One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-button Upgrade Chapter 267

Yuan Baba's words, Jiang Hao suddenly!

I am going to steal me to take the extension liquid?

Is this a legendary me stead myself?

At this time, Jiang Hao blunt, on the side of Lu Yingyu low, a pair, I have to hold back the landing.

He looked back and looked at the Yuanges who were still moving next to it.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao's face is black, reached out, take the Kaiyuan, a positive education.

"Go, what do you think?"

"We are doing people!"

"How can you do this!"

At the same time, the bottom is thinking.

"If this is not mine, I can't buy it, I don't care!"

Yanshou liquid is precious to outsiders, but for him, it is only a bit of trouble!

Relative to the extension fluid, he is really a few precious gods.

For example, Zhangzhou Ding, one of Shenzhou Jiuding, symbolizes the emperor's orthodox !

This is more precious than extending life!

Think of this, Jiang Hao is a spirit!

Can't think about it, I want to rob it yourself now!

Yuanfa turns back to the brain, listening to Jiang Hao, a serious education, and suddenly squatting.

"I haven't done it!"

Jiang Hao heard the words, his face was more dark, suddenly, he directly gave the Yuanba's killing eyes!

Yuanli horses!

When you really know the time, it is Junjie!

Today, Yuanba can not dare to hit Jiang Hao!

Since the last strength has skyrocketed, Jiang Hao is a fightener.

Emperor's strength is recovering every day, he is constantly stronger, but Nai, Jiang Hao has a rebound!

In the end, the Yuanba was adjusted by Jiang Hao. Teach!

So, where is the Yuanba who dares to resist!

At this point, there is different people, the outside world, and the news of the twenty drip taps.

Several hidden families, the world rich, luxurious, etc., have got news, one time, a surprise crane.

Even, it is not good to be a wind and rain!

However, Jiang Hao seems to have not realized his unintentional move, caught a storm!

Time turns to 7:50.

A notice was remembered on site.

"The auction will begin soon, please enter the field in turn!"

Everyone got up and started to admit!

Jiang Hao also got up and started to follow the people!

Just when Jiang Hao was waiting for admission, suddenly, Jiang Hao felt a strong eye!

This is a strong murder, and it seems that I can't even get rid of eight!

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Chapter 607, guess, follow the wife

Jiang Hao does not reveal the sound, pretend to be unknown, to prevent the grass stunned!

At the same time, he thought of inert-moving, strong mental silent spread, others did not hit Jiang Hao spiritual power, naturally unable to detect!

Soon, under strong mental supervision, Jiang Hao found the goal.

What makes him upset is that there seems to have a monitored monitored in his or so, and there is a group of people.

Especially his rear, the group of people hidden in their eyes, and it seems to have any life and death.

In addition to the Pluto Temple, it seems that there is no cause of life and death!

Is these people in the Pluto Temple?

For this reason, Jiang Hao felt that the rear of these is the biggest possibility of the Pluto Temple!

However, what is the Temple of Pluto, dare to provoke me, kill it!

The two men on the left and right are somewhat strange!

Who they are?

However, to take a look at Jiang Hao, let him find a meaningful person in the left side, if you have something to monitor your own group!

" ?"

"That is to say that these people are one of the five top-pointed family members?"

"I don't seem to have intended to have it."

At this time, Jiang Hao is not wrinkled by the brow, although he is not afraid of these hidden families, but this does not mean that he is willing to fight with these hidden families!

At this moment, Jiang Hao flashed a light. I seem to think about anything.


"They are forbearing the sword in the hands of my hands!"

White kill sword in his hand, many people know that it is not a secret!

As for the buddy, Yuxi should have not disclosed in his own hands!

At this point, Jiang Hao wants to think, feel that there is only this possible!

You must know that the white killing sword is born, and there is also auction to auction today.

Similarly, these three treasures are not simple!

In the white killing sword, there is a white killing inheritance. It may also contain the Emperor's transmirous inheritance!

I believe that the beads will not be simple!

And such treasures controlled in one of themselves, they naturally will not be willing!

I thought about it, the group of people on the right, the biggest possible people may be the people of Hidden Zhao's family?

It doesn't matter, what is the , dare to reach out for me, then you have to be prepared by me!

Subsequently, he will throw this!

Soon, as all guests are admitted, the auction will start!

The previous period is some antique famous paintings, and there is no meaning for him!

During the period, there was a hundred-year-old snow lotus, just as the only thing he saw, he took the shot!

Subsequently, the auction continues!

Soon, the auction finally arrived in the later period!

On the stage, a cheongsam beauty auction teacher smiled and looked at everyone.

"As time passes, today's auction will be close to the end!"

"Next, there is a request to be auctioned in the beads of the scales!"

With the beautiful auctioneer's shout, the background, a beautiful woman with a plate of a shiny plate!

Soon, I am debut!

That is a fist size, and the vectors shine white light, which will be like a dark venue, such as white!

Everyone saw this, suddenly made a burst!

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 608 competes for

"Hey, it is true that it is the legend of the world to the world to the treasure!"

Some people can't help but surprise.

Jiang Hao is also a surprised, and there is no simply simple, and the night bead is so effective!

At this time, the beautiful auctioneer smiled and opened.

"I took 100 million, and the price will not be less than one million each time."

"Now, start with the Beads!"

As the beauty auctione is open, everyone suddenly came crazy, and some people screamed.

"I have 10 million!"

The voice of this person has not fallen, and everyone followed it, starting crazy price increase!

"200 million!"

"Two billion yuan!"

"300 million!"


Soon, the price of Bezhu was raised to 800 billion!

At this time, the hidden family, Zhao family, etc. have not been shot!

It can be seen that there is a lot of attractiveness to the world with the unparalleled people in this legend!

Just then, a voice was abrupt!


This sound came out, suddenly caused a excitement of everyone!

Some people actually increased the price of 200 million on the basis of just eighty billions!

However, this is just the beginning!

At this time, the people of Hidden Zhao's family have finally shot!

"1.2 billion!"

At this moment, the money seems to be just a bunch of numbers!

Soon, a middle-aged man sitting in front of the first row is a card, and quoted!

"1.6 billion!"

In an instant, the entire venue atmosphere rises speed!

Just then, the middle-aged man next to the world is quoted again!

"1.9 billion!"

With this person, Jiang Hao is not waiting, directly, and calm.


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