“This is the training room, and most of our infrastructure, in order to maintain concealment, is underground. This is the equipment room, which can be used casually. And on this side, there is a separate training room. ”

Pointing to a row of rooms that looked like dance halls, Yan Xiang said

“The training method of awakened people is generally to learn from the experience of their predecessors, and then slowly explore themselves. In order to respect everyone’s privacy and hole cards and the inheritance of some sects, there is no monitoring in these training rooms, and once someone uses it, it cannot be entered unless it is invited by the people inside. This is a written rule and must be observed. ”

Hearing this, Xia Yi’s eyes lit up.

Yan Xiang nodded:

“If you exercise, wait a while, I’ll take you to pick up the equipment ration first.”



After Xia Yi followed him all the way to a room, she received a small box and a key from a female staff member who called herself Sister Li.

Opening the small box, he found out… There is something strange about the stuff in the box.

At first glance, it looks like a walnut played with literature, or the kind of thick pulp.

There are three in total, non-gold and non-iron, which looks very strange.

Yan Xiang explained:

“This is the power ball, and the raw material is transformed from the power core of the demon beast.”

“…… The power core of the monster beast? ”

“Well, the scientific name is this, you can also understand it as the demon beast Neidan. Ten years ago, our country mastered the mass production technology of demon beasts and could raise demon beasts intensively. These things are the core of their actions, just like Neidan of the Yokai in the novel. Neidan is the power source that supports them and drives them, just like the human heart. After modification, it can have a variety of effects. For example, I have it in the ingredients of my cigarette that restores mental power, and this is the lowest level of inner dan, which is mainly used to supply energy to this…”

As he spoke, he opened an iron gate.

Xia Yi saw a row… Ordinary electric cars….

Immediately speechless.

Yan Xiang was not surprised by his expression, just awakened that meeting, he also had this virtue.

Smiled and said

“These electric vehicles are our means of travel. Don’t underestimate them, although the appearance is an electric car, in fact, their shells can be made of special materials, can be retractable, and can defend against some thermal weapons-level impact if necessary… Oh, here’s the manual. ”

After handing him a book, Yan Xiang continued

“There is a talisman formation engraved with the Dao Gate inside, which reduces its own sense of existence, even if ordinary people see it, most of them will ignore it. The maximum speed can reach 160 kilometers per hour. And with amphibious landing capabilities. ”

“Why not use a car?”

Xia Yi asked his doubts.

Yan Xiang shook his head:

“There are also cars, but considering the particularity of our ancient city, there are only a few main roads, and if there is any task, I will ride this first.” As you saw last time, the car is not easy to use in special terrain. ”

“So it was… It’s very user-friendly. ”

“That’s for sure. The predecessor of the Bureau of Investigation has been enshrined by the royal family, in order to maintain the stability of the world, it is necessary to adapt measures to local conditions and be realistic, you find your electric donkey according to the number, I am waiting for you at the exit, first take you for a ride, understand our daily work. ”

“…… Electric donkey? ”

The corner of Xia Yi’s mouth twitched, and he glanced at the ordinary battery car:

“This is a turtle-style car, right? The name is really ugly… Also, how to use this? ”

He pointed to the box in his hand.

“Just like charging, just stuff it in the charging port of the eMule, and it will dissipate on its own when consumed. A power ball can probably run hundreds of kilometers, and when it runs out, she is looking for Sister Li. ”

After speaking, Yan Xiang pointed outside and left.

And Xia Yi found his electric car number: 107, studied it for a while, and stuffed it with a mouth ball… Ahem, power ball.


As soon as the key is twisted, the electronic screen in the middle of the car lights up.

Exactly like a regular electric car.

It’s just that the power is a little different, and there are obvious high, medium and low three gears on it.

Xia Yi pondered for a while, and knew that the low grade was equivalent to an ordinary electric car. I didn’t study what mid-range and high-end things are, and after getting used to it, I rode out slowly.

Really ride my beloved little motorcycle and it will never get stuck in traffic~


Putting Di Fu on the fixed buckle in the middle, climbing up the exit of the underground parking lot, he was completely speechless when he saw Yan Xiang’s electric car.

I saw two rows of four words written on the protective plate under the seat cushion of the electric car:

“Night dew death bitterness”

“Hustle and bustle”

The meaning of these two sentences, he knows, is the most classic symbolic word of the Heguo riot clan.

And with those two sentences, the whole car was pasted like a ghost fire….

But it’s obviously a cute little turtle!

“You are…”

He couldn’t help but ask.

Yan Xiang laughed:

“AIBO, member of the Storm Yanxiang group, join in!”

Saying that, he slipped away with a cigarette, dragging a speed of more than 30 miles….

Only Xia Yi, who was messy in the wind, unconsciously covered his face and couldn’t bear to look directly.

(Plus more offered).

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