One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-button Upgrade Chapter 173

Will a spiritual picture?

Then, should I have a spirituality of the painting of Confucianism?

However, Confucianism is calm and white, even if you have spirituality with the painting of Confucianism, Bai Yu is probably can't be swallowed, or attached to it?

However, Bai Yu has now bind himself, maybe it should be restrained?

Jiang Hao fantasy.

However, these are just his personal guess, everything is trying again!

I think so, Jiang Hao decided to try it.

Jiang Hao took out the pen ink, and then looked at the white feather road on the side.

"White feather, you don't move, I may make you enhance!"

White Feather heard the words, although doubts, but still listened to Jiang Hao's order!

"Yes, the master!"

Bai Yu sat in Jiang Hao designated position, Jiang Hao infused Confucianism to the pen of the hand, and started with white feather!

Bai Yu looked at Jiang Hao's pen in the hands of Confucianism, and it flashed a fear, and there was still a long desire!

And Jiang Hao did not pay attention to this, he has already used the four sanctions of Confucianism, the picture of the white feather, and completely quiet!

Soon, a period of time, Jiang Hao's pen, a classical beauty map is born.

The only unfortunate thing is that there is no eye in this painting!

However, after Jiang Hao is outlined, it will move his eyes from Bai Yu. With the mind of the mind, the last finishing pen is started!

As Jiang Hao, a few pens, a pair of evil eyes appeared.

With the end of the finishing touch, the whole picture broke out with a soft white ray. Subsequently, the entire picture is like a normal.

The most important thing is that the people in this portrait seem to have to live!

Especially the pair of curiosity of the world, you stare at it, it is like watching you.

Bai Yu saw this painting volume, suddenly shocked!

Looking at the people, this is not yourself!

She is still unlikely to sit down!

What makes white feathers are awkward. This portrait of Jiang Hao has just been painted to have spirituality!

This is simple!

At this time, Jiang Hao has a pen, looking at this painting, nodded.

Subsequently, he picked up his new work, look at Bai Yu, asked.

"White feathers, can you attach this picture?"

Bai Yu heard, a surprise.

"The master of the owner, the master's painting already has spirituality.

Moreover, the owner painted the slave, so slaves and this painted is a kind of joys, slaves can be attached! "

Jiang Hao wondered, the heart couldn't help but he was worried.

"That's the Confucianism of this is not restrained?"

Bai Yu heard, nodded, and Jiang Hao suddenly disappointed.

However, I didn't expect white feathers to continue opening.

"The master, although the energy you painted by this picture, the people are slaves, but this painting is a slave, so the energy of the energy is not obvious!"

"As long as the slave is posted in this picture, completely engraving the painting of this picture.

At that time, the energy in this painting not only does not generate restraints, and even it will become another ability of the slave! "

The joy of Bai Yu explained to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao listened, suddenly a happy!

"In this case, this picture is given to you!"

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Chapter 389 White Feather Sleep, Teacher Practice

White Feather heard the words, although there was a guess, but it was still an excitement.

"Thank you master!"

When you say, when Bai Yu has to attach a new home, it suddenly seems to think about anything.

Then look at Jiang Hao, and.

"Master, Bai Yu does not know when to fully control this picture, so this is afraid that it will fall into sleep!"

Jiang Hao wondered, did not feel anything.

With Bai Yu's current ability, it is impossible to bring any help, even if she will sleep, there is no loss!

"Don't hinder, you can control this painting!"

Bai Yu heard, respectfully ginger, thank Jiang Hao, and white feathers made a light, instantly floating into Jiang Hao's hand!

Although she recognized Jiang Hao, there is not much emotion between them, so there is no such thing as the kind of death!

However, just in her approach is, a white ray is bursting on the picture, preventing her inhabiting!

The instant is stissible, but this stalemate has not been lasts.

Bai Yu is completely integrated into the drawing!

Jiang Hao saw in the hand in his hand, Bai Feifei made a vain, and finally coincided with the white feathers he painted!

Changed into a white feather!

After the painting flashed a white light, the entire picture suddenly became unmortical, completely caught in a quiet.

Jiang Hao looked at it and understood that Bai Yu should fall into sleep, no more.

Then reinstate the scroll in the system space!

Treatment of Baidu, Jiang Hao caught pensive.

"Today, the ghosts have begun to birth, and their parents, they are still ordinary people, it is too dangerous!"

"It seems that I have to find ways to make them a military person as soon as possible, or find other things, at least to protect their security!"

At this time, Jiang Hao suddenly thought.

"I don't know if I can teach them to learn."

Just, learning is not a good thing, this is not possible to work for a short time!

"It seems that it is still based on the system!"

Jiang Hao could not help but sigh.

However, Jiang Hao still decided!

Subsequently, Jiang Hao kicked his skill bar and prepared to choose a skill to teach them!

Jiang Hao looked at his skill bar and found that he can teach the skills!

One is the father's boxing, the second is to play dog ​​sticks, three alone, Jiujie, four small Li Feidao!

However, the latter two may not be average people to learn!

No matter which kind of this, as long as they can get started, Jiang Haoyi can help them in medication, making them faster!

"It's so decided, just there is a little spiritual material on my body!"

"However, the general warrior is probably not able to restrain the ghosts, but the blood is strong, and the general ghost is not darent.

But the same, strong people with strong blood are more likely to like the ghost!

So I still have to give them a special thing! "

At this time, Jiang Hao immediately thought of, people mentioned the ghosts, and then thought about something!

For example, inquiry, open ornaments, etc.!

"It seems that I have to find a chance to go to those famous ways, the temple is seen!"

However, at this time, Jiang Hao decided to find your parents!


After a while, Jiang Hao sat around the living room, Jiang Dad, Jiang Ma, Jiang Zi, a horror, looked at Jiang Hao.

Just, Jiang Hao said before he said with Jiang Dad again, and the little little showed his ability!

This is just that scene!

"Parents, Zi Yu, I have four skills to choose!"

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Chapter 390, family choices, everyone practice talent

"First, my grandfather's boxing method, this is the easiest to introduce, Jingyi is also practicing!"

"Second, play the dog, this, you should have heard, the Northern Song Dynasty helped martial arts, need a certain talent!"

"Third, solitary nine swords, this need to be good, the average person is not going!"

"The fourth, Xiao Li Feifei, this is the same, non-talented is good!"

After Jiang Hao introduced, Jiang Ziyu has been can't wait.

"My brother, what is my talent?"

When Jiang Zi, he came out, Jiang Dad Jiang Ma is also a face of Jiang Hao!

When Jiang Zizhen, Jiang Hao did not know, so he loudly, asked the system.

"System, my parents, how about my sister, their kindness?"

A burst of silence.

Just disappointed with Jiang Hao, thinking that the system will not answer his question, suddenly, there are three evaluation in his mind!

"Jiang Weiping: General; Guo Chunzhao: Take a little talent; Jiang Ziyu: Genius!"

Jiang Hao suddenly surprised, he was just a question of testivity, did not expect the system to give such an evaluation!

What makes him surprised is that although the parents' martial arts are in general, the sister Jiang Zizhen is even genius!

At this moment, he is looking forward to what his talent is like, and he will ask him quickly.

"System, then my talent?"

At this time, there is a lot of information in his mind!

Just, this information makes him excited face suddenly!

"Host Jiang Hao Talent: Garbage!"

Jiang Hao is angry, as yourself like yours, there is a young man, the system actually gives a garbage evaluation!

"This is a naked strike to revenge!"

Jiang Hao's heart roared!

At this time, Jiang Dad Jiang Ma Jiangzi, three people, looked at Jiang Hao, constantly changed!

"Haohao, our talent will not even reach the most basic requirements?"

Jiang Ma opened, interrupted Jiang Hao's expectations!

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