One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-click Episode 266

Chapter 604 Yanshou liquid promotion, can't see who?

At this point, as everyone gathers, Xu Kun is full of smile, watching the doubtful people, opening the mouth!

"Ladies, gentlemen!"

"Xu Kun, I want everyone to know, I will not introduce yourself!"

"Next, I want to tell you a good news!"

"I believe that this news will definitely let everyone shocked!"

Xu Kun surrounded by the audience and mysterious.

At this time, with Xu Kun, many guests are also interesting!

Everyone looked at Xu Kun, some of them had a hurry.

"Xu boss, don't sell Guan Zi, what good news? Say!"

With this person, others have followed!

Xu Kun saw this, smiling, reaching out, and everyone instantly quietly.

Xu Kun swept the audience and then softly.

"As the auction is approaching, there are constant guests to send some treasures, you want to temporarily join this auction!"

"These treasures are rare treasures that are usually seen, and this is even more unexpected - Yan Shouqi!"

Xu Kun sounded, and suddenly the whole venue is quiet!

However, the next moment, the scene was blown up!

"What? Do you have a delay in the auction?"

"How is this possible? Don't he don't know the preciousness of Yanshou?"

"Ah! It's actually Yan Shouqi! This old master is finally saved, I must take a quicker!"


For a time, everyone has red!

Yan Shouqi! Who doesn't want?

At this time, next to Jiang Hao, others are also surprised!

Even, even the wind and neon are also touched, her shello is light, surprised.

"Do you have anyone to auction?"

At this moment, Lu Jia's main face on the side is also slightly changed, and then the sound will be depressed.

"I don't know, how much can this delay?"

"If you can delay in life, it is already enough to spend some price!"

The style of the storm is a little bit, some endoted the point!

"Well, it's true!"

Lu Yingyu heard the words, looked up and looked at the seriousness of the gods, Lu's master, and her father and others were serious.

Let's take a look at it as calm, it seems to have everything that has nothing to do with him.

At this time, she replaced them a few embarrassments. The prostitute is here, you are still guessed this.

For another year?

Who are you looking for?

That is the mortal, 20 years!

Even if the military is consumed, it will have a certain discount.

But under the five products of the war, the human body is not met, it is not seen too much!

As for the war of five products ...

At this stage, the Earth's aura recovery is only the initial period, and it is not possible to support the five-piece military consumption!

Therefore, it is impossible to show five militors at this stage!

Although she really wants to tell her father, but she knows that she can't say it before Jiang Hao has not exposed!

No matter whether Lu Yingyu's helplessness, at this time, Jiang Hao listened to their discussion, and was a little surprised!

"It seems that Yanshou is more precious than I think!"

On the stage, Xu Kun looked at the excited people under the bottom of the stage. He is also happy!

This time, the end of the world is absolutely named!

At this moment, someone under the stage asked.

"Xu boss, I don't know why this delay is? Can you extend longevity?"

As this person asked, suddenly the scene was quiet, everyone looked at Xu Kun on the stage, and the eyes were full!

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Chapter 605 is amazed, and the preciousness of Yanshou liquid

Xu Kun heard, looked at everyone and smiled and opened his mouth.

"Since everyone is so causing, then I will introduce you!"

Said, he turned from a projection pen from his hand and opened projection equipment.

Subsequently, a few photos were projected on the wall behind him!

That is a green liquid, emits the lush life of life, surrounded by a hidden mist, it looks mysterious!

At this time, Xu Kun began to explain.

"The owner of this thing refers to it is extending liquid!"

"After our professionals tested, this drip extension has a very large vitality, absolutely enough to supplement an adult body for a year of life!"

Everyone heard the words and suddenly shocked!

"Hey! Isn't that a drop is enough for a year?"

"My God! This is too exaggerated?"

"I don't know if this auction will take a lot of drops?"


While shocking, everyone is too excited!

And Xu Kun did not have any exaggerated ingredients!

This drip extension fluid is that Jiang Hao integrates a lot of pure vitality in a bottle of life, and finally smelting this drop!

You must know that light a bottle of life essence is enough to save an end to death!

And Jiang Hao has added pure vitality between heaven and earth.

Even, if you want to extract a pure vitality between heaven and earth, there is no five-piece Wuwang level, you don't think!

Even if you have five products Wu Wang Xiu, then you have to comprehend the rules of life.

But if you want to understand the rules of life, it is not much easier than the special rules such as comprehension, space, causal!

In this way, it is conceivable that this drop of extension fluid has more difficult!

It can even be said that this is a product!

The melting of 20 drops of life, Jiang Hao is also forced to have a hard work!

At this time, everyone is very shocked by this drip tap!

Even the style is also amazing.

"Good powerful extension liquid!"

But the shock, but she is a bit unfortunately!

"Unfortunately, so powerful extension liquid, I am afraid there will not be too much!"

Surrounded around, everyone heard the words, very much, nodded.

At this time, Jiang Hao listened to the very serious analysis of everyone, but there was no fluctuation!

Xu Kun looked at the shocked appearance, once again smiled and pressed against the pressure, stopped the discussion, and continued.

"Now, everyone has already understood the power of Yanshou liquid, and everyone knows how many extended life liquids have to be auction?"

Speaking here, the whole site is quiet, all the people are all staring at Xu Kun!

Xu Kun came to the audience and suddenly loudly.

"Then I tell you!"

"Suctic fluid will take 20 drops tonight, which is the life of twenty years!"

With Xu Kun, I stayed at the scene!

For a long time, the people reacted, they showed an unbelievable look.

"20 drops? I didn't listen to it?"

"Twenty drop! 20 drops! 20 years old!"

"Lying. Tell, I am prepared, this is afraid of being enough!"


This, everyone is red!

At this moment, the people of the hidden family, Lu Jia, all many hidden families are completely unclear!

The style of the style is rising to see Jiang Hao, full of apologies.

"Sorry, Mr. Jiang, when you are important, the neon is informing the home, the loss!"

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 606, Wind, Sudden hostility

Jiang Hao saw it, and he slept his hands and said.

"Miss Feng is polite, please!"

The style of the storm is busy, and Lu Jia is also tight.

"I am sorry, Lu Mou is also ready, lost!"

Jiang Hao wondered, but also a political path.

"Lu Jia is polite, you please!"

On the side, Lu Yingyu looked at Lu Ying Yu and his owner left, but also a pity for them!

"The master is around, but they don't know!"

As the people of the style and the people of Lu Jia go out, it is quiet.

Jiang Hao calm sit back to the sofa.

On the one side, the Yuanba looked at so many people were preparing to compete for the longevity liquid, and suddenly, this is a big lively!

And he, I like to watch it!

So he got into Jiang Hao, mysterious.

"Big brother, this longevity liquid seems to be a good thing, so many people have to compete, it is better to steal him quietly?"

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