Indeed, as Yan Xiang said, after riding this electric car, it seems that people around will deliberately ignore it.

And this neglect also made Xia Yi feel a little fresh.

Just like if you are riding on an electric car and waiting for a traffic light at an intersection, you may care about the distance to the electric car next to you, but you definitely don’t care too much about the fourth car with two or three cars away.

You may look at it, but your brain doesn’t record any information about it.

Very peculiar.

Of course, there is a downside.

According to Yan Xiang, try not to run the traffic light….

In the early years, when the formation of the Daomen was developed, because of traffic rules, many buddies who ran red lights had accidents.

Somewhat embarrassing.

Then, a ghost fire of “night dew death and bitter noise” and a cute white turtle stopped under the east gate of the ancient city of Yehai.

After getting off the car, Yan Xiang took him to start climbing the city wall, ignoring the “Tourists Forbidden” sign hanging on the steps, Yan Xiang asked while leading him to the city wall

“Haven’t been on this before, have you?”

Xia Yi shook his head:

“Nope. This wall is also an ancient architectural attraction, right? But I haven’t seen it open, except when some leaders visit. What are we doing here? I am familiar with the roads of the ancient city, so I don’t need a bird’s eye view, right? ”

“Bird’s eye view?”

Yan Xiang smiled, and after climbing the wall, he pointed to the city gate tower above the east gate and said:

“That’s what we’re aiming for.”


Xia Yi’s face was puzzled, and he followed Yan Xiang to the city gate tower, and suddenly heard a husky voice with a smile:

“Hehe~ Yo, this is not the new meal of our ancient city branch… Big stomach king. ”

Xia Yi instantly had black lines on his head, and his eyes looked unkindly at the source of the sound.

A little fat man who was slightly thinner than Yan Xiang was looking at him with a playful but rude smile.

And next to the fat man there is a tall, thin man with his left hand wrapped around a bandage.

Yan Xiang introduced:

“Wang Qu, a second-level awakener, has the ability to communicate with animals, and the birds and beasts in the entire Yehai City are his eyeliner. It was thanks to him that he was able to detect the explosion for the first time that day. All kinds of winds and grass in the ancient city are under his control. ”

Saying that, he turned his head to the fat Wang Qu and said:

“Xia Yi, a fierce man, when the physical body is in the first-level awakening stage, he can cut down the third-level demonic soldier. Our investigation bureau’s new rice bucket inherited the mantle of the Xu team, and he is a man recognized by the rice bucket king of the ancient city branch bureau. ”


Looking at Fatty Yan’s cheerful appearance, Xia Yi’s neck rattled, looking at him as if he saw a piece of pork belly.

Yan Xiang quickly smiled, waved his hand, pointed to the thin man next to him and said

“Liu Jintao, a former sanda athlete on the national team, could have won the gold medal, but suddenly woke up in the early stage of the Olympics and could only regret to retire. Like you, he is a physical awakener, and Wang Qu is a second-level awakener, good at Muay Thai, and Tyson’s kind of goods is not enough for him to punch. At the same time, he is also a strong challenger to the previous rice bucket king, and he and Team Xu single-handedly lost with 38 bowls of noodles…”

“Fatty Yan, why are you so cheap!”

The thin man glared at Yan Xiang viciously, and then stretched out his hand to Xia Yi:

“Hello, Xia Yi, I am a witness to your record morning …”

“Big brother… Don’t mention this stubble…”

Xia Yi was already about to cry.

Why am I specially a crosser, the little king of the night sea comic book world (not yet born), why was I specially named the king of rice buckets?

Is there still a royal law?

And justice!


The three laughed together.

Then, Yan Xiang said

“Xia Yi will be my partner from today onwards, I will show him the door.”

Wang Qu nodded and continued

“Is the class scheduled?”

“Not yet, estimated these two days. He can play, presumably the night shift. ”

Pointing at Xia Yi, Yan Xiang said.

At this time, Xia Yi couldn’t help it and asked:

“What are you two doing here?”

Yan Xiang asked rhetorically while lighting a cigarette for himself

“You know where it is, right?”

“You know, the East City Gate Tower, the East Sea Dragon King is enshrined in the building. The four gate towers in the ancient city are national first-class protected cultural relics, which respectively enshrine the dragon kings of the four seas in the southeast, southwest and northwest, and bless the place with good weather and rain. ”

Saying that, Xia Yi also bowed his hand respectfully:

“The Dharma Body of the East Sea Dragon King enshrined in the hall has blessed this place without drought and flood for six hundred years, which is very effective.”

Yan Xiang nodded:

“Yes, if you say so, do you know when these four Dragon King Dharma bodies were built?”

“…… Are you testing my travel knowledge when receiving tourists? ”

Xia Yi rolled his eyes:

“Built in the early Ming Dynasty, there is also a legend that Liu Bowen cut the dragon vein, anyway, it is quite magical… Okay, let’s talk about it, why are you bringing me here? ”

Yan Xiang shrugged and pointed to the main hall:

“Because this is one of our main jobs after that, guarding the Four Holy Dragon Vein Seals.”

“…… What do you say? ”

“Four Holy Dragon Vein Seals. The four gates of the ancient city are four soul nails, nailing the dragon under us, ensuring that it cannot turn over. “

“…… What? ”

Xia Yi was interested.

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