One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-click Upgrade Chapter 253

Original Jiang Hao thought that even if it was in his own test, he could be aware of it.

However, a few strange plants have given him a lesson.

That is a magical flower, however, no one can imagine, under its beautiful outside, there is a death hunter.

Even he almost hit, but fortunately, the talent is automatically launched in the critical moment, so that he escapes.

This experience, also let Jiang Hao have a few taboo for this secret.

And before this, he met several kinds of monsters.

There is a legendary sword tooth tiger, and there is a huge Sen, which has a strong essay, and a powerful dinosaury!

As he went to the depths of the original forest, the type of monster he encountered also has more and more!

This makes him carefully, and he also made him more fortunate.

He looks like some powerful beast hunters to quickly accumulate special energy.

However, despite this, Jiang Hao did not feel relaxed.

At this time, Jiang Haomei is more sorrowful.

"One day, the task is completed by 10, such a progress, I am afraid that I can't set up a special energy of one hundred units!"

One day today, he and the Yuanba jointly tied to hunting a few periphery of the periphery, and the completion of the mission was 10%.

It is understood that it is not simple to complete this secret exploration task within a specified time.

Looking at the depths of the original forest that were covered by night, he could clearly experience the crisis of the original forest.

And this time, his goal is in the depths of the forest!

That is a giant, it is more huge than that Bai Wei, the whole body has three or forty meters long, and it is simply a hill.

This giant is full of armor, and the sharpness of the defensive power.

This giant is he encountered during the day. At that time, he was fighting with a giant tiger, and finally killed the giant tiger.

I didn't expect this giant to suddenly appear, and the speed is coming to the extreme. It will swallow the death of the giant tiger and then disappear quickly.

Jiang Hao found a day and finally found it here.

At this time, he thought for a long time, compared to the periphery of ordinary monsters, it is most cost-effective to hunt this giant.

Although some dangers, the crisis and harvest are complicated, and then, he is not the power of a battle!

If this successfully hunts it, then his harvest is absolutely amazing!

He wants to complete this task quickly, which will be the best choice.

At this time, Jiang Hao is brach and pulls out his own property panel.

Host: Jiang Hao

System Level: 5 (2800100000)

Title: The main government

Warrior Level: Two Products

Shen Xiu Level: Second Penager

Life: 200

Weapon: Day, nine knives, , six projection

Skills: (hidden)

Talent: (hidden)

Skills: 3000

Personal space: open

Yes, his cultivation has broken through the five-level martial arts, this is the harvest during the day.

Jiang Hao stared at the system panel and sinking a way.

"Today, I have the power of five martial arts, but I am not afraid of him!"

"However, the monsters in this secret seems to be a little special and cannot be great."

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 574, decided, take the initiative

Thinking of this, Jiang Hao suddenly thought of a powerful talent obtained after the previous decomposition of the Wolf King - Fa Taki!

Due to this giant, this epic is undoubtedly best!

Jiang Hao is thinking about, between his heart, and the system panel talent is expanded.

Talent: Level 1 (010)!

At this time, the law is still at the first level, not he is willing to upgrade, but in the real society, the first-class method is complete enough!

The first-class method can give him twice the soil of skyrocket, he can become a three-meter giant.

Of course, in the blessing of the French episode, his repair, attack, etc. will double.

However, this consumption is very large, plus in the outside world, no one can make him make a whole, this magic is temporarily used.

However, it is time.

It is afraid of the power of his five martial arts, and there is no absolute confidence in the power of his five martial arts.

However, there is a difference between the law!

Today, it is also the power of this taboo of the law!

There is still three thousand points that have just accumulated the skill points, you can give the law to the Tianshi level!

However, I will try it to try the power of the giant.

I thought about it, Jiang Hao looked at the Yuanges next to the eye and thought about the opening.

"Yuan Ba, I am going to hunt the beast, you will wait for me here!"

One of the fighters, the face is suddenly excited, it seems to be involved.

Jiang Hao is stretched out, and then carefully explains.

"Yuan Ba, I know what you want to say, but this beast is too powerful, you are still not enough to recover now.

Coupled with night visibility, your combat power is big! "

"So, this time, let me come alone, you will watch the battle!"

I heard Jiang Hao comfort, although Yuanba felt very reason, he was still worried and Zhang mouthway.


Jiang Hao saw this, and smiled and opened his mouth.

"Nothing, don't worry, but a beast!"

Looking at Jiang Hao's heart has been decided, the Yuan Dynasty knows, even if you stop it, you will have no choice but to agree.


He also knows that even if Jiang Hao is fighting the giant, it is still no problem.

Jiang Hao arranged everything, his eyes looked forward, ready to start.

Seeing this Yuange but still didn't hold back, it will not be taken.

"Big Brother, you are careful!"

Jiang Hao wondered, laughing, nodded, and immediately disappeared in the original place.


For a long time, Jiang Hao came to a cave, staring at the cavity.

Under the eyes of God, Jiang Hao can clearly see that in this cave, there is a huge pyth.

With the arrival of Jiang Hao, this giant is aware of the first time and wakes up.

At this time, outside, Jiang Hao feels heavier and heavier, his face is dignified.


Sure enough, when it realized, the next moment, a huge head was shot directly from the cave, and the target only took Ginger Hao.

This speed is fast to the ultimate.

This kind of giant is too strong, he wants to swallow this small bug that invades it, does not give it.

If it is a general person, it is impressed that there is no accident.

However, Jiang Hao is different, and the giant is just all the movements in his gods, and there is no shape.

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 575 of the Virgin, Fayo

For the raid of the giant, Jiang Hao has long been prepared.

Seeing the bloodshot of the giant pyth, swallowing Jiang Hao, even, Jiang Hao can clearly feel this giant mouth, the unpleasant smell.

Just then, I saw that Jiang Hao suddenly broke out in the air, set off a wave of waves on the air.

Immediately, he pugged his fist, causing the bloodpots whose giants rushed over, shouted.

"Tianzi Dragon Boxer Huanghuang Dadi!"

In an instant, a stronger momentum appeared behind Jiang Hao, as if a brilliant world is general.

With Jiang Haoyun, this is not exhausted, and the huge python is caught in the moment.

"Boom ~!"

With a loud noise, a radiant broke out, and it took a strong wind.

The big head of the giant curtain was directly flying, and the fly back and fell on the rock wall, and took a big pit.

However, just a few interests, this giant actually swayed a big head in the air, a bifurcated tongue sent a silk sound.

A pair of scarlet scorpions killed Jiang Hao.

At the same time, the other side Jiang Hao has retired two steps, which stopped the trend of the back.

Feel this strength, Jiang Hao is more careful at this giant's face.

His hit has been used with him seven finishes, but it just retracted this giant, but did not hurt it.

This result is not cautious!

This giant is strong than he is expected.

It seems that this time I really want to use the magic of the sky.

However, Jiang Hao didn't know that just one hit, the giant is not hurt, but it is only the injury.

However, the giant python has been completely excited.

It turned out to be defeated by a small worm that it was a food, which is absolutely unbearable in its thoughts.

It sucked into the opportunity, and the thick snake tail is like lightning, he sweeps the trees around the trees, and the air is broken to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao looked at the great giants of fierce, and the heart was moved, and his foot is launched, and it constantly dodge.

At the same time, he communicates the system and decides to give the law Tianxiang to rise!

"System, consuming skill points, upgrading the talent method to the second level."

"Hey, consume 10 skill points, upgrade to the second level in the Tianxiang Tianxiang!"

France Taki Level 2 (0100)!

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