Chen Dong was very unhappy. He turned on the surveillance loudspeaker and said calmly: "What are you doing? Didn't I say that you are not allowed to approach my shelter?"

"Or are you saying that as time goes by, you will lose your memory?"

The fox who mixed in and pretended to be a wounded person heard Chen Dong's voice, raised his head, and shouted loudly: "10086, we are not provoking trouble, but we are here to ask for your help. Please help us!"

Chen Dong snorted coldly and said indifferently: "Then you have found the wrong person! This is not a shelter and I will not provide help."

The fox said calmly: "10086, we ask you to give us some medical supplies. We can use daily supplies as reward! Moreover, the reward will definitely satisfy you!"

Chen Dong thought for a while.

I have obtained unlimited amounts of alcohol and anti-inflammatory drugs. If I exchange them for some daily necessities, it is not impossible.

After all, I don’t have unlimited food.

The more things that fill your stomach, the better.

Chen Dong said through the loudspeaker: "Okay, wait for me, I will come down and open the door."

The fox was secretly happy.

Sure enough, 10086 couldn't help it when he heard about the reward.

The wages of avarice is death.

It's a pity that this time, you will fall into my hands.

Chen Dong walked down the second floor.

Xie Anqi and Tian Xiaoyu have already gotten up and are making breakfast.

They also heard what Chen Dong said on the loudspeaker.

I don't agree with Chen Dong opening the door hastily.

Xie Anqi said: "Chen Dong, have you forgotten Jiang Kai's team? They also came to spy on our reality, and finally launched a night attack. If we hadn't had enough supplies and prepared in advance, we would have become them You must be careful not to make the same mistake again."

Tian Xiaoyu also nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Chen Dong, we have always used iron-blooded methods to scare the entire villa area so that they would not dare to make mistakes."

"The purpose of this sudden visit is certainly not simple."

Chen Dong smiled slightly.

"Of course I know this, and I can't open the door directly. I will only take the next step if they put the supplies in my hands."

Tian Xiaoyu frowned, still worried.

"What if it's a trap? They deliberately used supplies to lure them, isn't that just what they wanted?"

Chen Dong nodded.

"This is natural. So, don't run out of the yard later. I will go out alone."

"If the situation is not right, I can put on the battle uniform immediately and turn on the automatic defense armed system."

Xie Anqi and Tian Xiaoyu nodded in agreement.

As long as Chen Dong remains vigilant, the guys outside basically have no chance to take advantage of him.

"Then be careful. We will keep an eye on you in the house. If anything goes wrong, we will give you fire support."

After the three people discussed it, Chen Dong walked to the yard.

He said through the door: "What supplies are you going to give in exchange?"

"I'm going to say something ugly in front of you. If you want to get help from me, I won't do it without a reward that satisfies me."

The fox directly opened the transaction window and sent Chen Dong ten kilograms of meat, twenty kilograms of rice, and several buckets of pure tap water.

"10086, this is our sincerity, what do you think?"

"We just want you to help us heal."

Chen Dong received the supplies sent by Fox.

The richness of these supplies greatly exceeded his expectations.

I didn’t expect these guys to be so generous.

At the same time, this also made Chen Dong secretly vigilant.

After all, such a large amount of supplies is not a small amount.

In order to save resources, these teams generally allocate rations every day and are very restrained.

It won’t be as luxurious as having a full meal.

Therefore, these supplies, which Chen Dong thought were not small, were absolutely astronomical in their team.

It seems unrealistic to be willing to give it up in exchange for medical assistance.

It seems that these guys have bad intentions!

Chen Dong sneered in his heart.

I'd just like to take this opportunity to catch you all in one fell swoop so that I don't have to worry about you anymore.

Chen Dong slowly opened the fortress wall and let a few people in.

The fox walked in first and looked up at the automatic defense device in the yard.

They were just some outdated crossbows and firecrackers, simply decorations.

Just in case, the fox asked tentatively: "10086, your automatic defense armed system seems useless, right?"

Chen Dong snorted lightly, not politely.

"Aren't you here to receive rescue treatment? If you comment on my home, I can send you out for treatment!"

"Why don't you give it to me?"

The fox laughed loudly and broke his face.

The bandage covering his right hand was pulled, revealing a military dagger.

Then, he stabbed Chen Dong hard with the dagger.

Chen Dong narrowed his eyes slightly.

I really don’t know how to live or die!

Facing the attack, Chen Dong did not panic and easily grabbed the fox's wrist.

The smile on the fox's face froze instantly.

The dagger in his hand was very close to Chen Dong, but it didn't make any progress.


Iron Arm's group outside the fortress wall heard the sound of gunshots, but the fortress wall did not close.

They knew that the fox's plan had succeeded.

At this time, it was the perfect opportunity for them to attack the fortress wall in one fell swoop.

Iron Arm rushed out first, followed closely by King Kong.

A group of survivors followed.

They shouted loudly and ran into the wall from the ambush flowerbed at a very fast speed.

The slightly open door was pushed open by the leading Tiebi and King Kong.

Tiebi raised his arm tied with a sword, and the other hand held a pistol, and shouted loudly: "Kill!"

The survivors behind him shouted together.



"Kill a few!"

Everyone rushed into the wall of the barrier.

This was their first time entering the wall of the barrier.

It turned out that 10086's life was so comfortable.

There seemed to be two beautiful women in the villa.

But what they were paying attention to now was not the beautiful cars and beauties, but the fox and other teammates who had fallen to the ground in the yard and died with their eyes open.

Only one person was left standing.

It was a man wearing high-tech armor like the Iron Man in the movie, who waved to them and signaled them to go together.

There was no doubt that this was 10086.

Although they didn't know how such a uniform could exist, and they looked like mecha warriors in the movies, Tiebi and the others would not be afraid at this point.

Moreover, they had hot weapons in their hands.

Tiebi and the others didn't care how Fox died.

In all likelihood, the assassination failed, and he was beaten to death by 10086 in his uniform.

It was just right, there was one less person to share the supplies.

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