One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-click Upgrade Chapter 268

Jiang Hao suddenly killed, instantly, the entire venue was quiet, and countless people have hoped.

This is, there are a few way to see Jiang Hao's eyes more strange, it seems like it is watching the dead!

Jiang Haoxin is feeling, but it does not pay attention!

On the one side, Yuanba also felt the murder, suddenly, his mouth, the emperor, a red light, and his body was flashing!

Jiang Hao took a smile and took a moment, and his eyes showed that he relieved, don't impulsive!

At this time, the beautiful auctioneer shouted.


"Mr. No. 13 is 2 billion, is there a higher?"

Beautiful auctioner excited voice suddenly broke the silence of air!

However, this moment, everyone seems to have some conventions, whether it is the Pluto Temple, Hidden Zhao Jia, the hidden world does not increase again!

Perhaps, if there is no extension of life, they may still fight with Jiang Hao!

But at this time, their ultimate goals have not yet appeared, they are not willing to waste resources on the Hou beads!

Anyway, in their eyes, Jiang Hao is already a dead!

It is nothing more than the pearl to help Jiang Hao to help them first!

At that time, when they achieve their goals, they don't just collect the portrait, even if they kill the swords, let ginger will pay!

What is these ideas, Jiang Hao will not know? Will he be afraid?

Nobody knows!

At this time, as the beauty auctioneer has been inquiry three times, no one answer!


As the hammer is finalized, the beauty auctioneer announces!

"This auction is over, and the Hou Zhu is also all!"

"Next, start auction this auction last treasure!"

"That is the legend, everyone dreams of Yan Shouqi!"

"Yanshou liquid!"

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Chapter 609, Tiandunde Extension

With the auction manager, the background has a plate with a plate, and two white jade is carved into the small drug bottle in the plate!

This thing is an out, and everyone suddenly exposed a horrific light!

Since ancient times, many people are pursuing longevity!

However, there is no one!

However, Yanshui can extend the life of people. If there is enough extension, naturally, it will change the dream of Changsheng!

It is too rare to extend longevity, I am afraid that no one can achieve such a dream!

At this time, the beauty auctione starts to introduce the auction process!

"Yanshou liquids must have aware of understanding, now there are two bottles, 10 drops per bottle, divided into two auctions!"

"Now, start auction the first bottle of extended life liquid!"

"This auction starts 1 billion, and the price increase is not less than 10 million!"

With the auctionant's words, many guests have bid, and there is a time, the entire venue is coming.

"12 billion!"

"14 billion!"

"16 billion!"


Soon, the first round of fierce competition, the price of this bottle of extended liquid has been upgraded to 2 billion!

Next, with some big luxurists, there is also the top-ended hidden family and other successive participation, suddenly, the group is dancing!

"2.4 billion!"

"2.8 billion!"


In the end, let Jiang Hao unexpectedly fell to 328 billion, and won the first round of auction!

At this moment, Jiang Hao will not sigh, really, it is a top secret family, it is really a temperament!

With the end of the first bottle of extension liquid, the second bottle is also started to be auction!

And the first bottle of the first bottle of this bottle *** is even more unfortunately!

Everyone seems to have hormones, one is more excited!

In the end, it is expected that Jiang Hao is expected, the last bottle of extended life is actually taken by the hole with a price of 42 billion!

At this point, the auction will end!

With the speech by the auctione, many people are annoyed, and they have gradually leaving the auction!

This time, the biggest winner is Jiang Hao!

Jiang Hao goes to the background, goes to do auction settlement, and take the snow lotus and Hou beads.

On the road, a middle-aged man is near Jiang Hao, suddenly opening, and silent.

"Mr. Jiang, you can know that you have bloody disasters tonight?"

Jiang Hao wondered, his mouth was slightly rising, and he turned to look at this person, but smiling.

"Blood disaster? Listening is quite serious!"

"Which one are you? Can you let me escape this robbery?"

The middle-aged man looked at Jiang Hao seems to be uncomfortable, and suddenly he looked at Jiang Hao's eyes!

"I am just a unknown small pawn, Jiang Mr. Jiang does not have to care!"

Then, he placed a big unselfish look and facing Jiang Hao.

"And Mr. Jiang wants to resolve this robbery. Only, I just gave it to Mr. Jiang and Mr. Jiang. I will block this robbery!"

Jiang Hao heard, suddenly smiled.

"If you rely on you, you want me to give it to the sword with Hou Zhu and the white."

"Do you take me Jiang Haoyang?"

Middle-aged man heard the words, but it is not a happiness.

"It seems that Mr. Jiang does not believe what I said!"

"Then I told Jiang Mr. one news!"

"Mr. Jiang has previously destroyed the white tiger hall of the Plus Hall with a person, but the name of the genius is responsible."

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 610 killing chicken and monkeys, fighting

"But I also thoroughly sinned the temple. Today, the Pluto Hall seven killed the palace to order, send the Qinglong and Suzaki two talents, vowed to kill Mr. Jiang, show the power of the Pluto Temple!"

At this time, Jiang Hao suddenly surprised, but he did not expect such unexpected harvest!

"However, the Pluto Temple is really a thief is not dead!"

Jiang Hao is a big boy!

"I want to take me to kill the chicken monkey, today, I have to come back!"

At this time, the middle-aged man didn't know that Jiang Hao had sentenced the death penalty of the Pluto Temple, still in a strong persuad of Jiang Hao!

"Today, if there is no accident, Mr. Jiang is almost a bureau!"

Do you still don't understand Mr. Jiang? "

"Today, only we can save you, as long as you will give me the sword with Hou Zhu and the white, we will block the people of the Hall for you!"

In the middle age, the middle-aged man is almost huge steel!

"Mr. Jiang, what are you still hesitating?"

"White killing sword and the companion of your life, it is not worth mentioning!"

Jiang Hao looked back at the middle-aged man and decided to settle again, and then fade.

"You said so much, but how do you know, I will give it a white killing sword and take the beads, will you be able to block the people in the Hall of the Hall?"

When I listened to Jiang Hao's signs, the middle-aged man heard the words, and she was happy and then arrogant.

"Mr. Jiang, please rest assured, we are ..."

Speaking here, the middle-aged man suddenly wakes up, it is like a card shell, and then quickly changed the mouth.

"Mr. Jiang as long as you know, we are not afraid of Pluto!"

However, Jiang Hao is in the heart.

"Hidden homes?"

After getting the information you want, Jiang Hao didn't want to waste time.

He looked at the middle-aged man and smiled!

"I said so much, but you can't let me believe that you will definitely follow your promise!"

When you say, Jiang Hao will go!

At this time, the middle-aged man looked at the ducks actually flew, and suddenly!

He is not returning to the front of the head, and his tone is inexpensive.

"Jiang Hao, you have no way to go back, you can only believe us!"

Jiang Hao heard, stopped, the head did not return, and a clear laugh.

"Ha ha!"

"out on a limb?"

"My Jiang Hao's road is annex, why did I have a retreat!"

Tell, Jiang Hao is not staying!

In the end, Jiang Hao left, middle-aged men suddenly lost!

At this time, I came out of the world, I came to the middle-aged man, I looked at Jiang Hao left the direction, and sighed.

"It's a person, but unfortunately!"

The middle-aged man saw the world, and suddenly hurried, a face was ashamed.

"Less Lord, there is incompetence, fail to persuade Jiang Hao, please take a penny!"

The world puts a hand, it is light.

"Wonderful, just try it!"

"Since Jiang Hao has this confidence, let him go to the Hall!"

"Let's do this fisherman!"


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