One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-button Upgrade Chapter 174

Jiang Hao was awakened and looked at the three, and then this was busy comforting.

"No no!"

"Parents, Zi Yu, you can rest assured, you can practice, only have suitable!"

"My dad is first practiced from my grandfather! After all, the child is a parent!"

"Waiting for my dad to practice my grandfather's punch, I am teaching other!"

"Mom, you choose to play the dog, this is suitable for you!"

"Zi Yu, you choose it, but you are still small, the positive value of the golden years, I suggest you choose the Jiji or Xiao Li Wei knife!"

Jiang Hao gave his own suggestion. Subsequently, Jiang Dad Jiang Ma listened to Jiang Hao's suggestion, and practitioned the father's boxing method, playing a dog!

And Jiang Zizhen has chosen two kinds of swords and Xiao Li flying knife!

However, Jiang Hao did not stop it, let her try it!

Subsequently, Jiang Hao began to teach three people!

Soon, I am so unknown in this day.

However, Jiang Hao found a problem.

That is, the teacher is learning the military, and the house I bought is small, and it is not suitable!

However, this is not a big thing for him today!

Jiang Hao called Jia Renjie, let Jia Renjie gave him a separate villa!

It is best to have a big practice site!

Who knows that Jiang Hao has given a request, Ja Renjie said that he has a separate villa to prepare to himself, just in line with Jiang Hao's request!

Finally, I have to give Ginger!

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Chapter 391, Bun, Was, Executive

Jiang Hao did not agree, just let's take a look!

Soon, Jia Renjie personally drives, picking Jiang Hao to see the villa!

Suburban, a villa, Jia Renjie is introducing the group of Jiang Hao.

"Mr., this villa has just changed its decoration, one floor, two layers living, the underground negative layer is a fitness venue, all kinds of fitness equipment is complete!"

Jiang Hao listened to the introduction of Jia Renjie and nodded.

"When can I live?"

Jia Renjie heard, and quickly opened his mouth.

"Sir, this villa has passed air quality test, you can stay at any time!"

Jiang Hao heard, looked at Jia Renjie and followed.

"In this case, then I will accept it!"

"However, I will not let you sacrifice in white!"

At this time, Jia Renjie also wanted to watch faithful, but Jiang Hao reached out him and then then went.

"You don't have to refuse, this time your work is very satisfied, I am a distinctive person!"

Said, Jiang Hao handed into the pants and took out a small bottle and opened the mouth.

"This is a three-level military person, take this Dan, you can become a three-level military person instantly!"

After that, Jiang Hao lost him to Jia Renjie!

"Receive it!"

Jia Renjie was busy with the small medicine bottle whose La Hao lost, and his face was ecstatic.

"Mr. Thank you, thank you Mr.!"

Jiang Hao swayed and immediately.

"Okay, you are here, then send me back, I want to move!"

At this moment, Jia Renjie has been completely dead to Jiang Hao, so for Jiang Hao's words, he is a speech.

Taking the people, Jia Renjie became a three-level warrior with Hai Shu, then, he sent Jiang Hao back!

At the same time, Jiang Hao called the moving company!

Jiang Ha has already said with his father, Jiang Ziyu said, so a family is ready!

Soon, Jiang Hao's family moved in the past!

After stability, Jiang Hao specially started to teach family to praise, and at the same time, each meal kitchen, give them a medicated meal!

Moreover, in order to let them get a quick entry of Jiang Hao try to guide them to practice with their own arrogance!

Also, Jiang Hao also prepared a few bottle of life essence, supplementing their consumption as a nutrient solution!

In such a luxurious practice, after three days, the sister ginger finally became the war!

He actually introduced the solitary nine sword and Xiao Li Fei knife!

This makes Jiang Hao are very shocked.

When you really don't care about this day!

But Jiang Zizhen is too proud to challenge Jiang Hao!

As a result, I would like to know that after Jiang Hao is frustrated, Jiang Zizhen is more effort!

Jiang Hao no matter what he, anyway, there is no matter what it is, and you will go!

In this way, in the past three days, Jiang Dad Jiang was connected to the first-class warrior!

Jiang Hao is happy, and also reminds them not to expose the martial arts!

After all, they just get started with the warrior, Jiang Harasheng is afraid that they are staring at them!

But even if they are careful, they are just a grade of war, in front of those senior military, but the war is nothing!

On this day, Jiang Hao is very rare. He is preparing to cultivate his feelings with Song Yuer.

At the same time, he is also prepared to check the talents of Song Yuer, and some of the martial arts!

But he just went out, his mobile phone rang!

Jiang Hao took out the phone and saw it, it was a mother's phone.

He just turned on, and he came to a noisy voice.

"Fast chasing, the young master said, must grab the two people!"

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 392, Dragon is against scales, and you will die.

Subsequently, this noisy sound is getting farther away!

At this time, the voice of Jiang Ma was anxious.

"Haohao, I am in the big estuary, some people have to catch us, your dad is arrested, the sneak attack hit the one of them, I and Zi Yu took the opportunity to escape!"

"Now they go to chasing, you will save your dad!"

Jiang Hao heard, and suddenly his face changed.

"Mom, you are hiding first, I will arrive soon!"

Jiang Hao rushed out and drove to the big estuary!

At the same time, he called Jia Renjie.

Jia Renjie is connected to the phone, and Jiang Hao does not contain a slightest emotion, and I am cold!

"Jia Renjie, immediately took people to the big estuary, to find my sister, some people want to catch my sister!"

Jia Renjie listened, suddenly shocked!

I didn't dare to have a slim, and I was busy!

"Yes, Mr. Jiang!"

At this moment, Jia Renjie only wants to say that this is the beard!

On the other hand, Jiang Hao will call the phone to Wan Zhong!

"Aflerie, let Haishang take people to the big river to help me find my father, someone got away my father!"

Song Wan Zhongnan, the heart is giant.

It is no longer hesitial.

"Okay, I will let the Hai Shu and Wenhu Wu bring people!"

Jiang Hao also said, hanging up!

"Is it too low?"

"It's this to cast my name!"


On the other hand, Song Wan Zhong shouted to the Hai Shu and Wenzhou Wu Di them, commanded it!

Hai Shu, Wen Yi Wu slightly they listen to this, and she will take orders!

Song Wan Zhong looked at the sea uncle, but it was a fight.

"Dragon is against scales, you will die!"

Subsequently, he said he greeted a few real rights in Tianhe City.

At this time, because Jiang Hao, the whole Tianhe City once again windy!


At the same time, in a dilapidated workshop in the Dahekou, Jiang Zizhen hid in a debris, secretly looked at the people outside!

She tried to calm her calm down.

Slowly open the phone, and send it to Jiang Hao!

Jiang Hao has went to the Dahe, Jia Renjie took people, then arrived, two people just met!

Zhou people look at Jia Renjie's young people who have so many suitves, and suddenly talk about it.

"Hey, is this going to play a group?"

"What is the current rogue?"

"You fuck, you are looking for it!"

"That is the big master of Jiajia, Jia Renjie!"

"As soon, that, even the grand grandfather is so respectful, I am afraid the identity is not simple."

Everyone heard the words and took a breath!


At this moment, they are more curious, these people are gathered here, what should I do?


At this time, Jiang Hao's mobile phone rang!

Jiang Hao took out the mobile phone, it turned out to be the positioning of Jiang Zi.

Jiang Hao was relieved.

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