One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-button Upgrade Chapter 254

As the law is raised to the second level, Jiang Hao stops the footsteps and directly stimulates the talent method!

In an instant, Jiang Hao directly configures the seven high giants!

At the same time, Jiang Hao is transformed, and his strength, speed, defense, etc., all over the whole body.

This is the power of the second-level methodology!

He only feels at this moment, full of explosive power, has the power of the sky.

Of course, this feeling is only the illusion that the strength suddenly has caused.

Soon, Jiang Hao said that after the law is displayed, the real gas consumption in his body suddenly turned four times.

This finding made him quickly and calmly, and he could not just show the law in the law!

However, there is a speedy battle to make a speed!

Thinking here, Jiang Hao looked at the giant pyth that came to the endless movement.

There is no hesitation, Jiang Hao's power reaches a punch, and once again, he once again tied to the head of the giant pyth.

"Tianzi Dragon Boxer," "

This fistband has been awkward and has the endless advantage that the world's convinced, no one can resist.

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Chapter 576, a boxing, completing the task

Jiang Hao is like a championship of the world, the emperor of the world, the suppression of the unique, there is no anti-resistance!

The giant will be set on the spot by this powerful will, and it is not like being given a styling!

At this point, Jiang Hao's boxing is smashed, instantly attacking!


A huge roar came, and then it was a scream.

The giant python flew out, opened up a day in this dense forest.

The giant fell, and the dust is full of dust, Jiang Hao follows, I saw a piece of huge head collapsed.

It's a bloody, there is no such thing as it is.

See this, Jiang Hao is a dumb.

"Is this dead?"

This situation, Jiang Hao is not expected.

This is not the big pyth, but instead, the giant is very powerful. It is too much than the Bai Mang in Taibai Fengshan!

However, he was killed by Jiang Hao, and Jiang Hao, who was able to say, was too powerful!

Originally, Under normal state, Jiang Hao has the qualifications of one of them, but Jiang Hao, the whole body, defense, etc. after the application method is twice.

This is not a simple one plus one equal to two, it is a hierarchical leap.

In this way, it can be so surprised that it seems to be a punch.

Can only be said to be basic!

Looking at the giant pyth, Jiang Hao is somewhat.

Originally, he thought it would be a war. As a result, the opponent was dried down by his punch!

This makes him feel the feeling of the casings.

"I still want to feel the law of the sky, how can it be confused?"

Jiang Hao's feelings are somewhat depressed, helplessness has to relieve the sky!

In an instant, giant Jiang Hao quickly turned into normal Jiang Hao.

Looking at the big heads collapsed in the giant, the depression disappears on the face of Jiang Hao face, and nodded.

"Although there is no full application of the law, this battle is really powerful, it is a taboo of the legend!"

At the same time, the system's prompt sound is sounded.

"Congratulations to the main hunting corner dragon, the secret exploration is 15%!"

I heard the tone of the system, and Jiang Hao's mouth revealed a smile. Sure enough, I want to complete the secret exploration, I have to find strong creatures!

At this time, a few beasts came far away!

Jiang Hao is slightly changed, looking like a hill, a giant bodies.

"Not good, there is too much movement here, I have to leave this!"

He quickly reached the system space directly, then turned around.


Two days later, Jiang Hao and Li Yuanba stood in front of a huge dinosaurs, although there were a few wolves, but the face was full!

"Congratulations to the main hunting variant overlord, the secret exploration completion is 100%!"

"The secret exploration task is completed!"

"Reward: Ancient secrets control power!"

"Do you have a reward?"

Jiang Hao heard, and suddenly, I was busy opening.


With the opening of Jiang Hao, Jiang Hao only felt that his perception was soaring, spread to the entire secret at an extremely terrible speed!

At the moment, the entire secret is all in his mind, and there is no secret to him in a secret to him.

He saw the wind and the sound of the sound of the sound, and Jiang Xuan Gui louted in a dinosaur nest. He didn't cross a murder of the beast.

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 577 Mission Reward, Middle Tribute Control

Everything is presented in Jiang Hao's brain.

At this point, Jiang Hao's perception is unlimited, cross the mountain, through the original forest, and fly over the sea!

Until at this time, Jiang Hao knew that this is the vastness of the secret, and it is not more than the entire empire.

At this moment, he is the creation of the whole secret of the whole, and the mysterious secrets, the life and death of countless life seems to be between him.

Just at this moment, he gave birth to a thought.

"Kick all outsider!"

In an instant, countless foreign warrior, the murderous beasts suddenly disappeared, there is no sign of signs.

And those who are in front of Changbai Mountain have appeared in the outside of Changbai Mountain!

Looking at the scene in front of you, everyone is faceless.

"What is going on? Where is this?"

"Well? Is it Taibai Feng?"

"Lying. How do I suddenly come out?"


Waiting for people to react, there is a difference between the gods.

"No, let me go back, my spirit has not been taken yet!"

"Well? Thank you, my head is still there, I have not been eaten by the beast!"

"Hey, Laozi fights dead, just hunting only a different beast, have not come and pick up!"

One time, some people are fortunate, someone is annoyed, not enough.

At this time, Taibai Feng, the dragon king is doubtful, he stares at the five-color gods that are suspended in front of you, it is not well.

"What is going on? The secret should have a few hours will be closed. How do you suddenly be closed?"

"What happened?"

The dragon king is probably not thinking about it. The secret of this moment has been controlled by Jiang Hao.

If he wants to use the five-color gods to open the secret, you must get the consent of Jiang Hao, otherwise, even if he has a key!

For a long time, everyone tried many times, after all, they couldn't enter the secrets again, they had to be unable to leave!

At this time, in the secret, Jiang Hao finally became the power of the secret control of the secret.

Although the system gives him a secret control, he wants to completely control the secret, I am afraid there is another way to go.

With his strength, you can only reach the level of the manager, but you can't just like the world, once again change the way!

However, even so, it is also very powerful. He can enter and make a secret in any place, without restrictions, and he can clearly explore the entire secret.

This is very powerful!

As for the control of the secret, this Jiang Hao is not worried.

Because he has continuously increased with his strength, he will truly become the master of this secret one day.

Moreover, he believes that this day is not far away!

Jiang Haozi flashed in a firm, and then he looked at the distance.

"Where, there is a good demon medicine, just can be used to do medication!"

Although this is very poor in the secret control of the secret, his familiarity is not anyone in this mission!

Where there is a fierce beast, where there is a deceived, he is clear.

Soon, Jiang Hao defeated a few different beasts, and after they took a few dense drugs, they had no sound in the outside world, and they were mixed in the crowd.


Back home, Jiang Hao began to find the harvest of his trip to this secret!

Look at the body of the beast bodies in the system space, Jiang Haokili frowns.

These alcoholic bodies are very good ingredients, so he is only a full income system space.

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 578, inventory, big decomposition begins

Moreover, before he didn't know if it was a secret, when he would reach this secret again.

Therefore, he feels very precious, unwilling to waste, all income system space.

But now, he has already got a secret control of the secret, ready to enter and exit, and these alcohols are not so precious!

"Maybe, I can try to break down these aliells, see if there is a powerful talent!"

Jiang Hailing machine moved, suddenly thought.

"That's right!"

"The body of the beast is too big, go to the ancient secret decomposition!"

I think so, Jiang Hao thoughtfully moved, and the space in front of him was ripple, like a water curtain.

Jiang Hao did not hesitate, step in step.

In an instant, Jiang Hao disappeared, and the water curtain in the space did not see after Jiang Hao disappeared.


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