One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-click Chapter 169

At this time, in the eyes of everyone, the first guest got up.

"The two are not the name of the masters, but I am a personal preference, I will give this four-season beans, giving this cabbage very!"

As the guest points end, the opening road is hosted.

"Please open the big screen."

Subsequently, in the eyes of everyone, on the big screen, Jiang Hao and the Wu Shi cooked the whole process!

This, who loses who wins!

"It seems that our bus will lead to the advantages of eleven!"

As the host announced, it was repeated in the instant.

The people standing in Jiang Hao are excited, and the opposite is the opposite, standing in the face of Wu Shi, is gloomy!

Subsequently, the host announced the second way, it was a roast!

The two sides start again, not long, Jiang Hao is completed first, then you have a minute!

After the completion of Wu Shishi, under the host of the host, the second dish sent it to the second table.

After two tables, I tasted, I finally played a seven points and very!

Finally, the big screen lights up again!

There is no doubt that Jiang Hao gets very!

Jiang Hao's score immediately to 22 points, and the Wu Zongshi only 15 points!

Everyone didn't think of it, just two dishes, the gap between the two masters has already opened so big!

Then, hosted a third dish, fried!

Jiang Hao once again completed again, and got a point!

After the third guest tastes, I have made 9 points and 10 points respectively!

However, the big screen lit up, so that everyone was shocked, Jiang Hao did a 10 point!

In this way, Jiang Hao has 33 points, and Wu Shi is only 24 points!

Kitchen continues!

The fourth result, Jiang Hao 44, Wu Shi 33!

Fifth results, Jiang Hao 54, Wu Shi 41!


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Chapter 380, the kitchen, the phone opened in the middle of the night

With the kitchen, Jiang Hao has been leading!

10th, Jiang Hao 108, Wu Shi, 80!

11th, Jiang Hao 119, Wu Shi 90!


20th, Jiang Hao 217, Wu Shi 166!

21st, Jiang Hao 228, Wu Shi 175!

At this point, the kitchen has been in most, and the people look at it, Jiang Hao has already had absolute advantages!

Soon, the thirtieth dish is coming!

Jiang Hao 326, Wu Shi 250!

The kitchen continues until the 35th.

Jiang Hao 377, Wu Shi 290!

In this way, the overall situation has been set!

And with the 36th dish, the final result.

Jiang Hao 388, Wu Shi 300!

The kitchen road is 30 laws, Jiang Hairprish press the victory!

As Jiang Hao and Wu Shi, I don't know the results!

Everyone looked at Wu Shi's eyes full of mercy!

Wu Shishi has seen it from the eyes of everyone. When he looked to the judges, where there is Xue Zhengxiong's figure!

At this time, as the host announces the result!

"The two major kitchen roads, after thirty-six rounds, Jiang Zongshi wins with 388, Wu Zongshi defeated 300 points!"

Wu Shiyi listened to this result, when he suddenly became white, his legs were soft, directly lying on the ground!

Self-witted in your mouth.

"It's impossible, how can it be so many!"


Jiang Hao victories in absolute advantages, according to rules.

Jiang Hao will take the Wu Shi Kitchenware, and Wu Sh will seal the knife, and must not kitchen!

However, Jiang Hao did not take away Wu Shi's kitchenware!

As a result, he didn't have the best!

Two, this is meaningless!

His kitchen skills are already comparable to the primary artist, and he has already exceeded the teacher!

Douted with Wu Yonglu, from the beginning, it is not a level!

If you need it, Jiang Hao will not come to the dish!

With this kitchen, Jiang Hao once again starred.

It was crowned with a genius chef, the kitchen was in the world, and the first person in the kitchen road and other titles!

The kitchen is over, many people leave the olive branch to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao thank you!

Subsequently, Song Wan Zhong invited Jiang Hao family to celebrate the feast for him.

Jiang Hao is not good to refuse, we will take the mouth and the Song Wan Zhong!

On the other hand, Xue Zhengying and Xue Ziyu have started to completely accept Xue family!

With Jiang Hao's great situation for them, some people who have neutralized in Xue family have fallen to them!

However, I have to say that Xue Zhengxiong is a traitor, he has already prepared, and it has turned away from a lot of money in advance!

Roll money!

As for the Wu Shi, a loser, I have already been forgotten by others!

This world is very real, since it is written by the winner!

Who will think of a useless loser!


The three days have passed, Jiang Hao lives with calm life!

However, this day, Jiang Hao's calm days were finally broken!

June 29th night, 3:45 in the morning!

Jiang Dad's mobile phone suddenly rang!

Jiang Dad, Jiang Mom, was awake!

Jiang Dad was fascinated to take a call, and it was the old king who was installed!

"Hey, the old king." Do you want to do it? "

"I actually called in the middle of the night, disturbing people!"

Jiang Dad, turned on, and was preparing to two old kings.

However, not waiting for him to come, suddenly the harsh screams came, and the Jiang Dado mobile phone fell to the ground!

"Lying. Slot ..."

Subsequently, the voice of the miserable life of the old king was coming!

"Help! Ginger old, save me!"

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Chapter 381, late night, ghost

Jiang Dad hit a spirit, completely awake, he stared at the phone that dropped in bed!

At this time, Jiang Ma was also scared from sleeping!

The two stare at the mobile phone!

And the mobile phone also came to the call rescue sound, at the same time, there is still a bumble-in-law!

Jiang Dad's face, my heart hair, I finally picked up the mobile phone, trying to call!

"Lao Wang?"


At the same time, a self-built small villa in the suburbs of Tianhe City, a middle-aged man, a dowager, holding a pair of well-filled words.

This person is the old king!

At this moment, he is frightened and a long-haired white dress forms a confrontation!

At this time, the white woman looked at a blank painting hanging on the wall of the wall!

It seems that I really want to get it, but when he saw the old king under that, he was afraid.

No, accurately, he is taboo is the word painting in the old Wang Huai!

In that word painting, only twenty words, but every word is like a living dragon.

Whenever she approaches, the word will break a white ray!

Let her all the best!

Make her at all!

At this time, the old king retired again, and he has already retired to the corner. He is full of panic to hold the word, pick up the phone and quickly call for help.

"Weiping big brother, come to save me, there is a ghost!"

"That one word, you give me the pair of words ..."


A few minutes later, the light of the Jiangjia living room is on!

Jiang Dad took a fear of ginger, and Jiang Hao was sitting opposite!

Jiang Hao stared at Dad Jiang Weiping!

"Dad, you said that my Wang Shu met the ghost? Is my reputation saved him?"

Jiang Hao said, a face is surprised.

At this moment, his views of life formed in the form of ordinary life for more than a decade, let him be a little unwilling to believe.

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