Iron Arm fired a shot at Chen Dong, and then commanded others to rush forward, trying to capture Chen Dong with human wave tactics.


Failed to break the enemy's armor!

The bullet hit Chen Dong's combat uniform, making a crisp sound.

Apart from leaving a scratch, it did not cause any substantial damage.

Chen Dong naturally saw Tiebi's intention.

Capturing alive is a very effective method for Chen Dong in combat uniform.

Just like Tian Xiaoyu before.

But Chen Dong would not give them a chance.

Chen Dong took out the UMP9 submachine gun.

"Fuck him!"

Iron Arm and King Kong, who were running in the front, saw it and cursed loudly, trying to stop.

But they were pushed forward by their teammates who rushed into the wall of the barrier behind them.

At this time, Chen Dong had already opened the safety bolt of the UMP9 submachine gun and fired wildly at the dense crowd.

In fact, the power of the UMP9 submachine gun is not that amazing.

But there are so many people!

With 20 or 30 people suddenly rushing into the yard, it was inevitably a bit crowded.

There was no need to aim, and a burst of bullets was followed by screams.

These survivors who were still full of ambition and wanted to attack Chen Dong yesterday, became Chen Dong's ghosts in the blink of an eye.

Some guys who failed to rush into the barrier wall in the first time saw that their teammates in front of them had quickly fallen down and had no power to fight back.

They ran away.

Chen Dong had already cleared the intruders in the yard at this time, and saw that there were still many fish that slipped through the net, so he shouted: "Don't run!"

Then, he rushed out of the barrier wall and chased after them.

All the guys involved in this operation were cleaned up.

Next, it was the aftermath.

Loot the supplies of the three teams, drag the bodies out of the streets of the villa area, and wait for the zombies to clean them up.

Then use the water that Fox traded to him before to wash the blood stains in the yard, and throw the food sprayed with poison on the pile of Fox's bodies.

He didn't know that these things were poisonous at first, but he tried them with instruments based on the principle of safety first.

As a result, it was found to be toxic wastewater.

Chen Dong naturally didn't dare to take it.

Although it was a pity, he could only discard it.


In the next few days, when searching for supplies, Chen Dong got some fresh seeds.

When opening the supply box, Chen Dong, Xie Anqi and Tian Xiaoyu leaned forward and looked at several bags of vegetable seeds, tomatoes, peas, rapeseed, bean sprouts, and many varieties. For a moment, they felt that they had no idea where to start.

In the past, they were just some young people who studied in the city.

Not to mention the children of rich families like Xie Anqi and Tian Xiaoyu, even Chen Dong, who was poor and depended on his grandfather, had never done these things.

Xie Anqi asked curiously: "Chen Dong, how should we grow vegetables?"

Tian Xiaoyu blinked and said hesitantly: "We should plant them and water them, right?"

Chen Dong held these bags of seeds with a tangled face.

"Although it's OK to plant and water and fertilize, each vegetable has different habits. Some prefer to absorb water, while others don't need too much water to survive."

"It's a bit troublesome!"

Tian Xiaoyu sighed, somewhat helpless.

"Hey, how long have we not been able to eat fresh fruits and vegetables? They are all canned fruits and vegetables. We finally got some seeds, but we don't know how to plant and care for them. I regret not learning how to plant fruits and vegetables from uncle!"

Chen Dong laughed, he was amused by Tian Xiaoyu's aggrieved expression.

"Xiaoyu, if we didn't know how to plant vegetables before, we can learn to plant vegetables now. Anyway, there are several bags of seeds, which are enough to waste to learn planting."

Tian Xiaoyu nodded, and then was a little unconvinced.

"What do you mean by waste? Planting vegetables is such a simple thing. Can't I learn it after a little trial?!"

Chen Dong shrugged and said nothing.

But the expression on his face said it all.

Tian Xiaoyu gritted his teeth and pulled Xie Anqi to the same front.

"Anqi, let's grow vegetables together. When they are grown, we won't give them to Chen Dong to eat. Let him stare at the fresh vegetables."

Xie Anqi was also happy to nod and agreed.

Chen Dong looked at the two girls who kicked him aside after a few words, smacked his lips and thought.

Could it be that during this period, he did not have the dignity of a captain in front of the two girls?

Chen Dong was not submissive, and snorted lightly and said: "Okay, then let's compete to see who can grow fresh fruits and vegetables first. The loser must agree to any condition of the other party. How about it, do you two dare?"

Xie Anqi and Tian Xiaoyu disagreed and patted their chests to express.

"Why not? Hehe, just wait and help us wash clothes for a week!"

Chen Dong smiled and said: "Then wait and see!"

"I am a model planter, you just wait to lose."

Chen Dong did not blush at all.

I am indeed a model of planting in other aspects, but it just didn't sprout...

In order to make room for these seeds and grow fresh fruits and vegetables, Chen Dong specially collected a lot of fresh and fertile soil in the wild.

Then he packed the soil and seeds in foam boxes and placed them in the yard and on the rooftop terrace.

Because they had no experience in planting, they placed the seeds too densely when they planted for the first time, resulting in a delay in their growth.

At first, Chen Dong thought it was because of the strong sunlight, so he watered diligently, hoping for germination.

Until he found that the seeds had been soaked and rotten but had not sprouted, he tried to take out the seeds and sow them again.

This time, Chen Dong did not learn from the lessons of the last failure.

He had no idea why the seeds did not change, and just thought that he had watered them too much and killed them.

The sun was shining brightly.

Chen Dong wore a straw hat and carefully buried the seeds in the soil, muttering: "Grow quickly and grow quickly."

In order to make the seeds germinate as soon as possible, Chen Dong directly poured the fertilizer into the soil and stirred it before putting the seeds in.

Although he always felt that this rough planting method seemed a bit wrong.

But he couldn't say it specifically.

Besides, he didn't know how to plant in the first place.

Just break the jar and raise it as you should.

Maybe it will sprout.

The same is true for Xie Anqi and Tian Xiaoyu.

Although they didn't spread out a handful of seeds like Chen Dong, they put a seed in a foam box.

In theory, such sufficient space is enough for growth and germination.

But they made the same mistake as Chen Dong, that is, they watered too much.

The two stood in front of the foam box with vegetable and fruit seeds in the yard, looking at each other, they seemed to have not figured out why the seeds in the foam box had not sprouted for several days.

Why is this? !

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