking master!

But they don't know that Jiang Hao actually learns the kitchen!

The heart of the storm is even more giant!

The vast spirit of spirit, the horrible buddy, Qinyi is also superb, now, the talent on the kitchen road is even more no ancient people!

This kind of enchanting Tianjiao, who is cultivated?

However, at this time, some people do hardly see the pole!

For example, Xue Zhengxiong also has the Wu Shi, who has just been placed!

The two stare at Jiang Hao with a gloomy!

18-year-old kitchen road master!

This is said that no one is willing to believe!

Moreover, this person actually touched the kitchen road, not arrived in a year, or no teacher!

This makes the two faces of the original confidence fall into the bottom of the valley!

In contrast, Xue Zhengying and Xue Ziyi are ecstatic!

At a moment, the underground people divided into two factions, and some of the brilliant Wu Shi supported!

Part of supporting the kitchen road enchanting genius Jiang Hao!

Soon, under the schedule of the host, the two sides began to pick the ingredients!

Jiang Hao's face is light, and the slowness of the Slows, and the side of Wu Shi is a face!

Soon, twenty minutes!

Kitchen is starting!

As the host announces the rules, the first, the beginning of the cooking!

Jiang Hao is chilling is cabbage!

Jiang Hao takes a very unique knife, and the uniform cut into a width of the cabbage is about 5 mm!

Subsequently, drip oil, put it in a spoonful sugar, and to get a balance point of the oil change, quickly pour cabbage into the pot!

However, in three minutes, Jiang Hao began to put a variety of ingredients.

Stir again again, a rich fragrance begins to exist!

Soon, this dish will succeed in the pot!

Looking at the brush and exudes a pale yellow cabbage, Jiang Hao is a smile.

"Scene +5!"

This is the properties of this dish!

Subsequently, Jiang Hao is not very uncommon to press the bell!

The host on the outside meeting immediately did a notification!

"The first cooking, Jiang Zongshi used four minutes and forty-nine seconds!"

As the host is notified, I suddenly squatted.

"So fast?"

"Hey, it is a kitchen road enchanting!"

Xue Zhengxi is anxious at this moment, but his surface is a very calm look.

Of course, he still don't forget to put the opponent!

He said with a relaxed loudness.

"Young people are impatient!"

"For the pursuit of time, I have forgotten the essence of the kitchen;"

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Chapter 379, the kitchen start, all the way

Eye know that this is Xue Zhengxiong deliberately suppressed opponents.

But there will be a little reason, but it is still a part of some people!

Some people who originally neutral nodded his words!

Xue Zhengxiong met his own purpose, and looked at Xue Ziqi and smiled.

Xue Ziqi father heard the words, his face was gloomy.

And the other two sides, Jiang family, Song Yuer and others also frowned to Xue Zhengxiong!

Song Yuer is smashed with Xue Zhengxiong, and his face is angry.

"Night sister, the man is so bad!"

The storm is no longer right!

Originally, this kind of pressure is normal!


Soon, Wu Shi also came to ringing!

"The first cooking is over, Wu Zongshi used 8 minutes and 15 seconds!"

"Time, Jiang Zongshi leads ahead!"

"Next, the first dish of the two masters will be sent to the first dish to the 1st guest review!"

As the host opened, the two cheongsam beauty each pushed a single dining car, and the dish will be sent to one table.

No one knows who is doing!

The first guest got up to someone nodded, and he said hello.

Then I can't wait to open a meal, start to taste!

He first tasted a three-season beans!

Everyone saw that he did not release his hand, and he did not swallow the throat water.

When he finally opened the second dish, suddenly a unique rich and fragrant fragrance of another dish is scattered throughout the venue!

This person is pleased, and I am busy starting to taste!

This will, until he has finished eating the dish, but still wants!

At this time, the host is in a timely manner!

"Please give these two dishes separately!"

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